Saturday, 15 August 2009

Morning coffee Blessings

Good Morning, or whatever the best greeting is to you, in your part of the world!

We slept in a bittid this am; and presently, I am appreciating my morning elixir of coffee. Even our Blue was content to enjoy an added rest. We have not made any specific plans for today; and we are glad; as we are simply going to enjoy the day as it unfolds. We are expecting to hear some news today, and / or early next week about our efforts re: a few tidbit projects. We are hopeful to celebrate; and if that is the case, we will be rejoicing a tid, with our good friends next weekend.

Late yesterday afternoon, as we were settling in for a quiet Friday night at home, we received a surprise visit from a close friend that we have not seen for two years. His girl friend tragically died in a car accident; she drove her car on a one way street; and a large truck was coming in the opposite direction. I do not think I need to say more; save that our friend has not 'surfaced' until now. He appeared to be in good spirits; and we invited him to stay on for dinner.

Fortunately, we had just returned from the local Produce store, with some fresh veggies and fruit. Alan and I thought, we will 'stretch' the three cobs of corn for three meals; yet when our friend arrived, the three cobs were fired onto our barbecue. Also, we had thawed out four pieces of chicken (from Costco; you can buy them economically in bulk packages - works for us!); so those were thrown on the barbecue as well. We had also treated ourselves to a bottle of wine (a glass with each dinner); but that was joyfully consumed last night as well.

It had stopped raining; and as it had evolved into a sunny evening, we ate outside and enjoyed getting 'caught up' with our friend. He left later in the evening; but we know that he felt a bittidz better. He spoke of his girl friend several times; and methinks that is good; to just 'get it off one's chest'; rather than 'burying it' and never speaking of her. Anyway, we were grateful that we were 'sounding boards' for him. Blue really liked him; and our friend generously offered if he could, he would be happy to help us with the care of our Blue next weekend. You may wish to refer to my two most recent posts for a tidbitz of background.

Yesterday morning, I was 'Guided' to a part of the Bible and Proverbs 15: verse 17, opened 'right up' literally before me. "Better is a dish of vegetables where love is, Than a fattened ox and hatred with it". I thought, 'Wow! I like that sentiment!' Actually the whole chapter is a good one; and ends with verse 33 - "The fear of the Lord is the instruction for wisdom".

Also, our friend would be staying here; as it would be best for all those concerned. ie. Blue, as well as an uplifting 'change of scene' for our friend. We have asked someone else prior; and personally, that would be preferable, as they know each other / Blue's routine. However, we shall see what transpires. Our friend has also been caring for an elderly gentleman, so it may be 'iffy'. We are hopeful to accept our friends' kind invitation; but that also depends on what occurs with our endeavours, in the upcoming week. If all works out, we will gladly go; if not, then we will look forward to a 'rain cheque', when the 'timing' is better. However, we wanted to take care of 'first things first' ie. Our 'pup', should we be forunate to go away for the weekend.

My girl friend really wants us to be there; as she says that 'we are a breath of fresh air' and we 'bolster their spirits'; well, that is kind of her. I replied, that 'We would make it our first priority, to see to it, that they have an extra good time!' She shared they want to 'celebrate' with us; regardless of the outcome of the week. She is also saying 'each day is like a celebration'; I am thinking, 'hmmmm, maybe my upbeat tid chats with her, are starting to rub off a wee bit! LOL! So, we feel compelled, more than ever, it would be great to enjoy this 'special' time with them.

Little did we know that our dear friend would be dropping in for dinner; and methinks there are NO coincidences here! We shared joyfully what we had from our larder; and to us, the evening is a treasured one! A good time was had by all! We think too, that our friend was in need to just 'unwind' / 'let his hair down' with close friends. Apparently, he was on his way home, and a detour 'led' him practically by our house; and he thought, 'Why Not?'. His thinking being, 'that if they are home; fine; if not, well, I tried'. It turned out to be a positive and encouraging evening for all of us; including our Blue!

I love the above photo image; methinks it expresses much!

Hope you are enjoying the weekend. Personally, am feeling elated about enjoying genuine friendships! 'A two way street' works! Cheers with a cup of coffee!

Peace and God Bless.

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