Saturday, 21 March 2009

Happy Spring Weekend!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

The sun is shining; and I always enjoy seeing its rays on our stairs, reflected through our spacious front hall skylight! There is a bittid sunny patch on the 'landing' at the top of the stairs; and our Blue loves to bask away in that warm tidbit spot. Also, am able to catch a glimpse of our mountains; and eventhough it is Spring, their peaks are capped in snow. Am sure 'spring skiing' today, would be awesome; along with a packed delicious picnic lunch! Food always has played such an important part to me; particularly with skiing. Brings back many wonderful memories, when I used to ski a lot; and then an appreciative cold beer at the end of the day's skiing. Am sure some of you can relate! LOL!

My daughter is back to playing baseball; baseball usually being the start to the Spring / Summer season. Today is their first practice; as it has been too cold prior. Their games start in May; and we look forward to watching her and her team play.

Mentioned in yesterday's post, that my son returns home today from his holiday in New Zealand; will be great to see him and pictures of his trip! Apparently, he did a 'reverse bungee jump?'; perhaps just as well that I, as his Mum, did not receive that particular photo!

In a few hours, we will be at the 'wake' of our friend. If you wish a tid of background, please refer to yesterday's post, 'Blessings abound!' and also to March 7th post, 'Appreciating special moments!' As mentioned, it will be comforting to share stories with close friends in his memory.

Tidbit - Be appreciative for a ray of morning sunshine, wherever you are! It is an invigorating Blessing!

Bittid - If you have something endearing or a genuinely heartfelt concern to share with someone, best to tell them; rather than not. You never know if you will have that same timing or moment again. We just did that with someone; as we wanted to 'be on record', should they ever be needful of support / and or encouragement.

Also, 'being on record', re: March 19th post, 'Blessings abound!', I did gently say to the 'person' of the institution (affiliated with one of the problematic banks in the U.S.), that it is 'nothing personal'; save that what has happened in the 'higher ups', has caused all this financial mess, throughout the world. We find out also that the supoeaned AIG, gave $218 Million dollars away in bonuses. In the overall scheme, the figure is not that big; however, it IS the INTEGRITY and GREED issue; and hopefully, most of the 'bonuses' will be honourably put back into stimulating the U.S. economy!

May be back a bit later. Tomorrow, am going to joyfully absorb the Vision Channel ('Hour of Power', 'Enjoying Everyday Life', and 'Living Truth'); as the various teachings are very insightful. More often than not, there is an 'epifany'; which often relates to tidbitz events / moments that have recently taken place. No bittidz coincidences here, folks!

Am also going to appreciate the gorgeous photo from yesterday's post for my 'main' picture! Love the colourful flowers, with all their magnificently vivid foliage! In our complex, we have purple, yellow, and white crocuses everywhere; as well as budding tulips and daffodils galore! A beautiful time of year; when new life is bursting forth! 'Being alive and thriving' comes to my mind!

Hope you enjoy a nice Saturday and a 'Happy Spring Weekend!' 'Smile and the world laughs with you. Weep and you cry alone' or words to that effect; my Dad always used to say that expression; and it is very true! Love the photo image of the daffodils and the message!

God Bless.

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