Saturday, 14 March 2009

Remembering good friends

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

This am, slept in a wee bittidz (well til, 8:30 am); and am appreciating my daily morning 'elixir' of coffee! It tastes extra good today! Perhaps, because it is a miserable rainy day; and / or the events of the past week or two, have simply 'caught up with me'. Looking back, we put out some 'brush fires', accomplished much; and yet there is so much more to do!

We did have snow last week; so the gentle rain now, is a Blessed tidbitz relief, methinks. Our 'puppy' Blue, is curled up and wrapped around the legs of my chair; how he can be 'comfortable' is beyond me! However, he is extremely content; eventhough he has not been out for his walk yet! He is an exceedingly good animal; and a wonderful family member; makes us laugh so! As mentioned in previous posts, Blue is a Blue Heeler; he is highly intelligent, readily alert, and athletically agile. This is the weekend 'we' (the 'Royal we' LOL!) are going to give him his tid bath. LOL! Most likely it will be Alan who will be lifting him into our tub; and fortunately there is a nozzle that will serve as a showering device. Blue's coat will be wonderfully soft and shiny again!

One year ago, today, is the day my dear friend, 'John' ('the Almond Roca Man') passed away from an inoperable tumour and cancer. In tribute to him, I would like to give you some posts to read (if you wish; also for background for an amusing tale) in his memory. There may be some nice tidbits / bittids too, for your spirits!

Starting with the order shown; they are all linked as part of the 'story'.

'Good Night and Good Morning!' - March 14/08
'Happy Friday' - March 14/08
'A Time to reflect' - March 15/08
'Almond Roca Man' - March 15/08
"Here is to 'John'" - March 15/08.

Tomorrow is the 'Ides of March', the next day is Alan's Birthday, and the 17th is St. Patrick's Day; memorable days! That takes us to Tuesday of next week already!

Tidbit - Enjoy and live one day at a time! In other words, give Him today! Do not worry about tomorrow, even if there are 'worries'. Trust Him to Provide! 'Throw' it upon Him to carry ALL your burdens; you will feel as if a huge weight has been taken off your shoulders. Even your heart will be lighter; and perhaps you will have more of a skip in your step, as we 'leap into spring!' A sense of humour is GOOD too!

Bittid - Appreciate genuine friendships and family; and let them know they are 'special' people both to you and to others. Late 'laments' happen all too often; when there are 'unspoken words'.

Yesterday, I telephoned a close friend (she is old enough to be my Mum; however, she is 'young at heart'; actually the mother of my ex-boyfriend of many years; and she and I still enjoy a flourishing friendship). Turns out she had been thinking about me as well; so once again, there are NO Coincidences! A dear friend of hers, had recently passed away; so the call was of good cheer to her spirits. You never know whom you might 'uplift' by making a telephone call and / or a visit.

Alan is taking the anti inflammatory pills ('A bounce in your step!'; and 'You reap what you sow!'; March 12/09 posts); and they appear to 'knock one out a bit'. He has since been up(after 10:00 am; however, it is Saturday!) and our Blue and he have just returned from an invigorating walk together.

Today and possibly tomorrow, we will be organizing bittidical files / paperwork for our accountant; whom we will be seeing this coming week. Methinks the 'rain' will be less distracting and will encourage us to tackle most of this tidbitical task, this afternoon.

Here is wishing you a nice tidbit weekend! I will say an 'Absent Friends Skal' to 'Almond Roca Man' / 'John' tonight. May also be tempted to eat an almond roca bar in his honour! LOL! Methinks too, that I will call his Mum in a bittid.

I love the above photo image (have written a tid post or two!) of the 'Oyster Man' on a plate, joyfully devouring his oysters! LOVE oysters! We have that wonderful plate; and everytime (everyday!) I pass by it, I always have to laugh! Plus, the chap reminds me of 'John', with his bit antics and facial expressions; particularly re: the 'Almond Roca Man' tale! LOL!

Peace and God Bless.

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