Monday, 17 March 2008

Happy March 17th!

Hi again!

Did not write a post yesterday (March 16th); however, nothing has drastically changed in our lives. It was Alan's birthday on the 16th; and the 'covert operation' went off without a hitch. LOL! (If you wish, please refer to March 1st blog).

Alan had a really nice birthday; and the 'surprise' picture is awesome! The young photographer delivered the dramatic black and white scene. There is a genuine friendship here; and between us, we came up with some good tidbitz ideas; as well as for the 2010 Winter Olympics! We are going to assist him, to become better known in his field. He has been Blessed with an incredible 'Gift'; and good on him for recognizing and making use of his remarkable talent. Perhaps some of you have listened to the Hymn by Alison (her voice is incredible, as mentioned in my earlier posts); well this photographer has been Blessed with an unique eye for photography!

Our very good friend came over in the afternoon; and we celebrated Alan's birthday with a bit of champagne. The time went by a tid too quickly!

I also watched Joyce Meyers yesterday morning; and what a wonderful bittidz she shared with all those who were listening (key word!). She was very uplifting - again! Basically, we should look at what we CAN do; not at what we can't do. So many people set themselves up for the fall.

Tidbit - Enjoy and appreciate friends of ALL ages. We have been introduced to a refreshing young man; and 'like mindedness' always plays a major role, regardless of age.

Bittid - Recognize your 'Gifts', and develop them! So many of us do not; be it out of fear, lack of confidence, or whatever. You would be amazed how things change 'right before your very eyes', when you go for it! I am thinking of a little 'Leprachan'; with regards to things changing 'right before your very eyes!' LOL!

Love the above photo images; they are from last year. Once again, Happy St.Patrick's Day! I love St. Patrick's Day; and I am wearing tid green booties, emerald green top, and green earrings. Feel very mischevious! LOL!

HE will GUIDE you; all you have to do, is 'Ask Him for His Guidance', and HE will Help you with the rest!

God Bless.

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