Thursday, 5 March 2009

'Stalwart' - I like that word!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Have been up with the birds; and now that the dawn is heralding earlier, there is something 'peaceful' about being the first one up in the household! Blue, our Blue Heeler, of course, kept me company; albeit he was still snoozing. Writing of Blue, Alan and I have decided that it will be less traumatic (for us! LOL!) to give Blue his tid bath in the tub, rather than in the shower. The bath tub has a shower 'nozzle'; and that is the simplest 'no fuss, less muss' route.

Am enjoying a cup of wonderful coffee from my favourite mug; and, eventhough we have nicer and 'fancier' types of china cups / mugs, I usually inhale my daily morning brew from this thirty five year old 'stalwart'. (The four photos are taken in our bedroom, along with the beautiful bay window, overlooking a tranquil treelike setting; which we love!). I always feel such a loving comfort with this mug; methinks, the cheery colours, as well as the two reassuring Irish Blessings.

Mentioned (April 30/07 post, 'A Tribute to my Dad') that I was 'adopted'. One tidbit thing I did not mention (forgot!) was that apart from the two blood parents being Norwegian, the two sets of blood grandparents were Norwegian on one side; and a mix of Norwegian and IRISH on the other side! Have always had a 'soft spot' for the Irish (apart from the Norwegian Vikings!); perhaps because of their ancient history, charm, and the beauty of their 'Emerald Isle'. The parents I had, were / are my parents; because they brought me up. I also thought, I will 'never say or do that like my parents'; well? (June 13/07 post on the subject of 'well'). It is an amusing cycle; because there are some bittid sayings / habits I have; and now I am seeing it with my daughter, with her twin sons.

One of the institutions that we looked to for help with our bit business, agrees with our vision; the only problem is, that there are 'certain things in their mandate', that do not permit to lend at this time; and yet they have been funded by the government to help small and medium sized businesses. Like, go figure? Alan read an article in the local paper last night, that the CEO of this particular organization, expressed his view, that the money is available; however, there have been no entrepreneurs that have stepped up to the plate - words to that effect. I suggested to Alan that he call the CEO this morning; and 'knock on his door'. Like hello? Alan just called the organization; and our name was forwarded on to the head honcho; so we are awaiting a call back from him. We fit the requirements; plus the representative that we have been dealing with, also suggested that we should be in touch with the CEO. The rep is totally on our side; just have to 'fine tune' things here.

Need to go and attend to some bittidz matters; however, will be back later with tidbitz re: 'Living Truth' (Charles Price). Will give you his insightful website once again; in the event you want to learn more.

As you know, I appreciate absorbing the Vision Channel on Sundays (when we are in town; along with my favourite mug in tow); and I enjoy sharing my tidbits re: their enlightening insights. However, for you to gain the utmost bittids, it is best for you to take the iniative, and tune into their websites (You can refer to the recent posts for background). Also, if you choose to let others know of their encouraging teachings and resources, you may be giving a 'down and out' person a new lease on their life and a positive perspective; as in 'Pay It Forward'.

Tidbit - Giving is a wonderful reward! You feel so good, when you help and think of others first. 'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you'.

Bittid - Delight in the simple 'appreciations'. ie a favourite 'stalwart' coffee mug, beer stein, whatever brings a smile to your face! You can choose to have smile lines or frown wrinkles. Even during difficult times, practice smiling (even in the mirror - crack! LOL!); after a bit, you feel a whole lot tid better! LOL!

God Bless.

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