Thursday, 27 August 2009

Encouragement through Trials and Tribulations!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is a gorgeous day; not a cloud in the sky anywhere! Summer is still here; eventhough the trees are slowly starting to take on 'Indian Summer' fall colours. I love the fall as well. I appreciate the uniqueness of the four seasons; winter being my least favorite; although, winter does have its special alluring moments.

We have been dealing with a lot on our plates and balancing a bittid 'staycation' (stay at home vacation) at the same time. While we 'wait' for various responses to our efforts, we are tackling tidbitz tasks that have been sitting on the 'back burner'.

Mentioned in my August 25th post. 'Good Cheer' about the polishing up of our dining room table and nest of end tables. Did that again this morning; and the old maghogany wood is now gleaming with with new life! As I was gently 'restoring' some of the rich lustre of our furniture pieces, I thought being of genuine 'good cheer' makes all the difference! It is almost as if your spirits are being polished to shine or 'glow' as well! The tidbit expression: 'Laugh, and the world laugh with you. Weep and you weep alone' is so appropro. My Dad always said that to me; and when one applies that simple saying, it does make an impactful difference!

Yesterday, we did not have the best of days; as we experienced further bittidz delays with our projects. We can say, that it has been a rather interesting year; for most of us, right? Also, our computer and T.V. reception was not working; so that was a bit frustrating; hence, no communicado. Thank goodness for the telephone! LOL! Apparently, there was a major power problem / outage, which affected our internet / cable service. Relieved, that everything is now back to working tid order! We are thankful for the luxury of having a computer / T.V. Makes me think of our Blessings all the more; as there are many people, who are not as fortunate to have a computer, T.V. and / or even a phone etc. However, there are 'moments', when one is 'away from it all'; and that having a bit 'holiday' away from such technologies, can also be a refreshing rest, to 'recharge the batteries'.

Charles Price, of Living Truth (, in his mailout to us, shares a Biblical teaching re: 'NEEDS VS. WANTS'. "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. AND LET STEADFASTNESS HAVE ITS FULL EFFECT, THAT YOU MAY BE PERFECT AND COMPLETE, LACKING IN NOTHING. James 1: 2-4. What a wonderful insight and very definitely, an epifany to me! ie. When we Pray to God, Ask Him for your NEEDS; NOT your wants. He will Provide our needs; as He knows what our needs are. We just have to have the TRUST to Rely upon Him to do so; eventhough there are times that things do not happen as we would like. But know, that He has a good Plan and Purpose for us all. Keep on 'trekking!'

Also, last night, I was reading the Bible; and WOW! As it happened, I was strongly 'Directed' to the uplifting Psalms, that David (one of my favourites; and a mentor to my spirits!) wrote. ie. Specifically to Psalm 3 - 'Morning Prayer of Trust in God'; Psalm 4 - 'Evening Prayer of Trust in God'; and, Psalm 6 - 'Prayer for Mercy in Time of Trouble'. I always feel so much better after I have read the Psalms; and these particular ones were / are NO COINCIDENCE! 'Just what the doctor ordered', methinks!

I hope that some of you who may be / are experiencing 'trials and tribulations' along your 'journey', feel a bittid better after you have read today's post. As I have previously shared, the Vision Channel programs, 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -; 'Living Truth' - (Charles Price -, and Rhonda Lazerte Ministires / Door of Hope; offer such wonderful Biblical teachings and genuine encouragement. I am repeating the word, 'ENCOURAGEMENT'; as everyone one needs a tidbit of TLC!

Also, I love the above refreshing photo image! We have been enjoying the fresh produce (have lots of cherry tomatoes!) and herbs from our tid garden; and we are Thankful for these 'special' Blessings! 'Praise Him In All Things' - always!

Here is to peace, and God Bless.

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