Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Blessings bloom!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We have been on a relaxed 'stayvacation', these past few days. Have not been on the computer or much on the phone. It started with the 'B.C. Day long weekend', and will continue throughout the rest of this week and over the upcoming weekend. You can refer to my most recent post for bittid details.

Eventhough, things have been very 'quiet'; we have accomplished some tidbitz tasks 'behind the scenes'. We are in a 'wait mode'; and now it is simply a tid matter of perservering patience to 'Wait Upon Him' for His Solution. We are anticipating good results; and although, we have followed through with initiatives, we are Relying totally upon Him to 'bring forth the fruit'. This may be difficult for some of you, to grasp being 'patient' and to 'wait' upon Him. However, from our experiences over the past seven years, we know He has Guided us through many 'trials and tribulations'; and we are where He wants us to be; and we remain Thankful.

We are usually out of town for a good part of the warmer months; however, this summer, we have especially appreciated our 'own back yard'. We have enjoyed getting to know our neighbours a bittidz better; and as Jesus Christ says - "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you", is very true.

During this summer, we have not seen much of various family members. It would appear that everyone is 'doing their own thing'; which is quite understandable. However, at the same time, both Alan and I (me in particular) have reflected upon our past experiences /circumstances; and have come to the conclusion, that no matter how hard one tries, 'one can not be all things to all people'. So as a tidbit, we are going to simply 'Keep it Simple'; enjoy each and every day; give Him joyful Thanks, and 'Praise Him ALWAYS, in All Things!'

Just took the picture of the beautiful blooms of our indoor white orchid; that we bought from Costco about 18 months ago, for a wonderful price of approx $12.95! Alan has been 'nuturing' the orchid plant all this time, and it is, indeed, a Blessing to see these gorgeous flowers, now again in full burst! We have heard that keeping an orchid can be challenging; however, kudos to Alan!

We are looking forward to our bed tonight. Eventhough it has been a 'stayvacation', we have managed to get quite a few things done; as well as having a bit of R & R time. It has been nice.

Tidbit - Be of 'good cheer', regardless of your situations. He wants us to be joyful! Today, when we were 'out and about', various friends we ran into, asked us: 'How are you?' My immediate and enthusiastic reply, was 'Never Better!' (Wrote some posts on 'Never Better' - January 7th & 8th, 2008, if you would like an informative bit of tid background).

Bittid - Be genuinely grateful for each day, as if it were a 'Thanksgiving'. You will enjoy your life all the more; by being Thankful and Appreciative for all Blessings that comes your way!

Peace and God Bless.

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