Tuesday 19 April 2011

Soar Canucks, soar!

Good evening or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Will be back in a bittid; however thought I would write a quick post tonight. Alan and I watched the hockey game between the Canucks and the Blackhawks. We expected that the Blackhawks would come out in full force in the 4th game (in Chicago); inasmuch as the Canucks were in a three to zero lead in the first round of the Playoff series. That being said, I am sorely dismayed with the NUMBER of unbelievable minor penalties called against the Canucks (some 'phantom' calls). Also dismayed at the lack of calls against Chicago. However, a tidbit comfort is, that God watches and knows all things!

Tidbit - There are some games you win; some you lose; that is life. However, always remember to play with honour, truth, and integrity. That includes fair officiating as well.

Bittid - God sees everything!

May our Canucks score early and often! And, may they soar like eagles to be victorious in their fifth game against the hawks in 'our barn.'

Goodnight, peace, and God Bless.

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