Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
If you wish a bittid of background, you can refer to some recent tidbit posts, as well ss yesterday's post, 'Overcoming obstacles'. We have some major hurdles that we are going through, and today is 'D Day'. We have been diligently working towards resolution; placing all our Faith, Hope, and Trust in Him (Christ) to provide a Solution.
As most of you know, these are tough times; and am sure a number of you have, or are aware of others who have had their share of challenges. In brief, we have seen better years; as this past year, starting with September 2008, has been a difficult one. We also know that He has Guided us through each and every day; that He has helped us 'overcome' obstacles. We are RELYING upon Him to do the same today.
These past few weeks have been full of Prayers, and it gets down to simply TRUSTING / ABIDING in Him to Provide Solution. Here is a tidbitz quote from yesterday's post, which sums it up.
"Christ has helped us 'overcome' all other past obstacles. He says, 'Fear Not, For I have Overcome the World'. We take stock and Faith in that magnificent message and therefore, would He do any less for us? He IS our 'Helper' to overcome. 'I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life.' We are in a 'waiting' mode; and we Know He has a Purpose, and a Good Plan for us, to suit His ultimate Purpose."
The last few days we thought there had been a viable choice; or so we were led to believe. Hmmmmm. We found out quite differently last night; in fact quite the opposite. Another let down - be it from further delay, ulterior motives, whatever. It has been a very interesting time, methinks. Enlightening ephifanies, comes immediately to my mind. We then went with our next and last option; and we will know in a short bittidz while, whether this will be or not be. We have Prayed to Him that He may touch this person's heart, who in turn can assist us, if he wishes. Actually, this would be the best, easiest, and simplest way! Clearly, "He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light" (and Life). Thus, we are waiting upon Him to Prevail; as we have surrendered and cast all our Burdens upon Him to be our 'Helper'.
When we received the devasting news last night, we humbly and numbly sat at our tiny round kitchen table; and throughout our dinner, we Prayed in earnst. Alan made up some prawns (from Costco), some rye toast, and believe it or not, that delicious but simple meal really hit the spot. Along with some of our tid cherry tomatoes from our garden, and a glass of ice water. A bit of 'food for thought' methinks.
Will keep you posted. All I can say (write) is to 'Keep on trekking'; and ALWAYS Trust in Him to Provide your needs. Eventhough, there are times, when things are not abundantly clear. With what we went through last night, we 'fell upon' yet another option; and it does appear to be the best of the lot! KNOW that He has a GOOD Plan for each and every one of us; as He LOVES us all unconditionally. Hope that is a tidbit of comfort and a bittid of uplift to all those who read my post.
Peace and God Bless.
Friday, 9 October 2009
Total trust
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