Friday, 16 October 2009

Thankful for Friday evening

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

The time has just whirled by us! A lot has happened since I last wrote yesterday morning!

We had a good meeting yesterday afternoon; and combined with other tidbitz tasks, we arrived home in the early evening hours. We will have more info to share after Monday / Tuesday. Also, we had an unexpected phone call; and we may hear more from them over the weekend. It would appear that 'another carrot' is being dangled under our noses. However, we are Seeking His Counsel, before we make such a major decision. We are leaving everything to Him to Conduct and Direct; and we are in His Hands. We trust and know He has His Purpose, along with a GOOD Plan for us. What occured Tuesday, has buoyed and encouraged our spirits! The last two posts give you some bittidz details, if you wish a bit of an update.

Earlier this morning, Alan saw his doctor / surgeon for the renewal of the prescription, Celebrex, (buying it from Costco, is far cheaper) as well as confirming his knee operation, slated for November. After the appointment, we picked up our monthly kitchen larder of supplies from Costco. Costco has such wonderful items; and our large calculator that we bring with us, is very helpful in keeping us focused on sticking to our list.

My son is coming over this evening for dinner and to watch the hockey. We are looking forward to seeing him; plus we are thankful that it is the weekend. It is pouring with rain; so we are glad to be home for the night. A tid time to relax, as well as a quiet time to recharge our batteries; and to refresh, reflect, and refocus on our upcoming goals.

Will be back tomorrow. In the meantime, here is wishing you an uplifting start to the weekend.

Peace and God Bless.

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