Thursday 29 October 2009


Hi again,

Well, (that is a deep subject - you can refer to my tidbit post of June 13/07, if you wish a bittid of info) we managed to get a fair amount done within the last few hours; including the driving in this deluge of rain. Good now to be back at home on this rather dismal, bleak fall day. The autumn leaves though, are absolutely gorgeous and their splendid colours really show up in the rain!

Should mention too, that the photo image is from some of my earlier posts. Am not able to locate it at this tid moment; however, when I do find it, I will give you the dates of the posts for a bit of background. We happen to have this unique antique plate; and everytime I pass by it, I always chuckle! It is an 'oyster' plate; in the sense that the gentleman is swept away by his love for tidbitz oysters. A bittidz pearl of wisdom: Keep life simple and enjoy each and every day; as each day is special! We all have Blessings to be thankful for!

Time to make some calls. Here is wishing you a great day, with positive outcomes!

Peace and God Bless.

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