Monday, 10 August 2009

Blessings in the rain!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world.

It is POURING with rain this am; and personally, am glad it is! Eventhough our weather has been gloriously exceptional this summer; rainfall is appreciatively needed at this time. ie For dealing with major forest fires, refilling water reservoirs, etc.

In yesterday's two posts, I included some tidbits; and you may wish to refer to them for bittids of background.

Call it age; if I have already told the tale in an earlier post. I do not think so; but it seems like a good time to tell it. When I was in Grade 7 (age 12 years), one of my subjects was Home Economics (sewing & cooking). In those days, Home Ec was not one of my interests or strong points; plus having a teacher who literally appeared to 'hate' me, did not help matters. You know how some teachers have their 'pet' student; well, I was her 'pet peeve'.

This particular day, we had to prepare some dishes and we were being graded on presentation, timing, as well as producing food on the table. One of the foods, included boiling up some cauliflower. For some reason, there were not enough pots; and I remember how the teacher gleefully and perhaps spitefully, said to me in a loud voice (overheard by all), "Well, looks like you are going to fail; as I do not see where and how you will find a pot and have everything done in time!" As, I did not wish to let my partner down (we were assiged a partner to work with), and also due to her triumphant gloating manner over me, this was like a 'red flag' beckoning to me to take instant action - pronto improvisation!

Everyone was neatly doing their thing, my partner was doing her best, and lo and behold, I saw a 'kettle!' I thought that is the lifesaver! You can guess what happened next. I literally threw the cut up pieces of cauliflower into the kettle and voila, darned if the cauliflower didn't turn out to be perfectly 'steamed' and absolutely perfect! The teacher was furious ('steamed' as well, methinks! LOL!); because not only did we accomplish our assignment, but we had everything 'tickety boo' before everyone else! She could NOT fault or fail us! I ended up being transferred (by mutual request!) to a double period of 'Latin'; and I soaked up the subject; appreciatiing that Latin is a good derivative base for a number of languages.

Today, I am not a brilliant sewer (my daughter is though); however, I admire those that are Blessed with that 'special' gift. (I like to 'sow' instead; better yet, have Him Guide us along our journey!). I genuinely love cooking; although, I have been wonderfully spoiled by Alan, who does the main cooking; and I do the tidying up of the dishes and the kitchen.

Tidbit - A sense of humour helps! I always have a bittid of a laugh, when I remember those Home Ec days!

The next tid tale, was when I was twenty years young, and was working for the summer at a beautiful resort (Jasper Park Lodge, Alberta). Most of us employed, were university students; so having this 'summer job' was a great boost! Was a waitress in the main dining room; and I thoroughly enjoyed it! It hasppened one evening, I was 'assigned' to a certain section; where there was a rather large 'entourage' of people. At the end of their dinner, one of the guests gave me his card, and said, "If you ever come to Los Angeles, come in and see us". Well, I kept the card and carried on with other things in life, that 'cropped up' - children etc.

Approximately eighteen years ago, I was at an 'Academy Awards Party'; we had a friend who hosted this fun 'dress up' event every year at her house. I went as a glamourous movie star; and my boyfriend (the one I went out with for many years, and who ultimately 'did me a favour', as per one of my earlier bit posts). went as my agent. To complete the 'look', I gave him the card to put in his breast pocket. In hindsight, I should have taken the card back after the evening. However, c'est la vie'. The name on the card, well, it was 'William Morris' of William Morris Agency. Thought that was a rather unique experience; and when Sam Haskell's association with the William Morris Agency came up (see 'Hour of Power' in yesterday's post), I thought I would share that tidbit. Also, the 'Stone Soup'; well it made me think of my 'cauliflower' kettle experience! LOL!

Bittid - Appreciate moments; but do not lament on what could have, should have been etc. It is TODAY that matters; and 'Praise Him In ALL Things'; as we all have so much to be joyfully THANKFUL for!

In that regard, I just took a photo, (in the teaming rain, which was neat!) of our first flowering flower on our Hibiscus plant. One of His many creative miracles / Blessings in the rain! WOW! We had a very harsh, unseasonably cold winter; and a number of flowers, plants, trees, bushes, etc did not make it. Eventhough our hibiscus is green and healthy looking, we were not sure if it would yield any blooms this summer!

May be back a bittidz later. We are working on various tidbitz projects; and will keep you posted when we know more!

Peace and God Bless.

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