Monday, 31 August 2009

Everyday has a dawn!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Wow! Whew! We have had quite the day thus far! Wow! We have been dealing with some pretty major matters; and we just found out some new info; which greatly helps us! We have been in touch with the required people; and they are going to provide assistance in alleviating various past hindrances / obstacles. We still have challenges ahead of us ( but for the most part, who doesn't?); however, we are filled with renewed energy, hope, faith, and TRUST in Him, that things are moving forward in a positive direction.

Want to include some tidbits about 'Hour of Power', 'Enjoying Everyday Life', and 'Living Truth'. However, today, I will share a few bittids about 'Hour of Power'. I really value these particular ministries; as they provide Biblical teachings, insights, and genuine encouragement.

Before I forget, here is a tid caption from one of the earlier televised programs from 'Hour of Power'; that I want to share, as it is a wonderful uplift for those who are feeling 'down', discouraged etc. Patrick Henry's awesome story is so inspirational! ie."Patrick Henry Hughes (PH) and Patrick John Hughes (PJ) are father and son. Patrick Henry was born with severe physical limitations, but with the help of his father Patrick John, is a member of the University of Louisville Marching Band. Patrick Henry is an award winning pianist, singer and trumpet player. They have captured their story of faith and triumph in the new book entitled, "I Am Potential."

On yesterday's 'Hour of Power', Dr. Robert Schuller / Dr. Sheila Schuller Coleman were great! There is a little girl, Bella Frabotta; who is eight years young; and she sings beauifully! That takes real courage to be on stage performing before everyone; particularly at that young age! Good on her! Looks too, as if things are 'turning around' for the Crystal Cathedral; and methinks it is invigorating to encourage guests / guest speakers of all ages, and of all walks of life to share their gifts by Grace, and their life altering stories.

Also, Jason Black, he tells his heartwarming story; and of how he endured two serious near death accidents, and how his Faith and TRUST in Christ, hence by His Grace, helped him recover and work through everything! ie. To quote his words in his interview with Dr. Sheila Schuller Coleman re: a 'miracle'. "That's putting it mildly, yes, and as we were discussing before, God doesn't just work instant push button miracles, but God works in His own timing. He knows what's best for you at the end of the day and that's why you've got to rest in knowing that He's got your best interest in mind, that He sees the grander scheme of things and He's designed you for such a time as this".

'Last but not least', John C. Maxwell, who is also a 'breath of fresh air'. Here is an excerpt from his message re: 'God Will Give You a Second Chance'. "I want to talk to you about success, and then I want to talk to you about failure today. You see, all successful people have two things in common. Number one, they're successful. And number two, they have all failed their way to success. So often, when we look at successful people, we think that they just make every right decision and they do nothing wrong. Yet all successful people have failed many, many times".

John Maxwell also shares the 'Do-over'; and the 'Grace-over'; I appreciate his wise words! Also, he says that 'yesterday ended with last night'. Methinks, his insights are invaluable! Once again, here is the website:

Writing of 'last night', here are some bittidz pictures I took at dusk, of our bit patio garden in the front. Perhaps you can see our tidbitz jockey! Also, there are some beautiful white flowers in front (in separate photo); I believe they are called 'Christmas Flowers' or 'Christmas Rose'. These white splendid flowers grow in abundance; and, we would like to replant most of them to fill an empty spot behind our back patio fence. Apart from being pleasing to the eye, these exquisite flowers will have ample room to thrive to their hearts' content!

Tidbit - Always have HOPE and TRUST in Christ, that He has a PURPOSE for you, and that He does Provide your needs; according to His Will and Timing. The testimony from Jason Black illustrates this wonderfully!

Bittid - Make your mind up to enjoy the 'journey', while you 'wait' for Him to Provide your daily needs. At the same time, Thank Him genuinely for your Blessings and 'Praise Him In ALL Things'. 'Keep things simple'; and live one day at a time! As John Maxwell shares, 'yesterday is past'.

Today is a new day! ie. The hurdles that we have been facing, are gradually being worked through! A slow process, but it is all to the GOOD!

Tomorrow, will include some tidbits from 'Enjoying Everyday Life'. Joyce Meyer shares enriching insights; and here is her website - for those of you who wish to learn more about living a happier life!

The day after tomorrow, will share some bittids from 'Living Truth'; Charles Price is empowering and reassuring as well. Here is his website -

Have to go and attend to some more bittidz details. Will keep you posted on any new tidbitz!

Peace and God Bless.

Sunday, 30 August 2009

Enjoy each and every day!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We are revelling in today! Watched the Vision Channel this morning; and WOW! Will share a few tidbits in a later bit!

Before I do that, however, late last night, we saw the movie, ' The Kid Stays in the Picture', produced by legendary Hollywood Producer, Robert Evans. It was extremely interesting; and it just goes to show, that through 'trials and tribulations', there can be happy endings. ie. Robert Evans regained his beautiful Woodlands estate. Good on him! At the beginning of the movie, some pictures showed his magnificently elegant home; and I immediately thought, 'My style, exactly!' Roses and all! Am also thinking that at the introduction of the unique movie, Robert Evans was saying that there are three ways of looking at this story / 'story telling'. ie. 'his way, your way, or the truth'. Both Alan and I have empathy for the man and his struggles; and yet the TRUTH told the story; hence he came back triumphantly! As a tid aside, one of the movie's songs (the theme song, methinks), is one that I have often happily hummmed over the years, and still do!

Interestingly enough, we have a true story, with all the unique intrigue required for a Blockbuster. ie war, espionage, genius, innovation, three love stories interwined through two generations. This is in our heart & thought process; and it is simply a matter of executing the writing of it. We know it would be a great adventure, as well as encouragement to impact everyone! We even have a title; and a companion book (olympic implications), was written on the topic, with the working title! Whoo! That just gave me 'goose bumps!' LOL!

We enjoyed too, a savoury brunch out on our bittid patio! Alan is the 'chef'. What else is new! LOL! I enjoy cooking; however, I have been wonderfully 'spoiled' by him; and I am truly appreciative of his culinary skill. He suggests that he cooks for 'survival'. LOL! He whipped up a storm of bacon, eggs 'over easy', along with a sauteed delicious mixture (onions, some fresh fiesty green hot peppers from our garden, store bought red peppers, baby red potatoes (red potatoes are healthier than white potatoes supposedly - ie for cholestoral), a hint of garlic, and some other tasty garden morsels.

Also, we love our little tidbit garden pad with its roses, flowers, plants, veggie / herbs; as mentioned in previous posts. ie our beautiful climbing pink Queen Elizabeth Rose etc. Am recapturing two photos I took, as they show our tranquil retreat, in our tidbitz corner of the world. If you wish, you can refer to my post of August 28th,'Enjoying a slower pace!' for a bittidz more background.

We all have many Blessings to be thankful for! 'Praise Him In ALL Things,' As mentioned a bit earlier, will be back to share a few wonderful insights from: 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -; and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price - I always embrace some new 'ephifanies' when I watch these uplifting programs! ie. Today,I gleaned from the empowering experiences of others, and how they trusted in Christ, which in turn, turned their adversities into triumphs. For those of you who wish to know more and / or have questions, best to check out their websites.

May be back a tid later with some upbeat bittids; if not tomorrow. In the meantime, here is wishing you a 'Happy Sunday!'

Peace and God Bless.

Saturday, 29 August 2009

A giant among men, a wonderful warrior!

Good Evening,

We have enjoyed a good day; primarily in our bittid garden / patio!

Just finished seeing the heartwarming video, narrated by Senator Edward Kennedy - 'In My Own Words'. WOW, is all I can humbly and appreciatively say. Hope you take the tidbit opportunity to watch the touching video; as it will remain an unforgetable part of U.S. history and the Kennedy Legacy. As a Canadian, thank you!

Comfort and Peace to all.

Good Night and God Bless.

Saturday morning reflections!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is Saturday am; and am glad of it! There is always something extra 'special' to me, about a Saturday morning! Perhaps it is after a week, and one simply takes the time to just appreciate a calm. My elixir of coffee is definitely a plus as well! Love the above photo image! It is, indeed, a 'Good Morning!'

When I went outside early this am; I noticed our patio gate was open; methinks it was our neighbour who came back to gather some more 'garden goodies'. Good on her! Happy that she feels comfortable enough to take us at our word! She has experienced some sad times; so perhaps our tidbitz garden is a bittidz of a refuge for her! We are, indeed, very Blessed with having such good neighbours; and eventhough they are a lot older than us, we enjoy a wonderful 'ageless' friendship with each and every one of them!

As mentioned in my earlier posts, we have been attending to various projects; and now it is a simple tid matter of 'waiting'; as one can not 'push' in these matters. We are also working on other options; so we are being 'proactive'; but 'waiting' at the same time. Perhaps some of you can relate. ie. With the financial meltdown, this past year, methinks most of us have been 'caught in a perfect storm'; as in a 'domino' effect, thus affecting 'innocent bystanders'. We are doing our every bit best to 'ride the storm'; with Him being our Captain at the Helm. Have also suggested that better to be of 'GOOD CHEER', while one waits for Solution from Him!

Also, for a tidbit uplift, I can almost hear Robert Schuller's (Jr) voice saying:'When you are down to nothing; you know He is up to something! ie something GOOD for YOU'.

Another encouraging bittid, Dr. Charles Stanley sharing about 'when He is silent'... This does not mean God is abandoning you; on the contrary! He is simply 'waiting' to fulfill His Purpose; to the GOOD, for YOU.

The tidbits / bittids are a reassurance / upbeat to me; particularly during these moments. Hopefully, they also help serve as an enlightenment for all those of you, and / or those whom you know, who are going through challenging times. If you are wishing to 'Seek and Ye Shall Find', their ministries / websites provide great insights in that regard. Am looking forward again, to watching the Vision Channel tomorrow am; and will embrace the knowledge they share! Will say 'Cheers' with my cups of coffee! If you wish, you can refer to my earlier posts for their websites; as they do offer solid Biblical teachings, that apply to enjoying each and every day!

Last night, I delighted in 'soaking up' in some more Biblical Psalms. ie. Psalm 37; basically saying to 'not fret' and to 'rest' in the Lord, and to wait patiently and have Trust in Him. Verses 1 to 9 beautifully sum it up! Very inspirational and full of Truth and Hope! I like what is says about 'cultivating faithfulness'. It makes me think of the nuturing Blessings we receive from Him. ie. Our tidbit garden; that He has created; and that we joyfully and daily 'tend to' His flowers, plants, and fresh produce; and enjoy the wonderful benefits!

Reminds me of my Dad, who was a 'great gardener'. Whenever he had his 'trials and tribulations', he immersed himself in his garden for hours. This tidbitz 'puttering' gave him time to gain a complete calm; and clearly reflect upon 'what was needed' to maintain him being 'steadfast' in his daily life. He was always one, who had a 'cool head', in times of strife. Now that I am older, I have more understandiing of my Dad's 'pursuit' of 'quiet garden time'.

Also, I thank 'Anonymous' for the kind comment to yesterday's post; that gave me a bittidz boost!

Have also taken some more photos of our Lady Head Vases, and will be posting them at some tid point, eventhough there is a bit of mirror glare. If you wish some bittid background, you can refer to my earlier 'spring' posts. ie April/09 etc. It is time for these exquisite and lovely ladies to be enjoyed by others!

In closing, we watched some of yesterday's Rememberance Service for Senator Edward Kennedy; and he was wonderfully represented by those who knew and loved him. Apart from the heartfelt respect etc, I appreciated the humour that was included in the rememberance of him. God Bless him, his family, his friends, his colleagues, etc. He is at Peace, and his joy and tenacity of life, will not be forgotten throughout the world.

May you all have peace and God Bless.

Friday, 28 August 2009

Enjoying a slower pace!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is barely gone afternoon! We slept in this am; including our five year young, Blue Heeler pup, 'Blue'. Til 9:30 am! That is late! Good thing we are on a bit of a 'staycation' and we are glad it is the weekend.

Later last night, we saw the movie, 'Duplicity', with Julia Roberts and Clive Owen; it was well done! Methinks, I was given a 'second wind'; as I ended up taking in a few interesting programs on the National Geographic Channel. Love the National Geographic! Reminds me when I was a child, my family used to receive the magazine, and I read it from cover to cover! Totally immersed! Very helpful with school essays etc. When I was married the first time, we subscribed to the magazine; and my children were given the same opportunity, that I had appreciated as a child! Perhaps some of you enjoyed such moments!

Forgot to mention, that we also gave our neighbour some of our cherry tomatoes. When we first picked them off the vine, they were a still a bittid green; however, within a few days, they ripened nicely, 'basking' in the light and warmth of our kitchen window.

Here is the photos of our 'found' treasure. LOL! Alan found this tid white basket in the complex' garbage bin; and after a solid cleaning, it is like new; and a perfect 'basking' container to 'ripen' our cherry tomatoes! As shared in earlier posts, we have 'found' from time to time, some rather unique 'treasures' in the garbage bin.

'Blue' is in both pictures; one of which you can see him more clearly; as he is looking up towards a Stellar Blue Jay; and thinking about chasing him up the tree! LOL! Also, the wrought iron table with the ice cream parlour chairs were my parents; the white cushions look much better, now that they have been gently cleaned up with some 'TLC'. (The chairs / cushions had all been stored in the basement / garage before we moved here). You can also see our red wasp jar container, hanging from our pink dogwood tree. Apple juice / beer is the liquid in the jar; however, anything that is 'sweet', works. My August 13th post, 'A marvel of Blessings' shares some tidbits about the wasp jars.

Alan just picked a cucumber; these are delicious soaked in vinegar; and is a tasty tidbit accompaniment to a meal.

It was two years ago, that Alan fell through the deck at Pasley; and injured his right knee. He is on the 'wait list' to have surgery; however, I have suggested to him, that he should seek another opinion or two, before considering an operation. Apparently, there is nothing that can be done for his badly torn miniscus; and I am thinking, why even bother to open the knee up; and perhaps make things worse? At any rate, it would have been far more serious an injury; had he not gone to the ER at the time. From his knee to the bottom of his foot, it was literally black; so he was very fortunate that he did not lose part of his leg. If you wish, you can refer to my post of Sept 03/07 and other posts, for further bittids of background etc.

Read also last night, some more of the Psalms. ie. Psalm 23 - 'The Lord is my Shepherd'...; what a wonderful reassuring passage!

Tidbit - Be Thankful for your Blessings; giving Him genuine Thanks each and every day!

Bittid - Enjoy and appreciate the 'little things'. 'Keep things simple!'

Hope to be back in a bittidz; as we have some tidbitz to do.

Peace and God Bless.

Thursday, 27 August 2009

An evening calm

Good Evening,

Not a lot of new news; however, we have enjoyed today, regardless of circumstances. We are very thankful for our bittid garden of healthy flowers, fresh veggies / produce, and thriving spices / herbs.

Our kind neighbour popped by this afternoon to pick some Parsley, and then returned before dinner, to gather some Greek Oregano, for the homemade soups she is making. When we stepped outside our front door, we could smell the delicious culinary brew wafting through her open kitchen windows! Upon her second visit, she gave us some wonderful hot house tomatoes, in tidbit exchange for our garden goodies. We are very Blessed to have such great neighbours; she being one of them. 'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you', is very true!

Tidbit - 'What goes around, comes around'. ie. Good Neighbours!

Bittid - Be grateful for the Blessings you have; and genuinely Thank Him for them; regardless of challenging bittidz moments. By deciding to be positive and have a good day; it is amazing how much better a day you have! Thus, one can also appreciate a peace and a relaxed calm in the evening.

The picture is of our indoor house plant; which was a 'leftover', when we took it home with us, approx 18 months ago. The plant was originally Alan's Mum's, and after she passed away, the somewhat displaced plant was both 'neglected' and 'homeless'. So, we 'adopted' it, and nursed it back to health. The plant has grown substantially. To the point, where we had no choice but, to use our outdoor large plastic planter to contain it for the time being; as it was literally leaning / heaving towards the floor, in its much smaller pot. Down the road, we will search for a 'special' pottery planter for this 'jungle like' plant, which apparently grows very high, like a tree. Fortunately, we have a 18 ft high ceiling / skylights in our front hall; so this is another tidbitz Blessing to constantly behold!

We are glad that tomorrow is Friday; and we look forward to an R & R weekend at home and in our garden.

If you wish, you can refer to my earlier tid post, re: the uplifting and joyful Psalms, written by David. I have always related to David, and he is very dear to my heart. In a bit, I will soak up some more of his awesome Psalms!

Good Night and God Bless.

Encouragement through Trials and Tribulations!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is a gorgeous day; not a cloud in the sky anywhere! Summer is still here; eventhough the trees are slowly starting to take on 'Indian Summer' fall colours. I love the fall as well. I appreciate the uniqueness of the four seasons; winter being my least favorite; although, winter does have its special alluring moments.

We have been dealing with a lot on our plates and balancing a bittid 'staycation' (stay at home vacation) at the same time. While we 'wait' for various responses to our efforts, we are tackling tidbitz tasks that have been sitting on the 'back burner'.

Mentioned in my August 25th post. 'Good Cheer' about the polishing up of our dining room table and nest of end tables. Did that again this morning; and the old maghogany wood is now gleaming with with new life! As I was gently 'restoring' some of the rich lustre of our furniture pieces, I thought being of genuine 'good cheer' makes all the difference! It is almost as if your spirits are being polished to shine or 'glow' as well! The tidbit expression: 'Laugh, and the world laugh with you. Weep and you weep alone' is so appropro. My Dad always said that to me; and when one applies that simple saying, it does make an impactful difference!

Yesterday, we did not have the best of days; as we experienced further bittidz delays with our projects. We can say, that it has been a rather interesting year; for most of us, right? Also, our computer and T.V. reception was not working; so that was a bit frustrating; hence, no communicado. Thank goodness for the telephone! LOL! Apparently, there was a major power problem / outage, which affected our internet / cable service. Relieved, that everything is now back to working tid order! We are thankful for the luxury of having a computer / T.V. Makes me think of our Blessings all the more; as there are many people, who are not as fortunate to have a computer, T.V. and / or even a phone etc. However, there are 'moments', when one is 'away from it all'; and that having a bit 'holiday' away from such technologies, can also be a refreshing rest, to 'recharge the batteries'.

Charles Price, of Living Truth (, in his mailout to us, shares a Biblical teaching re: 'NEEDS VS. WANTS'. "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. AND LET STEADFASTNESS HAVE ITS FULL EFFECT, THAT YOU MAY BE PERFECT AND COMPLETE, LACKING IN NOTHING. James 1: 2-4. What a wonderful insight and very definitely, an epifany to me! ie. When we Pray to God, Ask Him for your NEEDS; NOT your wants. He will Provide our needs; as He knows what our needs are. We just have to have the TRUST to Rely upon Him to do so; eventhough there are times that things do not happen as we would like. But know, that He has a good Plan and Purpose for us all. Keep on 'trekking!'

Also, last night, I was reading the Bible; and WOW! As it happened, I was strongly 'Directed' to the uplifting Psalms, that David (one of my favourites; and a mentor to my spirits!) wrote. ie. Specifically to Psalm 3 - 'Morning Prayer of Trust in God'; Psalm 4 - 'Evening Prayer of Trust in God'; and, Psalm 6 - 'Prayer for Mercy in Time of Trouble'. I always feel so much better after I have read the Psalms; and these particular ones were / are NO COINCIDENCE! 'Just what the doctor ordered', methinks!

I hope that some of you who may be / are experiencing 'trials and tribulations' along your 'journey', feel a bittid better after you have read today's post. As I have previously shared, the Vision Channel programs, 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -; 'Living Truth' - (Charles Price -, and Rhonda Lazerte Ministires / Door of Hope; offer such wonderful Biblical teachings and genuine encouragement. I am repeating the word, 'ENCOURAGEMENT'; as everyone one needs a tidbit of TLC!

Also, I love the above refreshing photo image! We have been enjoying the fresh produce (have lots of cherry tomatoes!) and herbs from our tid garden; and we are Thankful for these 'special' Blessings! 'Praise Him In All Things' - always!

Here is to peace, and God Bless.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Tranquil thoughts

Good Evening!

We are glad to be home for the evening. Have to admit that we are a bit weary and we are just plainly going to 'listen to the body'. ie. 'Putting things to bed, until tomorrow'. Tomorrow is, indeed, another day; so we are thankful for today! We will leave things 'on hold' (ie phone calls etc), seek a good night's rest; and begin afresh tomorrow!

We are in a 'waiting mode'; so until that 'fruition' moment arrives, we are going to enjoy the journey. We are placing ALL our TRUST in Christ to Provide the Solution. We have done our best; so we are leaving it all to Him. Of course, we do have other options; and some 'backups'; however, it is still a 'waiting game'; whether we like it or not. We will also tackle tasks, that we have procrastinated in doing; and with good cheer, as I eluded to in the earlier post of today.

Tidbit - When you feel 'overwhelmed' and a tid 'worn out', just ask Him to carry your burdens and cast all your troubles, worries, fears, etc at His feet. When you do that, you feel as if a huge weight has been removed from your heart, and you are infilled instead, with a better understanding to focus more simply and clearly on various matters. In this regard, REST, 'let go', and throw it all upon His shoulders to resolve. In other words, do not allow 'stress' to get the better of you. Think relaxation and welcome a quiet night, with a calm and trusting confidence in Him.

Bittid - Appreciate the end of a day; and rejoice that you overcame various bittidz challenges; and that it is the tidbitz time to rest. Best not to take your troubles to bed; and also, to 'sleep on things', so that you can make the 'right' decisions the next day. Give Him genuine Thanks, and 'Praise Him in ALL Things'.

Took this picture last night; after our friend left. Methinks the scene is majestically tranquil. Throughout the night, it rained softly; so perhaps these gentle skies gave a tidbit forecast of what bittid watering was to follow.

Am now going to call it a night; watch a movie, and just enjoy the evening.

Peace and God Bless.

Good Cheer!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Yesterday, we had a lovely tidbit surprise! Our very good friend popped in for a visit; and after approx four hours, we had barely scratched the bittid surface! LOL! She was in town for a couple of days (they were the friends that had invited us to their cottage, for this past weekend); so it was great she gave us a call. She brought over some white wine; and we supplied the 'appies'! It worked well; and the appies (mini quiches from Costco) became dinner! We enjoyed the summer afternoon / early evening sunshine out on our tid patio; and it was 'just what the doctor ordered!' She was a positive boost to our spirits; as we were uplifting to her!

We are 'awaiting' our projects to come to 'fruition'; and eventhough there can be some frustrating bit moments while we 'wait', we have TRUST in Him, knowing He will Provide Solution.

This morning, I was up very early; and ended up tidying our computer; ie. deleting a bunch of old files. Had been wanting to do that for some time; however, finally 'got around to it' today. One of the deleted files was about 'The cures for a hangover'. I had to laugh; and my immediate thought was ' Simple, don't drink!' Now that I think about it, my friend and I did enjoy the wine yesterday; however, the appies served us well in this regard! LOL! If one is going to enjoy a drink(s), the best safe guard, is to always have some food on hand as well.

Tidbit - Cherish genuine / loyal friendships. It is a Blessing to appreciate the bond of a few close friends.

Bittid - Recognize PATIENTLY, that 'timing is everything'; and know that Christ is working everything out for all of us, according to His Wiil and IN His time frame. He has a good Purpose and a wonderful Plan for us all; even if we do not see it at the time! Continue to be of good cheer!

We were of 'good cheer' with our dear friend yesterday; and the joyful visit, was indeed, a Blessing! We have much to be thankful for!

Also a cheerful aside, am in the process of restoring our old antique mahoghany dining room table, as well as our nest of end tables. Started yesterday and added some more polish today. Smells and looks great! Am hopeful that over the next few days, that with more applications, this wonderful product, will refresh and absorb magnificently into the wood!

The pictures are of our two hanging baskets. They are quite the contrast; as they are in different locations. The one (in the front) receives primarily the morning sunlight; and the other one (in the back), receives the afternoon / evening sunshine.

We now have to go out for a bittidz, as we have a few tidbitz things to attend to this afternoon. May be back with another post today; if not, tomorrow.

Peace and God Bless.

Monday, 24 August 2009

There are NO coincidences!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Our day is shaping up, with a few exciting appointments, that Alan is now participating in! Plus, it is a beautiful sunny morning, which methinks, always adds a tid of good cheer to one's spirits!

Last night, whilst Alan was receiving a return phone call (approx 7:30 pm), I happened to tune into the Vision Channel, and there was Rhonda Lazerte Ministries / Door of Hope! I reiterate, 'there are NO coincidences!' I have listened to Rhonda one other time, and I shared that tidbit in one of my posts, of approximately six to eight months ago. Her website is:

Felt that she and I were in the same room; as if we were sitting around a coffee table. Rhonda who is very personable, offers genuine encouragement, Biblical insights, and wonderful teachings. Also, Reverend Steele Lazerte was playing the guitar, singing ' Will you follow Jesus?' (not sure of the name of the song); however, it was easy to sing along with him! I joyfully belted the uplifting words out loud, not caring who heard my voice! LOL! In fact, methinks, if our neighbours did, great; maybe the words reached their ears and hearts!

Also took some photos of the magnificent colours of the sunset, as well as snippets of our flowers from our bedroom bittid balcony. Am glad I captured the moments of the tranquil scene before it vanished into the night. Do not think I did the five bit pictures enough justice; however, it was a gorgeous sight. Alan and I enjoyed the remainder of the summer evening out there, and appreciatively shared a refreshing rum and coke, with a twist of fresh lime. Many Blessings to be thankful for!

Tidbit - At the start of the day, when you Ask Him to infill you with His Holy Spirit, it is amazing what transpires. Your 'mind set' and heart is 'ready' to take on the day, as simply, as clearly, and as positively as possible! ALL with His empowering Guidance!

Bittid - 'Praise Him In ALL Things', regardless of your circumstances. He wants us to be calmly / confidently 'content', to be of daily genuine good cheer, and to have total TRUST in Him to Provide ALL our Solutions. Do not ever give up! Know He is ALWAYS there for you! Surrender to Him fully, and He will Direct your path. 'He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life'. When you genuinely turn yourselves over to Christ, ('Seek and Ye Shall Find'), He never leaves you! His Holy Spirit indwells within you; and you change (for the better), and you are a Blessing to others!

Have some tidbitz to do; however, hope to be back later with some bittidz news.

Peace and God Bless.

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Blooms and Blessings in abundance!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Embraced the inspirational 'epifanies' on the Vision Channel this morning, as well as appreciating a tasty tid 'brunch' prepared by Alan, that we enjoyed out on our patio. It has turned into a beautiful sunny afternoon; and summer is still very much here, methinks!

On 'Hour of Power', Dr. Robert Schuller Prayfully shares about Trusting God and that God is our Shield. I missed the first few minutes; however, was glad to have heard those wonderful words, as they invigorated my spirits. We have a number of 'irons in the fire'; and we are Trusting Him (Jesus Christ) to Provide Solution. Dr. Schuller's message came right at the right moment, and were like 'music to my ears!'
Thank you, Dr. Schuller! Also heard the Hymn,'In Ages Past'; love that song!

Guest, Bill Dallas, author of the book, 'Lessons from San Quentin' tells of his experiences and of other inmates in the prison. Bill was sharing that 'everything that he needed to learn about life, he learned in prison'. Dr. Schuller's wise words, 'tough times never last; but tough people do' struck a heartfelt chord within Bill; and these words helped him get through the tough moments of the 2.5 years he was there. There was a 'miraculous transformation amongst the prisoners', as their hearts had not hardened with their circumstances. Methinks, it is best for those interested in hearing / learning more, here is 'Hour of Power' website -

Another guest on 'Hour of Power', Pastor Mark Driscoll, enthusiastically validates Jesus Christ; and he 'is on fire' with his encouraging teachings about Him! Worth listening too, as well! I am like a 'sponge' soaking up the messages!

Will share a few bittids about 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer - and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price - within the next few days. Once again, for those of you who wish to 'Seek and Ye Shall Find', best to tune into their websites to receive more direct knowledge.

Joyce and her guest, Dr. Don Colbert (author of 'Stress Less'), enlighten us as to how to relieve stress. Basically, if we are led by the Holy Spirit, there is less stress!

Charles' empowering message, 'What is it in your hand?' is paralleling the story of Moses; and how Moses gave God his 'staff' The question being, 'Do we give up the 'staff' and let God work through us?' Or, do we not give up the 'staff' and keep it for our own purposes? If it is right, God will give us back the 'staff'; if not, He has an even better plan for us.

It is a great day; and we "Praise Him in All Things'. We all have many Blessings to be thankful for! Just took the picture of our two healthy hibiscus plants; with their exquisite blooms. These flowers are one of His ongoing majestic creations! Wow!

Hope this is a bit of an uplift, to all those who read this post! Enjoy your day!

Peace and God Bless.

Saturday, 22 August 2009

A nice day

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a nice and tranquil day today! Totally quiet! No noises, no people, no phones, no cars, no dogs, no nothing. It has been a very restful R & R. We were able to attend to some tidbitz tasks in the morning; and later in the afternoon, we purchased our lotto ticket for tonight's draw. As it is said, 'One can not win, unless one buys a ticket!'

Last night, we watched the thought provoking movie, 'Burning Mississippi', which depicts a true story; with Gene Hackman excellently portraying the lead, in the heading up of an FBI probing investigation into the mysterious deaths of three missing people. The bodies were ultimately unearthed, the truth exposed, and justice prevailed. Needless to say, I did not fall asleep right away. Fortunately, in our part of the world, we do not have such segregation; and I Thanked Him all the more for our special Blessings. ie. For our Freedoms and our Rights.

Received an encouraging comment to yesterday's post. Thank you! Thus, inspired me to take two more bittidz photos this afternoon! I love the 'unique' white / yellow hisbiscus also; a very classic and beautiful flower! Will take some more pictures when more of these exquisite hibiscus blooms appear! The other picture shows our thriving and healthy front patio hanging basket, as well as an abundant array of colourful flowers!

Alan, Blue, (our Blueheeler 'pup'), and I are glad to be home for the night. Tomorrow, I look forward to gleaning some more 'epifanies' from the Vision Channel. Here are their websites, should any of you be interested in watching / listening to 'Hour of Power' - Dr. Robert Schuller; ;'Enjoying Everyday Life' - Joyce Meyer -; and 'Living Truth' - Charles Price -

Tidbit - When there is a time for 'peace and quiet', enjoy those moments fully. Joyfully appreciate the tidbit time to relax, to recharge your batteries, and to step back from the events of the past week.

Bittid - It is amazing what tasty and economical meals can be prepared with bittid leftovers! As the expression goes: 'Waste Not, Want Not'. ie. - Tortellini (from Costco), Sweet Basil & cherry tomatoes (fresh from our tid garden), butter, and left over hamburger patties all mixed and tossed in together! We enjoyed this delicious and simple repas, along with a glass of South African red wine.

We are about to watch a movie; so here is wishing you Good Night and sweet dreams.

Peace and God Bless.

Friday, 21 August 2009

Appreciating a morning calm

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a few days since I last wrote a post; and my apologies to those of you, who enjoy reading them on a daily basis. However, we have been tied up with tidbitz projects, that have consumed most of our attention.

We had a successful meeting on Wednesday; and since then, things have been on the go. A face to face meeting is so much nicer; as you can finally put a face to the person. Eventhough, 'things' are taking longer to achieve, we can see the results of our 'blood, sweat, and tears' efforts. We have two seriously interested parties; so there is still a bit more 'legwork' to do; and then, we would like to think, the 'rest is history'. There are also two other key individuals; and because of Alan's background, he has helped them with some of their own endeavours. So, it has been a good week; with lots of 'give and take' heaped high on the plates, all the way around.

Now, it is a calm matter of patiently and confidently 'waiting'; and we are leaving it ALL to Him to Guide our path; as 'He IS the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIGHT'. We have Asked Him for Understanding, Guidance, Grace, Wisdom, and His Words of Wisdom; and His Holy Spirit to indwell within us. Also THANKING Him for all our Blessings; as well as Praying for His Protection, equipping and arming us with the 'Armour of God'; as well as joyfully anticipating good things to happen today (We do that on a daily basis; and it helps!). While one experiences and 'waits' along the journey, it is best to be of 'good cheer', knowing He (Christ) will Provide the Solutions. Also saying genuine Intercessoy Prayers for others, is a gracious uplift!

A bittid thought came to me yesterday; that we have all been given or Blessed with 'gifts'. However, it is a matter of how we all employ / use them for the common good. When one works 'in concert' with Him and according to His Purpose and Will, the 'gifts' / Blessings wonderfully show up.

Am enjoying a quiet time at the tid moment; appreciating my elixir of coffee. It is an overcast morning; and looks as if it could rain any second. We have been Blessed with warm weather in our part of the world; so some voluntary 'watering' of our garden would not hurt! LOL!

We are not going away this weekend; as we have a full week coming up. We will be 'jumping through a few more bittidz hoops' to continue setting the 'wheels in motion' for Monday and thus, for the rest of the week. Also, we did not want to leave our dear pup, Blue at the 'doggie camp' at this time; eventhough it is a great spot for doggies. The two people that might have looked after our Blue, are not able to. Our friends were disappointed that we could not join them; however, they are happy for our progress; and we will enjoy a 'celebration' with them when it is a 'fait accompli'.

Took two photos today, of our Queen Elizabeth Rose and two pale white / yellow hibiscus. Will take more pictures of our flowers, when more are in bloom! If you wish, you can refer to my August 17th post, 'Steadfast Blessings' for earlier bittids and tidbits.

Tidbit - Put ALL your Trust in Him, and enjoy the journey, while you wait. Best to 'Keep Things Simple', and appreciate your daily Blessings all the more; so that you can be an extra 'special' Blessing to others!

Bittid - 'Carpe Diem' or 'Seize the Day'. That is so true! Perhaps you can catch a glimpse of the tidbit message inscribed on the stone coaster, resting upon our coffee table.

Here is wishing you a joyful and peaceful Friday! The weekend again! Yahoo!

God Bless.

Monday, 17 August 2009

Steadfast Blessings

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Well ('well' can be a rather deep subject; if you wish you can refer to my June 13/07post for a bit of background), here it is again, the start of another week! We totally 'vegged out' yesterday; and we were thankful that it was Sunday, and we took the 'Day of Rest' to heart. We puttzed about in the garden, did a tid of tidying up inside our house; but especially appreciated our Blessings, that we have in abundance!

Took some pictures of our tidbitz patio / garden; showing the bloom of our pink hibiscus. There is also a pale yellow one, which is on the brink of bursting into bloom. Due to the harsh past winter, many of the plants did not survive; and / or, in this case, are flowering at this later time. Methinks, 'better late than never', as the expression goes. That saying can apply to so many things. ie Contacting / visiting people, tackling tedious tasks that one keeps putting off, etc. As mentioned a bittidz ago, 'etc' is a very good word to aptly describe 'the whole nine yards'. You may be able to see also the faint showing of MORE pink blooms of our Queen Elzabeth Climbing rose; as well as some ripening cherry tomatoes!

Last night for a simple tasty meal, we enjoyed tortellini (Costco benefit again!) with butter, tidbit seasonings, and parmesan cheese. PLUS, Sweet Basil (mixed in with the pasta), and some of the fresh cherry tomatoes! There is nothing nicer than savouring fresh produce from your own garden, right? And of course, a glass of red vino (South African!) to add to the ambience. Also, took another couple of photos of our amazing orchid (from Costco!), that Alan 'nursed' with TLC. You can refer to my August 5th post of 'Blessings bloom' FYI, if you wish.

This morning, when Alan took Blue out for his walk, he came across four trellis' that were discarded in our complex's garbage bin. Another treasure! We have 'found' so many items from this area; and we are delighted with the trellis; as they will be wonderful to encourage our climbing clematis plants. Just the other day, I was saying to Alan that we are in need of some trellis to our bittid garden; and 'Lo and Behold', look what shows up! To us, that is a Blessing!

Watched and embraced the Vision Channel yesterday morning; and WOW! I will share some 'tidbits' in later posts, however, it is best to check the sites out for yourselves to gain further bittids of knowledge. ie 'Seek and Ye Shall Find' ie. 'Hour of Power' - Dr. Robert Schuller -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' - Joyce Meyer -; and 'Living Truth - Charles Price -

If any of you feel a bittid down, discouraged, 'hard done by', weary, etc. the stories and teachings of these International Bible Teachers are very helpful and full of encouragement! ie. Patrick, an awesome guest on 'Hour of Power' shares some of his empowering story. We think we have our challenges! 'Well', listen to that one!

On 'Enjoying Everyday Life', Joyce is sharing insights / teachings on how to maintain a 'calm', a joy, and a peace during adversity.

Charles' continuing topic ' Take off your Shoes' is excellent. ie. The story of Moses parallels our lives today. In Isaiah 52:7a, there is mention of 'beautiful feet and how beautiful feet bring good news!' Best if you hear what empowering insights Charles shares with us! Makes me instantly think of when my Mum first met Alan; and immediately she complimented Alan, by saying: 'You have beautiful feet!'. Alan is a wonderful mentor for me; and following the next two paragraphs, is an excerpt, from my August 18/08 post - 'Genuiness'.

The interesting thing is, I am still enjoying my coffee that Alan makes for me, and brings to me most days; unless I am up very early. The quoted passage is still applicable today; and, after seven years, we 'continue to continue'; as well as heartily welcoming 'good cheer'. We are appreciative for each and every day; as if a 'mini' Thanksgiving. Blessings abound for us all; regardless of 'trials and tribulations!' AND, we always 'PRAISE Him In ALL Things!'. In the tough times, we remind ourselves to continue to THANK Him for our Blessings; and to keep ASKING Him for 'UNDERSTANDING' and 'GUIDANCE' for each day. 'Keeping things simple' works best; and 'taking joyful delight' in the little things, helps keep one genuinely focused in their daily walk and BLESSINGS with Christ.

Should also add, that the other tidbit comment my Mum made to Alan upon their first introduction, was that he 'smelled nice'. My Mum adored Alan; I am Thankful they had such a special friendship. Now that I think about it, my Mum never complimented any other gentlemen in that manner; so I will appreciate her words as a Blessing, as an endorsement of 'good news!'

"Alan is from a Christian family; and it was Alan who genuinely helped me accept Jesus Christ as my Saviour. Since that time, our lives have been taking many amazing turns (most would not believe it); and the fact that I have 'changed' (because Alan has 'brainwashed' me; and, indeed, he has not!), are angry, jealous, spiteful, etc - just because.

Alan has been the scapecoat and the whipping boy, as well as myself; however, that is fine. We are happy and are enjoying our lives; regardless of the ups and downs. Our Faith in Him has wonderfully Blessed our Marriage and our lives together. You can refer to my post of June 10/08 etc, if you wish to read about 'Our Answer to Prayer'.

Anyway, I am enjoying my cup of coffee, whilst writing my blog. Alan and I have done / are doing a lot of reflecting and it really DOES get down to being 'genuine'. We are so grateful that we met, fell in love, and each day just gets better; and this has now been approx 6 years. There were and still are those that oppose our marriage. Alas for them, that they did /do not wish to take the time to have a genuine understanding of the Truth; but perhaps they are more comfortable with their own versions, false gossip, or divisive heresay. And instead of being happy for us, they are not; but all the sadder for them, in that they do not appear to be content with their own lives. And yet, there IS a Solution; and that IS Him. If some would turn to Him, their lives too, would be 'changed' for the better and for the best. Alan has been a 'messenger' in His Service; and that is the simple TRUTH of it.

Tidbit - 'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you'.

Bittid - Commandment # 8 - 'Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour'."

Methinks I wrote a longer post than I thought. I feel I was GUIDED strongly by His Holy Spirit to share this extra tidbit, with you today. Whilst writing it, I have received a bittid of an uplift as well. He uses us all in various ways to touch hearts and to genuinely reach out to others, to share the message of the 'good news' and to be of steadfast 'good cheer' to all!

Peace and God Bless.

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Morning coffee Blessings

Good Morning, or whatever the best greeting is to you, in your part of the world!

We slept in a bittid this am; and presently, I am appreciating my morning elixir of coffee. Even our Blue was content to enjoy an added rest. We have not made any specific plans for today; and we are glad; as we are simply going to enjoy the day as it unfolds. We are expecting to hear some news today, and / or early next week about our efforts re: a few tidbit projects. We are hopeful to celebrate; and if that is the case, we will be rejoicing a tid, with our good friends next weekend.

Late yesterday afternoon, as we were settling in for a quiet Friday night at home, we received a surprise visit from a close friend that we have not seen for two years. His girl friend tragically died in a car accident; she drove her car on a one way street; and a large truck was coming in the opposite direction. I do not think I need to say more; save that our friend has not 'surfaced' until now. He appeared to be in good spirits; and we invited him to stay on for dinner.

Fortunately, we had just returned from the local Produce store, with some fresh veggies and fruit. Alan and I thought, we will 'stretch' the three cobs of corn for three meals; yet when our friend arrived, the three cobs were fired onto our barbecue. Also, we had thawed out four pieces of chicken (from Costco; you can buy them economically in bulk packages - works for us!); so those were thrown on the barbecue as well. We had also treated ourselves to a bottle of wine (a glass with each dinner); but that was joyfully consumed last night as well.

It had stopped raining; and as it had evolved into a sunny evening, we ate outside and enjoyed getting 'caught up' with our friend. He left later in the evening; but we know that he felt a bittidz better. He spoke of his girl friend several times; and methinks that is good; to just 'get it off one's chest'; rather than 'burying it' and never speaking of her. Anyway, we were grateful that we were 'sounding boards' for him. Blue really liked him; and our friend generously offered if he could, he would be happy to help us with the care of our Blue next weekend. You may wish to refer to my two most recent posts for a tidbitz of background.

Yesterday morning, I was 'Guided' to a part of the Bible and Proverbs 15: verse 17, opened 'right up' literally before me. "Better is a dish of vegetables where love is, Than a fattened ox and hatred with it". I thought, 'Wow! I like that sentiment!' Actually the whole chapter is a good one; and ends with verse 33 - "The fear of the Lord is the instruction for wisdom".

Also, our friend would be staying here; as it would be best for all those concerned. ie. Blue, as well as an uplifting 'change of scene' for our friend. We have asked someone else prior; and personally, that would be preferable, as they know each other / Blue's routine. However, we shall see what transpires. Our friend has also been caring for an elderly gentleman, so it may be 'iffy'. We are hopeful to accept our friends' kind invitation; but that also depends on what occurs with our endeavours, in the upcoming week. If all works out, we will gladly go; if not, then we will look forward to a 'rain cheque', when the 'timing' is better. However, we wanted to take care of 'first things first' ie. Our 'pup', should we be forunate to go away for the weekend.

My girl friend really wants us to be there; as she says that 'we are a breath of fresh air' and we 'bolster their spirits'; well, that is kind of her. I replied, that 'We would make it our first priority, to see to it, that they have an extra good time!' She shared they want to 'celebrate' with us; regardless of the outcome of the week. She is also saying 'each day is like a celebration'; I am thinking, 'hmmmm, maybe my upbeat tid chats with her, are starting to rub off a wee bit! LOL! So, we feel compelled, more than ever, it would be great to enjoy this 'special' time with them.

Little did we know that our dear friend would be dropping in for dinner; and methinks there are NO coincidences here! We shared joyfully what we had from our larder; and to us, the evening is a treasured one! A good time was had by all! We think too, that our friend was in need to just 'unwind' / 'let his hair down' with close friends. Apparently, he was on his way home, and a detour 'led' him practically by our house; and he thought, 'Why Not?'. His thinking being, 'that if they are home; fine; if not, well, I tried'. It turned out to be a positive and encouraging evening for all of us; including our Blue!

I love the above photo image; methinks it expresses much!

Hope you are enjoying the weekend. Personally, am feeling elated about enjoying genuine friendships! 'A two way street' works! Cheers with a cup of coffee!

Peace and God Bless.

Friday, 14 August 2009

Special Dog moments

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Woke up to a cloudy overcast day; however, we are grateful for the refreshing relief of rainfall.

Took two photos of Blue sleeping on our wonderful green armchair / matching footstool. If you would like to, you can refer to my August 12th post, 'Positive thoughts!'; as that will give you a tid of background.

We are hopeful we will be able to take up the kind invitation by our friends for next weekend. Our friend is lovely; however, is not too fond of dogs. Eventhough our dog is exceptionally well behaved and is an excellent traveller, we will have to leave him at home. We do have a good spot where we could 'put' him in; however, we would prefer not to. The 'doggie day camp' is run by quality people; and it is not so much the money; but we genuinely do not want to 'dump' him there; eventhough he would receive good TLC care. Our old dog, 'Rocky' (Rockford) LOVED it there; and methinks that we may have put Blue in there when he was too young; and that may have made a bit of a difference. Blue is very sociable with other dogs; we are just being 'protective parents'. We have asked someone to care for him, who will let us know if that is possible.

We have a number of matters / projects that we are attending to; and it also depends upon 'timing' (there is that famous word, again!); so it may be that we may end up staying here. On the other hand, if things work out with our endeavours, then we may surrender Blue to a few days at the 'camp'. The people are trustworthy and very good; and perhaps this time would be a better experience for Blue, now that he is five years young.

Should mention too, that we allow Blue to be 'comfy comfy' on our loveseats, chairs; but not ever on the bed. He has his own little basket / bed, with comforter and pillow and he is very comfortable curled up in there at nights. Of course, if our friend volunteers a 'change of heart', and suggests we bring our 'pup', we will make sure that Blue does not get up on any pieces of furniture! He LISTENS; which is a Blessing! If he were to accompany us, he would most likely 'stick to us like glue!' LOL!

FYI, here is a tidbitz tale about 'Our 2 'puppies"', as per my post of April 5/07; which you may find a bittidz amusing as well. Things have changed since then; however, it is fun to remember special 'doggie moments'. A typo error should be either 28 months or 2.8 YEARS old. You may wish to refer to it anyway.

Here is the excerpt from that 2007 post. - "Our current dog is Blue; 2.8 months old. Our other dog, Rocky, passed away in Oct/04; at age 12 yrs.

Blue, is a cross between a Blue Heeler (Australian cattle dog) and an Australian Sheep Dog. He looks more like a Blue Heeler, than a Sheep Dog; although he "herds", nips, pulls, is very playful, and athletically active. Blue Heelers are also highly intelligent and always on the alert.

"Rocky", on the other hand, was a real ham; loved by all.(a Mr."T.V." personality) He knew NO fear; and was nicknamed,"Mr. Mafiaoso" at "Camp" Waggers. Rocky loved "Camp" Waggers; he immediately established himself as "numero uno" - both over large dogs and the tid bit sized ones. He was a cross between a Besenge (of African roots; a small games hunter dog) and a Bull Terrier.

Both dogs came from other homes before we brought them into our household. Rocky was about 5 or 6 months old; and Blue was about 3.5 months old. Their earlier homes were not the greatest; so we are glad that the dogs came into our lives. Pets provide such joy, comic relief, laughter, etc; as only dog lovers and pet owners would know.

Tidbit - Dogs are great family members. If they are treated well, they will treat you well. Both of our dogs thought they were people; particularly Rocky; who literally, would sit up on a chair, at a place set, at the table for him! There would be his bowl! He would lounge about on the sofas; whereas Blue, has not been allowed that luxury, since Day 1 in our home. The first dog was not disciplined in his early life.

They say, "You can not teach an old dog, new tricks". Well, Alan was able to illustrate to Rocky otherwise; and you know, those 2 were great buddies. We miss our Rocky; however, we can be thankful for the 12 years we enjoyed with him. Blue, has been a wonderful companion throughout for us; and is also a great dog. He is coming into his own.

Another tidbit - You can learn a lot from dogs. They actually TEACH you and encourage character building and appreciation. Even when there are "challenges" with them; from time to time. LOL!

Please feel free to comment and share your "dog tales" and / or other pet stories!"

Brings us to the present; that things have certainly changed; inasmuch as 28 months have passed by. Blue very much thinks of himself as a 'person', and has his own style and tidbit mannerisms.

Once again, glad it is Friday and the weekend again! Had some 'helpful' bittid of news earlier today; and we will know more next week.

Also, here is a picture of 'Rocky', as well as 'His Royal Highness'.

It looks as if it going to pour with rain any second; dark clouds etc. We have some bittidz things to do; so best the three of us head out sooner, rather than later.

Here is wishing you all a nice tidbitz weekend.

Peace and God Bless.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Fireside Blessings

Good Evening!

Enjoyed a really nice tidbitz visit with our good friend. Also, she and her husband have invited us for next weekend to their summer cottage. If we are able to do it, we will enjoy and appreciate their generous hospitality. It sounds just 'what the doctor has ordered' - a kind invitation to spend a tidbit of time with good friends. We will have to leave our dear Blue with someone (we have a couple of good 'doggy' people in mind); because eventhough our friends are wonderful, they are not 'dog' crazy. We, on the other hand, take our 'pup' everywhere with us, and methinks as a result, he is exceptionally well behaved and a good travelling companion.

The photo is of our beloved fireplace and gorgeous screen, showing a great crackling fire of mature firewood, from our find, earlier in the year. Alan cheerfully made us a fire; which made the visit all the more 'special'. Also, a picture of our large lovely flowery wine glass; which holds a generous bittidz of wine. At the tid moment, it has stopped raining, and the sun is valiantly attempting to peer through the mass of clouds.

We also have some more of our Queen Elizabeth climbing pink roses coming into bittid bloom; so the lovely old antique silver vase which you see, will be filled with these beautiful roses before too long!

Tidbit - Appreciate your garden booty of fresh grown produce and flowers!

Bittid - Appreciate genuine 'generosity of spirit' / from the heart invitations.

As mentioned in the earlier bit post of today, we are expecting to hear some news tomorrow; or certainly in the near future. We have various 'irons in the fire'; and this is where we have to 'keep our heads cool', and have the 'patience' to simply 'wait' and TRUST in Him to Provide the Solution. We have done all the preliminaries / 'jumping through hoops', and thus, we are Relying upon Him; and not upon our own understanding, to 'Show us the Way'.

It has been a good day today, of good cheer! As mentioned in yesterday's post, always good to have a 'quiet time with Him' - ie. at the start of the day etc. When you expect good things to happen to you and others - ie Blessings (which He wants us all to have in abundance!), more often than not, the outcome is positive. There are always 'lessons to be learned' along the way; and the experiences gained, simply make you a 'stronger' person.

'Skal' with a glass of wine left from this afternoon!

Peace and God Bless.

A marvel of Blessings!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is 'raining cats and dogs' today. The flowers, shrubs, plants, trees etc are all getting a really good drench with the fervent downpour.

Took three pictures yesterday of our climbing, ever evolving clematis. As you can see it produces a beautiful yellow / white flower; and we have noticed that once matured, it transforms into a cluster of tiny red bright berries. Interesting and neat we think! There were a few showing of flowers last year; but it has taken three years to behold the bittidz berries! We brought the clematis with us from our old abode, replanted it here and voila! This is, indeed a tidbitz marvel, for us! Do not know the name of this type of clematis; methinks, the descriptive tag must have been lost during the move. Took another photo this morning; because the red berries did not show up in the brilliance of the sunshine from yesterday. Quite the contrast in weather!

Tidbit - Appreciate the bloom! Everything is so vividly fresh in the rain! God is awesome with His wondrous creations! And imagine, He Created the Universe in six days! Wow!

Was up early this morning; 'puttzed about' with my morning 'elixir', and rearranged / reorganized various bittid shelves / cupboards, enjoying also the warm glow from a small fire, I lit in our fireplace.

A close friend of ours is coming over this afternoon for a tidbit visit. She is bringing a bottle of white wine; and we will supply the 'appies'. This works! LOL! This is a perfect day for a cosy fire, and her company! Besides, today feels 'like a Friday' or the start of the weekend! Methinks we are still on a 'staycation!' LOL! We have made our calls already; and it is simply a matter of 'waiting' now til tomorrow for further news.

Bittid - Appreciate genuine friendships!

Also, in one of the photos, you can see our 'wasp' jar. We have had to put two such containers out, because it is now the season of these pesky and aggressive invaders. The jars are quite decorative; adds to the bit garden amibience, methinks. The top or 'lid' is a cork saved from an old champagne bottle; as the original cork crumbled. Our other jar is hanging from a nodule notch on our small pink dogwood tree, and it blends in as well. The top came from a broken wine decanter; and I am glad I kept the crystal top, because it looks very artistic! (A picture to take on another day). It is suggested that beer, orange juice, or any sweet liquid attracts wasps; so if you have 'leftover' warm beer, or OJ, or whatever, you can apply the 'waste not want not' expression, into a practical and useful purpose. The wasps fly up from underneath and the rest is history.

Hope you are enjoying today! 'Praise Him In All Things'. We all have much to be THANKFUL for!

Peace and God Bless.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Food for thought!

Greetings again!

Can not believe it is tid afternoon already! You would think that when one is up early, that the time would be later in the day!

We have two friends coming in (Alan is making up impromptu tuna fish sandwiches) and I just finished setting up our patio table for a nice / fun gathering. They and us have been working on a few projects together; and this will be a good opportunity to get 'caught up' / 'brainstorm' on things. We have also 'found' an interested party with regards to their / our endeavours; and a meeting has been set up for later today. Both groups are going out of town tomorrow; so this is perfect!

Their coming here (as opposed to us going out), gave me a good excuse to vacuum and dust our house! LOL! It was needing a bit of help in that area!

Here are also a couple of recipes and an inviting message from 'Culinary Capers'; a wonderful catering company; and with gorgeous mouth watering food! We utilized them when we had our party a few years ago!

"Dear Culinary friends,

The peak of summer is upon us and here are a couple of light recipes that are high on style and classic in taste, yet a breeze to pull together. Change the asparagus salad into an entrée by adding a grilled breast of chicken".

"Summer berry Pavlova
4 meringue shells (or purchase ready-made from your bakery)

6 egg whites
1 cup white granulated sugar
1 tbsp corn starch
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp white vinegar

2 cups fresh summer berries, chopped
1 cup honey
1 tsp cracked black pepper
1/2 cup chilled heavy whipping cream
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp lemon peel, finely grated
fresh mint sprigs, chopped

Prepared day before:
Preheat oven to 150° F.
Warm egg whites in a bowl over a water bath until warm to touch (this helps dissolve the sugar).
Gradually add sugar and beat to stiff peaks, then fold in cornstarch followed by vanilla and vinegar. Spoon 4 equal rounds onto a parchment lined cookie sheet. Make a well in the centre of each. Bake 2 hours. Turn off oven and leave overnight in the oven.
(Pastry chef tip: use a clean, dry, stainless steel bowl and make sure there is no trace of yolk.)

Final preparation:
Warm honey in a sauce pan and add cracked pepper. Pour over berries and let stand 2 hours to macerate. Combine whipping cream, lemon peel, and sugar. Using electric mixer, beat to soft peaks.

To serve, dollop 2 tbsp of lemon whipping cream on meringue, then spoon berries (with the berry juices) high on top of meringue. Finish with chopped mint.

Asparagus and chèvre salad
serves 6

8 oz chèvre cheese
2 tbsp whipping cream
6 small handfuls of salad greens for garnish
18 cherry tomatoes
12 asparagus spears
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp minced shallot
1/2 tsp lemon zest
salt and pepper, to taste
1/2 cup lemon parsley vinaigrette (see recipe)

Preheat oven to 375° F.
Toss cherry tomatoes with 1 tbsp of olive oil, salt and pepper and place on sheet pan and roast in the oven for 15 minutes.
Mix the chèvre with cream, minced shallot, and lemon zest.
Shape into 6 small disks.

Blanch the asparagus for approximately 3 minutes and cool in ice water. Discard tough ends of asparagus. Slice the rest of the tender part into 1/4 inch pieces. Mix the asparagus with lemon zest, salt and pepper and a bit of olive oil.

Press some of the asparagus onto the top of the chèvre disks. Arrange plate with cheese disk to one side. Toss greens with dressing and arrange on the side of the cheese disk. Garnish with roasted cherry tomatoes and extra asparagus.

Lemon parsley vinaigrette
1 tsp lemon zest
2 tbsp white wine vinegar
4 tsp fresh lemon juice
2 tbsp Dijon mustard
2 tbsp Italian parsley
2/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp honey
salt and pepper, to taste

Combine honey, lemon juice, vinegar, salt, pepper, mustard and zest. Slowly whisk in oil. Add freshly chopped parsley before serving".

Tidbit - 'Timing is everything'.

Bittid - Good food and gracious hospitality is essential for promoting good thoughts and ideas!

Love the above photo images! Refreshing and tantalizing! Thus far, our day has been full of Blessings!

Enjoy! and God Bless.

Positive thoughts!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Was up early this am and glad of it! There is something to be said, for being up in the house, before everyone else is (in this case it is just Alan and I); as everything is so quiet and peaceful. Am sure some of you can relate!

I put on the coffee pot, and am appreciating my 'elixir' of morning brew and these 'special moments', before the day starts revving up. Should add that our Blue followed me about; and finally lay down contentedly at my feet, when I stetched back on our comfy big green arm chair with the matching foot rest. Have been enjoying looking up through our loft skylight; catching the last bittid part of the moon, some snippets of blue sky and glimpses of sunshine, and several large puffy cloud clumps.

During our 'staycation', (vacation at home), we have re evaluated our priorities etc; and have taken the initiative with our various choices. It has taken more time than we had envisioned; however, we know that He (Christ) has a Purpose and a GOOD Plan for us. We have experienced some 'let downs' and recent disappointments (who hasn't?), yet we know that He will Prevail with Solution. It is just a matter of timing and being 'patient' during the 'wait'. We are still being 'proactive'; but this is where one must Lean upon Him; as 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'.

This morning, as I said my Prayers, I felt immediately reassured and calmed, that 'everything is going to be alright'. 'Fear Not, For I have Overcome the World', Christ says. As long as we continue to put our HOPE, FAITH, and TRUST in Him to GUIDE us; and not 'rely upon our own understanding'. I asked for the Holy Spirit to indwell within me, as I relaxed in our loft and Prayed for 'good things' to happen today etc.

Made me also think of the three programs I enjoy watching on the Vision Channel. ie. 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' - (Joyce Meyer -; and 'Living Truth' - (Charles Price - These International Bible teachers provide awesome encouragement and tremendous Biblical insights. Methinks it is best if you refer to their powerful messages to receive their empowering knowledge first hand. I can share tidbits here and there; but for you to appreciate a greater dearth of understanding and enlightenment, best to do 'due diligence' and check them out for yourselves. Both Alan and I find that their in depth teachings, are so applicable and 'equippable' to everyday living. Also, 'Pay it Forward'; if you know of someone, who is in need of His Counsel / and or who may have questions and / or doubts of 'what is what'; 'what to do' etc.

No question, these are difficult times; that is why, He is more important than ever; to genuinely invite Him into our hearts! As mentioned, we have had a bit of a 'staycation' this past while; and it has been revealing, as well as reflective.

Thank goodness too, for the word, 'etc'; as it aptly describes much. LOL!

Tidbit - Intercessary Prayers are good. Apart from your own set of circumstances, keep Praying for others. That also gives you a tidbit uplift.

Bittid - Taking or making the time to have a 'quiet moment' before the day begins, is a peaceful and positive start to the day. If you Hope and Pray for good things to happen to you and to others, you will receive Blessings, as well as being a Blessing to others.

Even at night, before you fall off to sleep, when you Pray for a good sound sleep and Pray for others, you wake up feeling good too!

Hope these few bittids help; they are also a tid of encouragement to me. Methinks too, take extra delight in the little things. ie In my case, our cosy armchair and foot rest, along with my morning coffee and Blue etc. Our skylight is on the left, as you are looking at the pictures.

As Joyce Meyer shares, 'Do not allow the devil to steal your joy'. So whatver your situation is, DO your best to be of daily GOOD CHHER and be joyful! Your thoughts affect the outcome.

Here is wishing you a great day!

Peace and God Bless.