Sunday, 30 August 2009

Enjoy each and every day!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We are revelling in today! Watched the Vision Channel this morning; and WOW! Will share a few tidbits in a later bit!

Before I do that, however, late last night, we saw the movie, ' The Kid Stays in the Picture', produced by legendary Hollywood Producer, Robert Evans. It was extremely interesting; and it just goes to show, that through 'trials and tribulations', there can be happy endings. ie. Robert Evans regained his beautiful Woodlands estate. Good on him! At the beginning of the movie, some pictures showed his magnificently elegant home; and I immediately thought, 'My style, exactly!' Roses and all! Am also thinking that at the introduction of the unique movie, Robert Evans was saying that there are three ways of looking at this story / 'story telling'. ie. 'his way, your way, or the truth'. Both Alan and I have empathy for the man and his struggles; and yet the TRUTH told the story; hence he came back triumphantly! As a tid aside, one of the movie's songs (the theme song, methinks), is one that I have often happily hummmed over the years, and still do!

Interestingly enough, we have a true story, with all the unique intrigue required for a Blockbuster. ie war, espionage, genius, innovation, three love stories interwined through two generations. This is in our heart & thought process; and it is simply a matter of executing the writing of it. We know it would be a great adventure, as well as encouragement to impact everyone! We even have a title; and a companion book (olympic implications), was written on the topic, with the working title! Whoo! That just gave me 'goose bumps!' LOL!

We enjoyed too, a savoury brunch out on our bittid patio! Alan is the 'chef'. What else is new! LOL! I enjoy cooking; however, I have been wonderfully 'spoiled' by him; and I am truly appreciative of his culinary skill. He suggests that he cooks for 'survival'. LOL! He whipped up a storm of bacon, eggs 'over easy', along with a sauteed delicious mixture (onions, some fresh fiesty green hot peppers from our garden, store bought red peppers, baby red potatoes (red potatoes are healthier than white potatoes supposedly - ie for cholestoral), a hint of garlic, and some other tasty garden morsels.

Also, we love our little tidbit garden pad with its roses, flowers, plants, veggie / herbs; as mentioned in previous posts. ie our beautiful climbing pink Queen Elizabeth Rose etc. Am recapturing two photos I took, as they show our tranquil retreat, in our tidbitz corner of the world. If you wish, you can refer to my post of August 28th,'Enjoying a slower pace!' for a bittidz more background.

We all have many Blessings to be thankful for! 'Praise Him In ALL Things,' As mentioned a bit earlier, will be back to share a few wonderful insights from: 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -; and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price - I always embrace some new 'ephifanies' when I watch these uplifting programs! ie. Today,I gleaned from the empowering experiences of others, and how they trusted in Christ, which in turn, turned their adversities into triumphs. For those of you who wish to know more and / or have questions, best to check out their websites.

May be back a tid later with some upbeat bittids; if not tomorrow. In the meantime, here is wishing you a 'Happy Sunday!'

Peace and God Bless.

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