Thursday, 8 October 2009

Overcoming obstacles

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

The wonderful Hymn, 'Amazing Grace' keeps going through my mind. The words are so true! As I have mentioned in previous posts, we are simply leaving everything to Him to Provide our needs. He IS our Solace, our Refuge, and our Strength. Interestingly enough, I was momentarily 'Guided' to read Psalm 46 and verse 1 says: "God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble". These words are of extra 'special joy' to me; and another enlightening ephifany, that there are NO coincidences!

Christ has helped us 'overcome' all other past obstacles. He says, 'Fear Not, For I have Overcome the World'. We take stock and Faith in that magnificent message and therefore, would He do any less for us? He IS our 'Helper' to overcome. 'I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life.' We are in a 'waiting' mode; and we Know He has a Purpose, and a Good Plan for us, to suit His ultimate Purpose.

Thought I would share a quick bittid of an update. Will let you know when we know.

Tidbit - Genuinely Thank Him for your Blessings; even during the times of strife.

Bittid - 'Praise Him In ALL Things'.

This morning, when I was in a Prayer 'dialogue' with Him, the tidbit words, 'Be of Good Cheer', 'Rejoice', and KNOW THAT I AM THERE WITH YOU. That is the essence, methinks.

Hope your day is a good one. He wants us to just give Him TODAY. Not to fret about yesterday or to have 'angst' for tomorrow. Give Him the best of you, today.

Once again, I write the posts as a bittidz journal; as well as a tidbitz uplift of encouragement (me included), to all those who read my posts. We are anticipating a positive outcome of GOOD news.

Just realized that the time that this post is being published is at 12:34 pm. Makes me immediately think '1,2,3, 4 - who are we for?' My quick response is Him! Amen.

Peace and God Bless.

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