Sunday, 9 August 2009

'Restful and Blessful'

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Am glad it is Sunday, 'a day of rest'. We are enjoying a wonderful tidbitz of R & R. Gives us a chance to reflect and recharge our batteries; as well as being joyfully apppreciative of all our Blessings that He Gives us! Plus, we have a few full days coming up; and hence, this CALM is a Godsend.

We had some unexpected and disappointing news yesterday morning (not related to the exciting news coming up on the Monday / Tuesday horizon); and we could have chosen to remain upset. However, we chose to maintain 'good cheer'; and to embrace the day all the more. We will attend to this bittidz matter tomorrow morning; and it should be resolved before too long. So, we are enjoying the day; in fact as each day comes along, make the most of it!

Like a 'sponge', I listened to and watched the Vision Channel this morning; love all three programs, with their uplifting teachings and insights! ie. 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer; and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price -

Should also mention that Joyce Meyer in her encouraging message, shares with us, NOT to allow the devil to take away our JOY. ie. If things do not go as per our plans, instead of being 'down and out', turn things around and be of 'good cheer!' I will share a few of her wonderful tidbits in another post. Methinks, there are NO coincidences here; because everything that Joyce expressed today, sums it all up! I would really urge you to check her website out!

'Hour of Power', welcomed back on its program, some well known guests. ie. Kathy Ireland, author of the book, 'Real Solutions for Busy Moms', and Sam Haskell, who wrote ' Stone Soup'. Very interesting story; and here is a bit of an excerpt from the televised interview between Kathy Ireland and Sam Haskell. Best though, if you tune into 'Hour of Power' etc, to gain your own fresh insights!

"And when I speak of inspiration, I have to credit Dr. Schuller for having said something that inspired me some time ago when I was thinking about writing this book. He said "what great thing would you attempt to accomplish if you knew you would not fail?" I had to write this book to share the lessons of my mom and to share with America and beyond, simple lessons of hope, faith and love. Simple in their explanation but profound in their execution and what it has meant to my life.

KI: Well it's touched so many lives.

SH: Thank you.

KI: Would you please share the story of stone soup? I love that.

SH: I've been on this sixty city tour and this is city forty-eight, in case anyone is interested, and I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. But I was in a bookstore in Tupelo Mississippi and I had a line out the door of people, friends and old college friends who wanted to come hear about the book.

But in the book I mentioned the story, Stone Soup, which is a story my mother taught me as a little boy about philanthropy. It's very simple; three revolutionary soldiers had come into a little village. They had no food. They set up a tripod with a kettle and they put a rock in the kettle and they started stirring water into the kettle. And one by one people came out of their homes and said what are you doing? And they said well we're making stone soup. It's very delicious. But there's nothing in there but a rock, they said. Well I have a little bit of corn, one woman said. I have a piece of chicken, I have a piece of beef. And one by one everyone put the best they had into that pot and they served up a stew that fed the entire town.

Well, that's how I believe in philanthropy, Kathy. I believe that if we all put the best of what we have into the pot while standing, as my mother said, in the light of God's grace, we can serve up a stew that will feed the world. And here's the P.S. to that: I called a week later, because I call every bookstore I go to, to see how they're doing after I've been there, and they said well it's great because we sold out of your book, but guess what: we also sold out of "Stone Soup".

KI: I love that. And it just demonstrates all things are possible with God.

SH: Exactly".

Now that I think about it, I have a rather funny story about 'cauliflower soup'; as well as an unusual experience re: the William Morris Agency, years ago; and I will share those tid tales on another day.

John Maxwell was another special guest, on 'Hour of Power', and has written several books, as some of you may know. Will share a few bittids re: his enlightening thoughts about God giving us Hope. However, will do that on another day; so that you can appreciatively digest his upbeat words that reinforce Hope!

Charles Price on 'Living Truth', was also excellent with his ministry; and I will share a tidbit or two in another post. He tells the story of Moses, and how those 'equipping' experiences parallel and have relevance today. Once again, recommend you do your due diligence and access his website for further knowledge.

As a closing bittid, Alan joyfully said this morning, 'God has a pretty neat sprinkler system'; inasmuch as we woke up to a deluge of rain. It was / is most refreshing, and the garden appears to be 'happy' with the much needed 'watering'. At the moment, there are on again / off again showers, along with a mixed spritz of sunshine heralding forth, every so often.

A heartfelt THANK YOU to these three special Ministries (and others), that take the time to provide / deliver invaluable teachings; as well as being a Blessing of empowering encouragement to countless people around the world. 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.

Speaking of 'spritz', Alan just brought me a glass of white (South African) wine; along with some ice cubes, to make it a 'spritzer'. Very refreshing!

Skal! LOVE the lush green scenery in the photo image. Looks so fresh and alive; perhaps there had also been a recent spritz of rainfall!

Peace and God Bless.

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