Saturday, 17 October 2009

Saturday night at home

Good Evening,

It has been a great day; and we anticipate with grateful thanks, a really nice R & R evening at home.

After my morning post, we went out to do some bittidz errands; as well as 'looking for' some 'street people'. Alan had made a huge batch of turkey soup (from our leftover Thanksgiving turkey); and he had a large box of clothing from years ago, that contained socks (washed), T shirts, sweaters, scarves, a couple of jackets, and a warm ski jacket with matching waterproof overalls.

On route, we went to the 'consignment shop' and the $31.50 we received, went a long way.

Should mention on Friday, the 9th of October, the start of the Thanksgiving long weekend, we were given $62.50 from our consigned cup and saucer sales. That gift was a 'Blessing' to us; as it permitted us to buy a ten pound turkey, a package of whole cranberries (which I made homemade cranberry sauce from), 'Idaho' potatoes (for mashed potatoes), brussel sprouts, pumpkin pie, ice cream, and a bottle of South African red wine. Made from scratch thick gravy (it was delicious!) from the juices and the turkey giblets. We also bought our lotto ticket; which ultimately won us $20.00. We were exceedingly Thankful; as our pockets and larder were somewhat empty; certainly devoid of any Thanksgiving festivity food. As mentioned in the Thanksgiving post, we really enjoyed our Thanksgiving weekend; as well as receiving pivotal tidbit good news on Monday; which assisted us for deadline Tuesday - ALL HIS DOING!

So, with the 'new found money' of $31.50 today, we bought another lotto ticket, 2 firelogs, and two tasty Greek phyllo spinach & squash filled croissants. This made our Bakery lady friend happy; as I do not think she had too many sales today. Also, in the local mall, there was a preserves / bazaar sale put on by a nearby Church group; so I ended up treating us to a small jar of homemade apple cider jelly. Ran also into some good friends (old enough to be our parents); and they are still as energetic as ever! An amazing couple; looking as 'young as ever!' A thoughtful tidbitz, methinks a positive attitude, an enthusiastic spirit, and a genuine empathy for others, goes a long way to be 'young at heart!'

Going back to the 'street people'; we 'found' two that were so thankful to see food; as well as socks, a warm scarf to wrap around an exposed neck, and a thick sweater. There was nothing to fear; or at least we were not fearful and they were 'good' people. They were in their mid 60's to 70's.

Then further afield, on the 'east side', we came across a man (in his early 60's). He was on the other side of the street and we were going in the opposite direction. I told Alan to turn around; that that man needed the ski outfit etc. Turns out, he was in need of a jacket etc; as all his belongings (not many) were soaking wet from the previous night's rain. He was attempting to dry them out. He sleeps on the street; apparently it is 'safer'. Our hearts went out to him. When I first saw him, he was attempting to shave and wash his upper part of his body. He was truly appreciative, and we know that the ski outfit will act as a 'sleeping bag' to protect him and keep him dry tonight. Plus the outfit fit him like a glove and the colours looked fantastic on him!

Then we ran into two others, then a band of five, and finally one more, before we ended up at our final destination, The Union Gospel Mission. The bittid clothing that was left, went to their 'free bin'; so that will supply those in need, as well.

I happened to tell our Bakery lady friend and our two older friends about our day. They thought that was 'very nice' of us. I immediately said; That is not why I am sharing this with you. It is because it feels GOOD TO GIVE; and that we all have so many Blessings to be Thankful for; and that this in turn, gives everyone a 'BOOST' of HOPE! When I see them again, I will gently share a witness with them, that it is the 'generosity of spirit' from the Holy Spirit, that encourages us to Give.

A short while ago, we devoured our good friend's home made split pea soup that she also brought over for us, when she came over on Wednesday evening. (She also brought over a bottle of white wine and a firelog! A good friend to have! LOL!). The soup was excellent; and I served them in our two mini tureen 'bouillon' soup bowls; which I 'found' on Ebay years ago. Never have used the bowls; so it was all the more an exquisite occasion! Plus, the savoury croissants from the Bakery. Mmmmmm. Methinks, we will (or me for sure) will be having a tid light supper tonight.

Tidbit - 'What goes around, comes around'. 'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you'.

Bittid - 'Better to give, than to receive.' Eventhough, it is wonderful to receive; it is also extra rewarding to give. ie. One can not put a price tag on the smiles received; nor can one, put a tag on giving genuine encouragement to uplift the spirits of others.

On our way to the 'street people', the sun came out; and lo and behold, a magnificent rainbow appeared! I thought, 'Wow!' To me, this low in the sky rainbow was awesome; and was a bountiful Blessing!

There is a 'special' warmth about this inviting photo image, methinks. As mentioned earlier, we are home for the night; and it is now pouring 'cats and dogs' again; with dark overcast skies. You can refer to yesterday's evening post, if you wish a bit of background.

Also the Canucks are playing again tonight; and I wish them all the best. Also, there may be a good Saturday night movie to watch later. Hope you enjoy a nice evening as well.

Peace and God Bless.

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