Thursday, 5 March 2009

'Healthy Food for thought' tidbits

Good Afternoon,

It has turned into a beautiful sunny afternoon! We have just returned from picking up some tid food accompaniments from our local shopping market. We did a major 'hull' on Saturday; and, if you wish, you can refer to my February 28th post: 'A calculator can save you money, when you shop!' Since we knew we needed only a few bit groceries, a calculator was not necessary; however, we find it to be extremely helpful when we are selecting multi items at Costco.

'Living Truth', with Charles Price provides such meaningful depth. Methinks, to best understand Christ's teachings, it is better if you read 1 Corinthians 13 in its entireity (at least v 1-8), 1 Corinthians 12:31; 1 Corinthians 14:1; and Philippians 2:2-5, to fully appreciate His message. Basically, 'without love, you have nothing; and without the spirit of love, you can give nothing'. It is the 'Fruit of the Spirit' that indwells within you, when you accept Jesus Christ into your heart. Humility of the 'Spiritual Gifts', and genuine consideration for others, etc help a Church (the Body of Christ) to be more dynamic and effective. Alas, there are many Churches (buildings) that are not dynamic and effective. We agree with Charles' viewpoint; and he explains it so well.

Tidbit - Do your best to eat healthy snacks and meals! You need to have all your strength, for whatever is on your plate.

Since we bought 'the larder of a month's supplies' at Costco, we are all the more careful and joyful in the preparation of our food. 'Waste Not, Want Not', a sage expression my Mum always said; and it is amazing how various dishes can be creatively 'stretched' to make 'room for one more!' Not necessarily for a second helping for that meal; instead, to anticipate towards the next repas or even two! We had leftover roasted potatoes; which I diced and threw into our tasty cheese and green onion omelette of last night. The accompanying salad, sliced tomatoes on the side, also hit the spot; as did the glass of red vino!

Bittid - Turn things around, if you are not happy with your situation! 'Out of bad, comes good!'

Have always believed that to be true; and just a tidbitz tweak to a positive frame of mind, is like a flicker of light or a light bulb being 'switched on'.

Will keep you posted on any latest bittids with our business endeavours. Today's word on 'Maureen', is that she will remain in the hospital, until she is well enough to return home. We think she may have been 'released' too soon; and it caused her more harm than good.

Hope you have been uplifted by these 'food for thought' tidbits today.

Peace and God Bless.

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