Thursday, 6 August 2009

Butterfly Blessings!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Just a quick tidbitz! 'Stayvacation' - should be 'staycation'. That actually makes more sense!

Here are some pictures more of our bittidz garden; including an 'elusive' butterfly, if you can find it. ie. To the right of the 'brocoli' plant. Writing of the vegetable, brocoli, we do not know what is happening with this veggie plant; as it is our first attempt at growing it. However, we will not lose tid heart. Our asparagus plant apparently takes a few years to set; so maybe the brocoli goes through the same bit routine. The butterfly (off yellowy white, with gentle purple markings on its wings) was flittering freely (quite literally) around Blue (our Blueheeler) and myself for several minutes; so I had Alan unobstrusively fetch the camera; so as not to disturb the 'gadabout' activies of this wondrous butterfly. The butterfly was not fearful; and neither were we.

Am not a fan of moths (they like to eat away at clothes; and in this day and age, am sure, there are not many people who would appreciate moth holes in their clothing). The moths and butterflies are from the 'same family'; yet to me, a moth 'hovers' covetously at night, eventhough, it is attracted to the light as well. A butterfly delights in the daylight and thus, does not frighten me. Maybe too, the moth is dark, and the butterfly is so beautiful! Also, a photo of Alan watering our garden; you can perhaps catch a glimpse of him through the 'jungle' of tomato plants and cucumber plants etc.

We are totally enjoying our 'staycation'. To repeat, it is costing us next to nothing to remain at home, as we are not spending any money on a 'vacation' at this time. In fact, we have everything to gain; because we are appreciating our home, garden, and barbecue all the more! AND, last but NOT least, HIM with all His bountiful Blessings, He gives us!

Tidbit - Be JOYFUL!


Peace and God Bless.

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