Friday, 30 October 2009

Glad it is Friday evening

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world! It is dark and gloomy; a typical Fall night.

Well, it has been another tid full day, with some good news; in that we have many Blessings to be THANKFUL for. However, it has been somewhat overshadowed with some bittidz disappointments. ie. A key individual who is working on our behalf (and there have already been undue delays), just told us later this afternoon, that he is going on holiday mid week. 'Oopsy doodle'; that sort of 'leaves us in the lurch.' We have kept other options open (a prudent thing to do, methinks); but it does appear that we may have to initiate yet another strategy. However, we are having now to re evaluate; and that God must have another Purpose (we have been learning lessons all along). Currently, we do not quite understand this latest go around; save that we TRUST He HAS a GOOD PLAN; and most likely, an even better one for us!

Have also been participating as a 'newcomer', in a home based business (which I love!); and these 'darned' distractions have been a bit of a hindrance; however I am doing my best to work around all these various tidbitz challenges.

I had hoped to share some bittids re: 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -; and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price - from the Vision Channel, that I so enjoy watching on Sunday mornings. I do not mind sharing their wonderful teachings of encouragement and empowering enlightenment; however, it truly is more beneficial to tune into their programs / websites to receive the direct tidbits of knowledge.

Tidbit - 'Keep on Trekking'; turn disappointments into delights. 'Fear Not, For He has Overcome the World' - those are comforting thoughts of hope and refuge.

Bittid - 'Appreciate the little things' and 'keep things simple'. Plus, GIVE Him your burdens; He will carry them for you. 'Praise Him In ALL Things' in all circumstances, regardless.

This photo image is of an exquisite oyster plate; which we have from a very dear friend. If you look at it closely, you can see the outline of a turkey! I just thought the two pictures would compliment each other with the majestic colours of Autumn!

We are glad it is the weekend; and we will take these upcoming two days to reflect and reconsider our plans for next week, under His Guidance. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'; and we have turned everything over to Him to work out. Thus, we will be 'of steadfast good cheer', and enjoy the weekend, as it unfolds. It is now pouring with rain; however, I do not mind; as this just increases our joy for appreciating Him and our cosy abode all the more.

Good Night, Peace and God Bless.

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