Thursday, 13 August 2009

A marvel of Blessings!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is 'raining cats and dogs' today. The flowers, shrubs, plants, trees etc are all getting a really good drench with the fervent downpour.

Took three pictures yesterday of our climbing, ever evolving clematis. As you can see it produces a beautiful yellow / white flower; and we have noticed that once matured, it transforms into a cluster of tiny red bright berries. Interesting and neat we think! There were a few showing of flowers last year; but it has taken three years to behold the bittidz berries! We brought the clematis with us from our old abode, replanted it here and voila! This is, indeed a tidbitz marvel, for us! Do not know the name of this type of clematis; methinks, the descriptive tag must have been lost during the move. Took another photo this morning; because the red berries did not show up in the brilliance of the sunshine from yesterday. Quite the contrast in weather!

Tidbit - Appreciate the bloom! Everything is so vividly fresh in the rain! God is awesome with His wondrous creations! And imagine, He Created the Universe in six days! Wow!

Was up early this morning; 'puttzed about' with my morning 'elixir', and rearranged / reorganized various bittid shelves / cupboards, enjoying also the warm glow from a small fire, I lit in our fireplace.

A close friend of ours is coming over this afternoon for a tidbit visit. She is bringing a bottle of white wine; and we will supply the 'appies'. This works! LOL! This is a perfect day for a cosy fire, and her company! Besides, today feels 'like a Friday' or the start of the weekend! Methinks we are still on a 'staycation!' LOL! We have made our calls already; and it is simply a matter of 'waiting' now til tomorrow for further news.

Bittid - Appreciate genuine friendships!

Also, in one of the photos, you can see our 'wasp' jar. We have had to put two such containers out, because it is now the season of these pesky and aggressive invaders. The jars are quite decorative; adds to the bit garden amibience, methinks. The top or 'lid' is a cork saved from an old champagne bottle; as the original cork crumbled. Our other jar is hanging from a nodule notch on our small pink dogwood tree, and it blends in as well. The top came from a broken wine decanter; and I am glad I kept the crystal top, because it looks very artistic! (A picture to take on another day). It is suggested that beer, orange juice, or any sweet liquid attracts wasps; so if you have 'leftover' warm beer, or OJ, or whatever, you can apply the 'waste not want not' expression, into a practical and useful purpose. The wasps fly up from underneath and the rest is history.

Hope you are enjoying today! 'Praise Him In All Things'. We all have much to be THANKFUL for!

Peace and God Bless.

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