Friday, 21 August 2009

Appreciating a morning calm

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a few days since I last wrote a post; and my apologies to those of you, who enjoy reading them on a daily basis. However, we have been tied up with tidbitz projects, that have consumed most of our attention.

We had a successful meeting on Wednesday; and since then, things have been on the go. A face to face meeting is so much nicer; as you can finally put a face to the person. Eventhough, 'things' are taking longer to achieve, we can see the results of our 'blood, sweat, and tears' efforts. We have two seriously interested parties; so there is still a bit more 'legwork' to do; and then, we would like to think, the 'rest is history'. There are also two other key individuals; and because of Alan's background, he has helped them with some of their own endeavours. So, it has been a good week; with lots of 'give and take' heaped high on the plates, all the way around.

Now, it is a calm matter of patiently and confidently 'waiting'; and we are leaving it ALL to Him to Guide our path; as 'He IS the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIGHT'. We have Asked Him for Understanding, Guidance, Grace, Wisdom, and His Words of Wisdom; and His Holy Spirit to indwell within us. Also THANKING Him for all our Blessings; as well as Praying for His Protection, equipping and arming us with the 'Armour of God'; as well as joyfully anticipating good things to happen today (We do that on a daily basis; and it helps!). While one experiences and 'waits' along the journey, it is best to be of 'good cheer', knowing He (Christ) will Provide the Solutions. Also saying genuine Intercessoy Prayers for others, is a gracious uplift!

A bittid thought came to me yesterday; that we have all been given or Blessed with 'gifts'. However, it is a matter of how we all employ / use them for the common good. When one works 'in concert' with Him and according to His Purpose and Will, the 'gifts' / Blessings wonderfully show up.

Am enjoying a quiet time at the tid moment; appreciating my elixir of coffee. It is an overcast morning; and looks as if it could rain any second. We have been Blessed with warm weather in our part of the world; so some voluntary 'watering' of our garden would not hurt! LOL!

We are not going away this weekend; as we have a full week coming up. We will be 'jumping through a few more bittidz hoops' to continue setting the 'wheels in motion' for Monday and thus, for the rest of the week. Also, we did not want to leave our dear pup, Blue at the 'doggie camp' at this time; eventhough it is a great spot for doggies. The two people that might have looked after our Blue, are not able to. Our friends were disappointed that we could not join them; however, they are happy for our progress; and we will enjoy a 'celebration' with them when it is a 'fait accompli'.

Took two photos today, of our Queen Elizabeth Rose and two pale white / yellow hibiscus. Will take more pictures of our flowers, when more are in bloom! If you wish, you can refer to my August 17th post, 'Steadfast Blessings' for earlier bittids and tidbits.

Tidbit - Put ALL your Trust in Him, and enjoy the journey, while you wait. Best to 'Keep Things Simple', and appreciate your daily Blessings all the more; so that you can be an extra 'special' Blessing to others!

Bittid - 'Carpe Diem' or 'Seize the Day'. That is so true! Perhaps you can catch a glimpse of the tidbit message inscribed on the stone coaster, resting upon our coffee table.

Here is wishing you a joyful and peaceful Friday! The weekend again! Yahoo!

God Bless.

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