Thursday 28 April 2011

More thankful again!

Good Night and / or Good Morning, whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

A few tidbits to add after last night's post, 'Thankful for Blessings!'

'The Lord IS our Refuge and Strength.' I am still in joyful awe with the 'double' rainbows. Hopefully you were able to see both of them in the earlier photos.

Also, I am still seeing the joy shining on the faces and in the eyes of our Greek friend and the young man.

Plus, I am thankful the Canucks won; and they are in my Prayers to play well in all their games. One game at a time.

I make reference to my November 23rd & 25th posts about being 'In the Middle'; as there is a lot of encouraging bittids in them. I am totally appreciative; and again, a 'thank you' to Joyce Meyer of 'Enjoying Everyday Life' for her wonderful insights. Just re read them now; and there are NO coincidences. For a bittidz of background, you may wish to refer to those posts.

ie, Am up again in the 'middle of the night' - still going through 'in the middle.' I take heart in that He has / is sustaining Alan and I through everything - one day at a time. Last night, I mentioned that we are unloading possessions; however, just as important, we are happy about 'decluttering' the 'stuff' - regardless whether we move or stay. We are discovering that one only needs so much. Hence, 'less is more.'

A short bit while ago, as I lay in bed, I was Praying to Him and I felt an inner peace knowing He IS there, listening to my Prayers. Alan and I are 'waiting upon the Lord'; and I know that everything is in His time; so we are being patient and enduring in Faith, Hope, and Trust. We are eagerly looking forward to His Help; and again, 'Our Father knows best'. ie. He knows what is best for each and every one of us; even if we may not see it at the time.

He tells us to ask, to seek, and to knock on His door; so I have been / am being persistent in my Prayers and requests. Also, I am asking Him to Direct our Paths, as per His Will. I received an immediate calm. To the point, where I thought I would get up and write a short bittid. As I got up, it started to rain; and what a gentle comforting sound the rain is making on our loft skylight. Another Blessing to be thankful for!

I was also 'Guided' to Psalm 139 ('God's Ommipresence and Omniscience') and reading that chapter gives me an extra special tid 'ooomf' of encouragement; perhaps it will do the same for those of you (or others you know) who would like a tidbitz uplift and a WOW! I like Verse 12 - " Even the darkness is not dark to Thee, And the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to Thee."

Tidbit - Live one day at a time and let Him take care of everything. Far simpler. 'Go the extra mile' to continue in being steadfast in Faith and Trust in Him, that He will Guide you through the storms / trials and tribulations etc.

Bittid - Appreciate your daily Blessings; or if you feel you do not have Blessings, look for some and 'adopt' them. Also, when you invite Him into your heart, He will never leave you. You will be amazed at the daily changes, going forward.

Also, we can take solace in knowing that Christ HATES iniquities. We have been experiencing iniquities / inequities; and we are reassured in koowing that He sees ALL. That there is a Purpose and the TRUTH always shows up.

We are contiually 'throwing all our burdens" upon Him; and we are thankful that He wants us (each and every one of us) to Rely Upon Him. Alan and I have been somewhat 'overwhelmed' or 'stymied' (with iniquities etc); and it is at these moments of being 'in the middle,' best to turn everything over to Him to Resolve. We are all a part of His flock and He is our Good Shepherd.

If one is 'overwhelmed', just turn everything over to Him. With those words, I am going to say 'Good Night;' eventhough it is in the wee hours of the morning and the dawn will be here soon enough.

Here is another picture of the magnificent 'double rainbows!'

Peace and God Bless.

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