Friday, 7 August 2009

'Grapevine' (tomatoes) Blessings!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We have had the best day of our 'staycation', thus far! You can refer to my most recent posts for a tid of info, if you wish a bit of background re: 'vacations at home'.

My daughter (she called us last night), her husband, and our 2 twin grandsons (just turned 3 years young!) came over in the latter part of the morning; and we enjoyed a really nice visit, until they had to leave for the baseball game. We will go to a game, another time with the parents and the little ones! One of them was quite upset that their 'Grandma MoMo' was not going to go with them today. Our wee grandsons LOVED our 'veggie patch garden'; particularly the ripe cherry tomatoes, that they picked and enhaled upon the spot. We gave them a bag of unripe ones to take home with them.

A tidbit - Basically to ripen the green tomatoes, leave the plastic bag open a bittid, and they will ripen with the encouraging rays of window sunshine.

After they left, we resumed with our plan to do some bittidz errands; as we had worked around my daughter's schedule. They could have come over after the game; but methinks the little boys would have been a tid tired; as well as dealing with the rush hour Friday / summer traffic.

After our errands, we treated ourselves to a long overdue tidbitz lunch out; and, as we had a credit; we thought, 'Why not?' It was, 'just what the doctor ordered!'

A bittid - One tends to genuinely appreciate things all the more, when there has been a 'lapse'.

We are now home for the evening; and thankful that it is the weekend AGAIN! Hurrah! We also received some enticing 'good' news this afternoon, about our major endeavour; and will be meeting with the individual early next week to 'discuss' the project. If that should occur; and we are hopeful / Prayful, it will; we will be 'off to the races!' Quite literally. As the expression goes: 'When one door closes, another door opens!'

We have some awesome plans should that enthusiastically all work out; and it sounds highly likely! Wish I could share some tidbits with you; however, have to wait til there is a bit more in place, before further bittids of this nature, follow.

The above picture is of our fresh garden produce; and our grandsons thought these were great tomato 'vines to swing from!' LOL! Not quite! However, there was 'fruit from the harvest'; and it is refreshing to see how much these 'little things' (cherry tomatoes) are enjoyed! Our grandsons LOVE them!

Tidbit - Appreciate the 'little things!'

Bittid - Oh, to be a child again!!! Good to always think 'young at heart!'

Here is wishing you a nice R & R weekend.

Peace and God Bless.

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