Saturday, 10 October 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Yesterday came and went. A full day of calls, people, etc. If you wish, you can refer to my recent posts for some tidbit info. Our 'D Day' has been extended to this coming Tuesday; as it is the Canadian Thanksgiving long weekend. We are thankful for these few added days, as that gives us the extra time to have 'our ducks in line'.

As a bittid, we have been let down yet again. The greed is very apparent. We have also walked away from 'tempting' options; but in our hearts, we know that we would be 'selling ourselves short'; as well as jepoardizing a loyal and trusting friend. Loyal and trusting friends are few and far between; and we are grateful for his genuine friendship with us. It is amazing though, how many people do 'sell themselves short', due to fear, doubt, anxiety, greed, whatever shoe fits. What is even worse, Alan and I would be 'selling Him short', if we gave way to these 'carrot dangling' 'quick fix' temptations. We would not be 'prudent', nor 'honour bound' stewards of the Blessings He has Given us.

However, we know He has a Purpose and a GOOD Plan for us. There are definitely lessons being learned by Alan and I along the way. Am thinking what Charles Price, of 'Living Truth', said about 'bitter blessings'. You can read my post, 'Better Blessings' of September 29th for reference.

We know that Christ does not give any of us, any more burdens than we can carry at any one time. And, if you genuinely Ask Him to carry your burdens, He DOES - asap! Will say that we have had a number of burdens; and as of late, it would appear that they have all been saved up! Not complaining; but it has been an interesting less travelled road. However, we are ABIDING and TRUSTING in Him to Provide, and to SHOW us the Way; as 'He IS the Truth, The Way, and the Light'.

In this morning's quiet 'dialogue' Prayer with Him, I did ask 'Should we keep on trying?' - because so far, we have been disappointed, let down, and sadly have 'discerned' ulterior motives. However, there is something 'within' (the Holy Spirit) that keeps 'saying' to me: "Do Not Give Up; Do Not Quit". In a tid, we are Prayful that something will show up prior to Tuesday. Guess what I am encouraging you, is to keep on going, no matter what 'trials and tribulations', you are experiencing at this bit moment. ASK and LET Him Guide you, one day at a time.

Am also looking forward to watching the Vision Channel tomorrow morning. ie. 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -; and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price - They and their ministries provide such wonderful inspiration; as well as being well regarded International Bible Teachers, who offer enlightening encouragement and solid insights.

Will keep you posted, when there is more to share.

To all of you, who are celebratiing the Thanksgiving Weekend, here is wishing you an 'extra special' one! We all have much to be Thankful for, and we are very appreciative for this meaningful weekend.

Peace and God Bless.

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