Saturday, 29 August 2009

Saturday morning reflections!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is Saturday am; and am glad of it! There is always something extra 'special' to me, about a Saturday morning! Perhaps it is after a week, and one simply takes the time to just appreciate a calm. My elixir of coffee is definitely a plus as well! Love the above photo image! It is, indeed, a 'Good Morning!'

When I went outside early this am; I noticed our patio gate was open; methinks it was our neighbour who came back to gather some more 'garden goodies'. Good on her! Happy that she feels comfortable enough to take us at our word! She has experienced some sad times; so perhaps our tidbitz garden is a bittidz of a refuge for her! We are, indeed, very Blessed with having such good neighbours; and eventhough they are a lot older than us, we enjoy a wonderful 'ageless' friendship with each and every one of them!

As mentioned in my earlier posts, we have been attending to various projects; and now it is a simple tid matter of 'waiting'; as one can not 'push' in these matters. We are also working on other options; so we are being 'proactive'; but 'waiting' at the same time. Perhaps some of you can relate. ie. With the financial meltdown, this past year, methinks most of us have been 'caught in a perfect storm'; as in a 'domino' effect, thus affecting 'innocent bystanders'. We are doing our every bit best to 'ride the storm'; with Him being our Captain at the Helm. Have also suggested that better to be of 'GOOD CHEER', while one waits for Solution from Him!

Also, for a tidbit uplift, I can almost hear Robert Schuller's (Jr) voice saying:'When you are down to nothing; you know He is up to something! ie something GOOD for YOU'.

Another encouraging bittid, Dr. Charles Stanley sharing about 'when He is silent'... This does not mean God is abandoning you; on the contrary! He is simply 'waiting' to fulfill His Purpose; to the GOOD, for YOU.

The tidbits / bittids are a reassurance / upbeat to me; particularly during these moments. Hopefully, they also help serve as an enlightenment for all those of you, and / or those whom you know, who are going through challenging times. If you are wishing to 'Seek and Ye Shall Find', their ministries / websites provide great insights in that regard. Am looking forward again, to watching the Vision Channel tomorrow am; and will embrace the knowledge they share! Will say 'Cheers' with my cups of coffee! If you wish, you can refer to my earlier posts for their websites; as they do offer solid Biblical teachings, that apply to enjoying each and every day!

Last night, I delighted in 'soaking up' in some more Biblical Psalms. ie. Psalm 37; basically saying to 'not fret' and to 'rest' in the Lord, and to wait patiently and have Trust in Him. Verses 1 to 9 beautifully sum it up! Very inspirational and full of Truth and Hope! I like what is says about 'cultivating faithfulness'. It makes me think of the nuturing Blessings we receive from Him. ie. Our tidbit garden; that He has created; and that we joyfully and daily 'tend to' His flowers, plants, and fresh produce; and enjoy the wonderful benefits!

Reminds me of my Dad, who was a 'great gardener'. Whenever he had his 'trials and tribulations', he immersed himself in his garden for hours. This tidbitz 'puttering' gave him time to gain a complete calm; and clearly reflect upon 'what was needed' to maintain him being 'steadfast' in his daily life. He was always one, who had a 'cool head', in times of strife. Now that I am older, I have more understandiing of my Dad's 'pursuit' of 'quiet garden time'.

Also, I thank 'Anonymous' for the kind comment to yesterday's post; that gave me a bittidz boost!

Have also taken some more photos of our Lady Head Vases, and will be posting them at some tid point, eventhough there is a bit of mirror glare. If you wish some bittid background, you can refer to my earlier 'spring' posts. ie April/09 etc. It is time for these exquisite and lovely ladies to be enjoyed by others!

In closing, we watched some of yesterday's Rememberance Service for Senator Edward Kennedy; and he was wonderfully represented by those who knew and loved him. Apart from the heartfelt respect etc, I appreciated the humour that was included in the rememberance of him. God Bless him, his family, his friends, his colleagues, etc. He is at Peace, and his joy and tenacity of life, will not be forgotten throughout the world.

May you all have peace and God Bless.

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