Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Fresh focus!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Was up early this am; and eventhough thus far, it is a miserable dark and rainy morning, I can hear the cheery strong 'sing songs' of the birds! ie Robins in particular! Love their poignant interactions with each other! The daffodils and tulips are sprouting forth everywhere in healthy green abundance; won't be long til there are tidbit blooms! Love the photo image! The yellow, white, and purple crocuses provide a majestic show of colour throughout our complex; and are another welcoming 'sign of spring!'

Have my wonderful elixir of coffee; it is hitting the spot; and I am enjoying the peaceful hush and calm throughout our house! I have been 'fighting' a bittid bug methinks (you can refer to yesterday's post, if you wish a bittidz of background); however, am going to 'lay low' for today to 'nip this in the bud'. Tomorrow and Friday (again!) we have a number of appointments; so today will be a relatively 'quiet one' indoors. We have various tidbitz calls to make mid morning to late afternoon; and we hope to accomplish a fair tid.

We watched the heartwarming movie, 'Rudy' last night; and what an inspiration! 'Lo and behold!' Based on a true story! Rudy never gave up; and the gist is 'Never give up on your dreams, no matter how many obstacles are in your way'. I suggest you see this refreshingly courageous movie; if you have not already! Also, in the movie, there are the bittidical 'AHs' (not a nice word; am sure you know what it stands for); and interestingly enough, we have been dealing with a few of 'those' as well. They 'say one thing and simply do another'. We had such a tidbitical situation late yesterday; so today we are making preparations to oppose unfair, unethical, and greedy practices.

Tidbit - No matter how many challenges you face, there is always the dawn! Take comfort in that thought; and perhaps the 'rain' may also add a bit of comfort!

Bittid - 'Praise Him In ALL Things' - regardless! Ask Him to 'carry your burdens'; and keep on trekking (like the 'energizer bunny!'), placing your TRUST in Him to Provide Solution. If you are able to make a 'quiet' time each day, 'Thank Him' for all your Blessings; and just be focused on the confident knowledge that He WILL Provide - however, in Accordance with His Will, and in His time; as He always has a PURPOSE for you. Patience and sometimes 'doing nothing' works best; leave it all to Him to Direct your Path. As Robert Schuller (Jr) says: 'When you are down to nothing, you know He is up to something!' (meaning that He is up to something to the GOOD for you!). I believe that totally! Also, as Dr. Charles Stanley ('Spring Forward!', March 8th post) shares: 'When God is Silent', He is not forsaking you; He wants to get your genuine attention, so that He can Provide you with Blessings.

Have to go for now; may have some tidbits to share later in the day. If not, then more bittids tomorrow.

May you have a good day!

God Bless.

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