Saturday, 3 October 2009

Morning Blessings!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Yesterday was a full day and then some! We took to our bed early; and literally 'slept on things'. My Dad always counseled me to 'sleep on things'; particularly if one was not sure re: making a major decision.

Fortunately, we had a sound and solid (probably much needed!) sleep; and as per my Oct 1st post, 'Appreciating small Blessings!' the wonderful words, "REST in Me. for I AM within you" have really inspired and encouraged my spirits. To quote from that tid post: "Before I fell off to sleep later last night, I was in major Prayer 'dialogue' with Him. I kept hearing "REST in Me, for I AM within you." I thought, 'Wow!' Those magnificent 'words' were of / are a huge comfort and a reassuring refuge to me!"

This morning, I was up early; nice to enjoy the peace and the quiet of the early morning and our home. Plus, it is a gorgeous Autumn morning! I lit a fire, turned on our display cabinet lights (to appreciate all the more our Lady Head Vase Collection), and inhaled my morning elixir of coffee. I was taking a bittid reflective moment to have further Prayer 'dialogue' with Him; and I kept hearing the tidbit 'whisper', 'that eventhough we as humans, have our problems and challenges, nothing is too big for God, and that God is bigger than our problems'. That is such an awesome message, methinks!

We have thrown all our burdens upon Christ; which is what He wants us all to do! We have done our bittidz best; and at the same time, we TRUST that He has a wonderful Purpose and Plan for us. We agree full heartedly, that we must not Rely upon our own Understanding; but to have the absolute desire to simply turn everything over to Him to Resolve and Provide our needs.

We have been presented with a recent resolution; but it is not necessarily in our best interest; not even for the short term. Although, tempting. However, we have been Asking Him for His Guidance, Understanding, Power of Discernment, Clarity, Wisdom to help us make the 'right' and viable choice(s). We do have various tidbitz 'irons in the fire'; and more options will be revealed early week.

Took a bit photo this morning; and when our computer 'upload image' works again, I will display the cheery picture; as it depicts a warm and cosy atmosphere of our exquisite fireplace, as well as our beautiful purple orchids in abundant bloom. If you wish, you can refer to my September 2nd post, 'Beauty in bloom!'

Glad it is the weekend! Tomorrow morning, we will embrace the Vision Channel; and I look forward to experiencing some more enlightening ephifanies. There is always something to learn! The wonderful websites again, -;; and provide excellent Biblical teachings, as well as empowering encouragement; should any of you wish to be uplifted and have a greater understanding of Christ.

Here is wishing you a nice R & R Fall weekend. Hope you are feeling more upbeat after you have read today's post. Eventhough, Thanksgiving is right around the corner, we feel we all have many Blessings; and that each and every day is like a 'mini Thanksgiving!' 'Praise Him In All Things'.

Peace and God Bless.

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