Wednesday, 13 April 2011

An inner peace

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Today has been a rather quiet day. No bittid phone calls, no nothing! Actually been wonderfully peaceful and eventhough we are not sure of our future plans, we know that He will Provide a Solution, and show us the way, as 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.' We made a few tid calls to set up some appointments re: downsizing 'stuff.' Regardless of what happens, it is good to declutter / 'spring cleaning'; inasmuch that there has been a lot of 'stuff' that has accumulated over the years.

The weather too, has been a bit iffy. ie. 'April Showers.' However, we can admire all the beautiful lush green foliage around us. Spring is such a gorgeous and refreshing time of year, when everything is starting to be in flourishing bloom.

We are looking forward to watching the hockey tonight between our Canucks and the Blackhawks. May both teams play well; and may the games be well officiated.

Earlier today we read 'Lessons from a Leper' in the 'Our Journey' Booklet from Living Truth Ministries. Essentially it was about gratitude and the fact that ten lepers were healed by Christ; and yet only one leper returned to give Him thanks.

Tidbit - When you are genuinely grateful for your daily Blessings and you always thank Him for them, it is amazing how various bittids of 'trials and tribulations' disappear.

Bittid - Trust in Him, Rely upon Him, ask Him to carry your burdens and leave it to Him to work out the rest. 'All things are possible with Him.'

The lovely old silver platter is from the end of the 18th Century; and eventhough we are unloading 'stuff', this one piece is a 'keeper'; because of its age and having been sentimentally passed down through generations. At the end of the day, we will have far less (possessions), but will have gained far more (peace of mind from the Holy Spirit).

A tidbitz expression: 'When one is born into this world, one comes in with nothing; and when one departs, one leaves with nothing.' So, the few bittidz pieces we will have left, we will heartily enjoy and appreciate! However, I would have loved to have been a 'fly on the wall' to have observed those living in those centuries; so richly steeped in history etc.

Also, knowing that we are not to covet or store our treasures here on earth; rather, treasures will be stored for us in Heaven. These are just but a few tidbits of thoughts.

Also, I keep 'hearing' - 'Be still, and Know that I am God.' (Psalm 46:10). Alan and I have surrendered to His Will; so wherever He places us, it is per His Will, Purpose, and Plan. We have Faith knowing that He will Guide us through all 'trials and tribulatioons' and we say 'Thank You' to Him.

Peace and God Bless.

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