Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Glad that it is evening!

Good Evening,

We have just come in the door! Managed to do a lot! As mentioned in this morning's post: "so today we are making preparations to oppose unfair, unethical, and greedy practices". The process is now set in motion; and when all is said and done, I will share a bittidz with you. A tidbitz: there are tid times when one needs good legal counsel; particularly when one is dealing with a 'predator'; who takes advantage of 'laymen'.

We attended to some other bittid matters, and tomorrow will take care of itself. That gives us a tidbit of calm and reassurance, that He has a Purpose, all to the GOOD for us. We do not understand what His Purpose is; save that we have FAITH and TRUST that He WILL PROVIDE SOLUTION!

Tidbit - Once one has made a decision, one feels better; particularly when it is the right course of action. Also, leave it to Him to Guide you; it becomes easier to make better choices.

Bittid - Live one day at a time. ie 'GIVE HIM TODAY'; no need to 'fret' about tomorrow. Focus on today; and appreciate a thorough good night's rest; so that you are fully refreshed to 'Give Him' your best each day. Life becomes less stressful and a whole lot simpler!

Am looking forward to Alan's wonderful home-made tuna fish sandwiches for dinner; which is a good recovery sign! Have not had much of an appetite for the last couple of days; methinks due to a bit of a flu bug.

Hope this is a tid of uplifting encouragement to you. Love the bit photo image; that is Alan and I tonight! LOL!

Good Night and God Bless.

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