Good Evening,
You would not think that it is 'spring' outdoors; as it has been a very dark rainy day. Eventhough it has been a quiet day, we have managed to attend to some bittidz matters; which will be mushrooming over til tomorrow.
Alan has created another wonderful tidbitz soup! For those of you, who like tomato soup, here goes! It has been simmering on our stove and it smells delicious! Perfect for a miserable night like tonight!
Alan's Tomato Soup! Tasty and Economical Too!
2 tins of tomato soup, plus 2 tins water
1 large can of diced tomatoes, with juice
1 cup of chopped up celery
1 TBSP diced onion
1/2 tsp garlic
1/2 tsp rosemary
1/2 tsp sage
pinch of Bouguet Garni (mixture of herbs - rosemary, sage, oregano, chervil, thyme, sweet basil, that type of thing)
dash of salt & pepper
We had some Campbell Soups in our cupboard, and this is a great way of using up left over or older veggies. ie celery, onion, whatever. I prefer the seasoning salt, as methinks, it is healthier for one's bit intake, than regular table salt. Also, you can add more water, if you wish.
Looking forward too, to the tid season, when we will be savouring our own fresh grown herbs and bit cherry tomatoes from our patio garden produce! Love the above photo image!
I checked into 'Hour of Power' website a short time ago! John Maxwell and Michael Franzese were Dr. Robert Schuller's guests. Their stories were enlightening! John C. Maxwell just published another one of his inspirational books, 'The Dream Journey of Joseph 1 - How to Go from a Believer to a Buyer'. Those of you who have dreams, this is an excellent and empowering resource!
Michael Franzese also gave a illuminating message; and his book ' I'll Make You an Offer You Can't Refuse' tells about his life and how he discovered Jesus Christ. Here is a bittid of background. "Michael Franzese (MF) was once the target of multiple city, state and federal law enforcement agencies. He was the mafia's youngest and most financially powerful new superstars - the son of legendary Colombo family underboss John "Sonny" Franzese. His criminal empire earned six to eight million dollars a week, making him one of the biggest money earners for organized crime since Al Capone. Today, Michael is a changed man and is using his life lessons to help others. He has a new book entitled, I'll Make You an Offer You Can't Refuse."
I heard him speak and here is his reply of encouragement, to Dr. Schuller's closing question.
RHS: "And look at those people. If you have one or two things to say to them, I would like to hear you say 'let me tell you something.'"
MF: "Let me tell you this: for those people out there, I know everybody's struggling with something. And I always tell people no matter how far you think you've fallen away from the Lord, no matter how bad you think your life was and how unworthy you might be, that the ground at the foot of the cross certainly is level and if God can save and use somebody like me, then there's certainly hope for anyone out there. And I encourage everybody to just make Jesus your best friend and you've got it made."
Tidbit - Michael Franzese was 'FOUND'; and GOOD on him and for the awesome changes he has made in his life; and for all those he has empowered to do the same! Remember the Biblical story about the one 'lost sheep?' ie There were 100 sheep; 99 were 'saved'; and one was 'lost'. God went to find the one that was lost; to make it 'found' The Lord comes for the 'lost'. (ie. For the downtrodden, the weak, the poor in spirit etc; as opposed for the healthy, the saved etc). However, Jesus Christ wants us all 'to be found'; so that we can be in His Kingdom.
Bittid - Appreciate listening / reading the experiences / stories of others. More often than not, there is always something positive to learn! In this regard, both John Maxwell and Michael Franzese have / are wonderfully impacting many people, with their steadfast FAITH in Jesus Christ.
Here is the website for the 'Hour of Power' - for pursuit of knowledge; ie 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.
Am now going to enjoy 'Alan's Tomato Soup'; along with some 'croutons' (Costco herb seasoned ones) thrown on top, as a tid garnish.
Good Night and God Bless.
Monday, 30 March 2009
'Lost and now found'
A 'spring' in your step!
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Love this time of year; the freshness and newness of all that arrives with the season of Spring! Was up really early this am; and it was / is so peaceful; no sounds, no distractions etc. Also, whilst 'opening up the house', I 'Praised Him In ALL Things', as well as Asking Him to 'touch the hearts of all those whom we have been in contact with', and that we are anticipating 'good things' today! Plus, we have 'thrown everything' upon Him; as we are in His Hands.
Having just said this, I feel as if I am 'gliding' around our house on 'cloud nine'. We have a full day ahead of us; and methinks we (as per usual) will do our best to handle (with His Guidance) everything in stride. It is now just a matter of confirmation; and we simply have to 'wait' in these regards.
Also, am looking forward to enjoying fresh daffodils (and tulips) in our tid silver (freshly polished!) vase; as it will not be long, til we can pick them!
Last night, watched the movie, 'Saving Private Ryan'; and what a realistic depiction of how it must have been in those war torn days. I appreciate the movie more, having now seen it for the second time; many insights.
Have yet to listen / watch online to 'Hour of Power' (with Dr. Robert Schuller at; however, I will before too long; and will share those tidbit thoughts re: 'Hour of Power', as well as 'Living Truth' (with Charles and Hilary Price at the next few days.
This morning will offer some bittid epifanies re: 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (with Joyce Meyer at; although, for you to gain the utmost knowledge and 'peace of mind' (and heart), it is still better if you (and / or others that you know of, who would appreciate a bit of encouragement from her teachings) tune into her website, or T.V. program, or via radio, for her insights and resources.
Joyce opens with, that we basically need to have more Joy (in the Lord) and LAUGH more! She makes mention again about the Biblical passage of John 5: 1-9. (You can refer to my March 28th post of 'Saturday reflections', as a bit of background). Joyce's comment: "Soul sickness is worse than physical sickness" is so true.
Personally, there are many people I know who are 'afflicted' with this issue; and unfortunately, they have 'become even more sour', with each passing year. I need say no more; save that in reality, they are hurting themselves more than us. Be it jealousy, pettiness, anger, being indignant, whatever....I know of what Joyce speaks and I heartily agree with her! In the past, I have 'tried' to 'help' some of them; however, I only 'enabled' and aggravated them all the more! When I finally and 'gently spoke up'; the epifany - that 'you can take a horse to water, but you can not make it drink'. (It has to choose to drink of its own accord, methinks). The sad thing is, those people are 'still the same', 'same old'; and RESISTANT to CHANGE; and that everything is "just 'fine', thank you". (Also, according to them, we have 'changed'; thus we are to 'blame'). Sound familiar to some of you? ie. if you have encountered jealousy, indignance, anger, pettiness, whatever....
Joyce says / sums it up best. ie. "A lot of times we are looking for somebody" (to fix our problems), "but not for God" to Help us. "Self pity is destructive". 'What about me? what about me?' limits / blinds us to our possibilities for the future; because we are so focused on 'what about me?'. Never thought about it; however, Joyce suggests that perhaps some of us may be 'offended or miffed by God' because of our troubling situations or lacking Purpose etc. She expresses simply: "Be a Witness for Jesus" (as to living your life His way). Also, here are some more Biblical passages to refer to: Matthew 11: 1 - 4; and 2 Kings 7: 3. I read a tidbitz more verses; and Joyce adds, 'Take a chance and do not be afraid! Rise up and take some action! Faith is active'. Her DVD - 'You've Got what it takes'; and her book, 'Are you ready for a change?' methinks are wonderful resources / gifts!
Tidbit - Do your best to have a daily 'spring in your step'. (You can refer to 'Fresh face, fresh cheer, and fresh courage!' March 29th post).
Bittid - 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.
Love the above photo image of the daffodils and the empowering message.
Need to tackle some bittidz. Hope you enjoy some Blessings today!
God Bless.
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Peace and God Bless
Good Evening,
Thought I was going to do some 'reading'; well, instead, I ended up paying a tidbit visit to the Tony Gazelle Exercise Machine; and did a 15 minute beneficial 'walkathon'. For those with achey joints / bones etc, this machine is wonderfully gentle and safe on the muscles / limbs. (Have written a post or two, on this wonderful machine!). Going for the long walk with Blue earlier in the afternoon, was so invigorating, that I did not feel like sitting down, even for a 'reading' bittidz. Hence the 'indoor walk'; along with the view of our large Scotch Pine Tree, and watching some world news on the T.V. Methinks, by getting into this daily 'walkathon' habit, this machine will increase tone and fitness.
Also, our neighbour, Maureen is recooperating; however, she has to 'take it slow'. I asked her if she was able to eat 'normal' food again; as in Alan's homemade soups. The only two things she has to watch, is the fat and salt intake. I suggested to Alan that when he creates his next 'soup batch', that he put aside a tidbitz of soup (in a freezer proof container), unsalted for Maureen. Then he can carry on and add his own special seasonings for our use.
The hockey game between the Chicago Blackhawks and the Canucks just finished; and am thankful that everyone as a team, contributed their efforts together, for their successful win. Also, we enjoyed prawns from Costco, and a delicious Caesar salad. We are economizing and 'stretching our meals'; hence no wine for the time being; which is fine. We are enjoying magnificent ice water instead! Will still say 'Skal' or 'Cheers!'
This has been a really nice weekend for us. We feel Blessed with the quiet time and recharging rest we have been 'given'; and we are 'ready' for the week's events.
Tidbit - 'Enjoy the journey', and when you feel a peace 'within' (the Holy Spirit), things become a lot more clear and calm to you. Also,'step back' from anything that is overwhelming, and simply 'leave it all to Him' to carry all your burdens and RELY upon Him. When you Ask Him to do that, it is amazing what transpires. It is as if a huge load has been taken off your shoulders, and / or a major weight has been lifted from your heart.
Bittid - One of the most difficult things to do, is to 'wait'; and also to wait with 'patience', for Him to Provide Solution. It is a matter of Hope, Faith, and Trust in Him.
We are about to watch a bittid movie or two; and am grateful, we have a T.V. in our bedroom. Love the above photo image; that is Alan and I tonight!
Since tomorrow comes quickly, am going to say Peace and Good Night.
God Bless.
Fresh face, fresh cheer, fresh courage!
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
It is a beautiful Sunday! Blue skies, brilliant sunshine; and relatively mild at 48 degrees F approx. We just came in from taking our Blue for a refreshing walk; and en route ran into some lovely people, who live over in the next 'pocket' of town houses. Eventhough they have been here for 25 years; and us not quite 3 years, we have never met. It is always nice to meet new people / new friends; and we look forward to seeing them again!
This morning, all 3 of us slept in; which meant alas, I missed 'Hour of Power' at 8:30 am. We must have all needed the extra 'sleep in!' However, I will tune into the website. I relaxed in bed to watch 'Enjoying Everyday Life', and 'Living Truth'; as well as enjoying my coffee, and appreciating our bay window view of the majestic snow capped mountains in the distance. Wonderful teachings today; and I will share a few tidbitz thoughts with you at a later time. Alan made his infamous crisp bacon and perfect 'over easy' eggs; and it was a scrumptious brunch treat again!
We watched a couple of tid movies last night; one of them being a 'repeat' that we had already seen. ie 'The Karate Kid'; inspirational and 'character building' movie; well worth seeing, if you have not seen it.
Tidbit - Be of 'fresh face, fresh cheer, and fresh courage!' Those fresh 'thoughts' came to me when I was washing my face this am! Methinks, I like those words as part of a start to a day!
Bittid - Appreciate Sunday, 'a day of rest'; and simply take quality time out to give Him Thanks for your Blessings.
Actually, 'Praise Him In ALL Things', each and every day; not just saving it for Sundays! Keeping things simple, and having a positive daily attitude works best! Also, when you are in genuine 'conjunction' with Him, His Holy Spirit indwells within you forever, and you are Blessed forevermore. I know of what I write; and it does make a bit more sense, when you invite Him (Jesus Christ, the Son of God) genuinely into your heart; because you are 'changed' eternally.
Here are their websites again; which provide encouraging enlightenment and knowledgable illumination of Jesus Christ. -www.hourofpower; (she was 'right on!'); and Hilary Price gave an empowering sermon to their group of 370 people in Nazareth. Would have loved to have been there in person! WOW!
Have some 'reading' that I am joyfully anticipating to do in the next short while. In a bittidz, we all have so much to be thankful for!
Love the photo image of the exquisitely delicate Queen Elizabeth Rose! If you wish, you can refer to a few of my tidbit posts (ie. April 30/07 & April 30/08), for some bittid background.
Peace and God Bless.
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Happy restful Saturday night!
Good Evening,
The day has been a nice one; it went by relatively slowly until I became involved in vacumming. Our healthy Blue is wonderful; however, the amount of Blue Heeler hair he sheds is unbelievable; so it felt extra good to get into the various corners of the 'hair buildup'. Alan will be brushing Blue (outside) two times a day; and that will help cut down the amount of hair clusters. Blue loves being brushed; so it is a win / win for us all!
Then I found other tasks that were needful of being done; including weeding our upstairs balcony plant box. I was hopeful that the geraniums would have taken root; however, a bunch of dead stalks greeted me instead. We have had a very cold winter; so a lot of flowers did not survive. However, there is a patch of greenery (weeds methinks); and for the tid time being, it provides a vivid foliage of life. Did a bit more cupboard organizing; along with some paperwork files; and am glad now it is evening!
We are in for the night; and there are a couple of movies that we will watch from our cosy bed. If they are good, will share a bittid about them tomorrow. Writing of tomorrow, I look forward to absorbing as if a sponge, some more inspirational insights and tidbit teachings from the 'Hour of Power', 'Enjoying Everyday Life', and 'Living Truth'.
Tidbit - When you 'spring clean', you feel so much better! Plus, it is also a 'spring cleaning' of the 'inside'; because you can also reflect thankfully upon your Blessings and have a 'calm'. Working with one's hands is good for the soul!
My Dad used to love being in the garden; as he found it so relaxing and soothing from a stressful day or whatever. Also, if he had things on his mind, he felt a 'calm' as well; and it confidently prepared him for the next day / week. When Spring starts 'showing up', it will be awesome to attend to our flowers and plants again! Our favourite Fresh Produce and Nursery Farm opens up in another week; can hardly wait! Please feel free to refer to my previous spring / summer posts of 2007 & 2008 about the joys of going to this rewarding garden paradise.
Bittid - Appreciate your neighbours and treat them well. 'Love thy neighbour as thyself' is paramount. One of our neighbours has gone away for an extended long weekend; and they asked us to 'keep an eye' on their home, while they are out of town. We are glad to be of help; and it just reinforces a thriving spirit of trust and 'good morale' in our neighbourhood.
When you have had a productive and relaxing tidbitz day, you are peacefully 'prepped' to positively 'take on' and enjoy the next bittidz day! Alan made up delicious hamburgers for our dinner tonight; and it won't be long til we turn to our barbecue for a good many of our meals! We bought the barbecue on sale, from Home Depot last summer; and although we have not used it yet, it is assembled and 'ready to go'. Am looking forward to learning to being a creative 'barbecue chef'; as methinks barbecuing is a healthy, invigorating, and tasty way to cook.
Here is wishing you a nice R & R Saturday evening. Love the above photo image; content little puppies! That will be Alan and I soon!
Good Night and God Bless.
Saturday reflections
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Am really thankful it is Saturday! Eventhough, it is a miserable rainy day, am glad to be indoors and joyfully appreciating our home! Am still enjoying my elixir (daily morning coffee) in my favourite mug, as it also brings to me a peaceful comfort. If you wish to see pictures of my treasured cup with wonderful Irish Blessings, please refer to my March 5th post.
When we went to my daughter's for dinner approx ten days ago, I was 'Blessed' to have snapped this photo of our twin grandsons; who will be three this summer! Am relieved they are not identical! LOL! Hard to believe; as it feels like it was just yesterday when they were born! Happy that we are grandparents (young ones at that!); however, we are also 'young at heart', which is an energetic plus! Alan and I look forward to being active participants in their lives!
Had to go for a short bittid, as the bacon and eggs, cooked up by Alan, were on the table! T ' was a brunch treat! Thank you Alan! Also, just reread my 'notes' as to some tidbits I absorbed from the Vision Channel last Sunday! ie 'Hour of Power', with Dr. Robert Schuller; 'Enjoying Everyday Life', with Joyce Meyer; and 'Living Truth', with Charles Price. I will give you again their websites:;; and; as they provide illuminating insights and enlightening teachings about Jesus Christ.
On the 'Hour of Power', Dr. Juan Carlos Ortiz spoke; and what a wonderful sermon he gives! He is infilled with the Holy Spirit to the hilt! Very uplifting and full of encouragement and refreshment! He is Crystal Cathedral's founding Pastor! Also, Richard Stearns, the President of World Vision, shares his poignant story re: his Christian Walk.
On the 'Enjoying Everyday Life', Joyce (she is awesome!) strongly shares that 'change is not always pleasant, but to mature, you need to change'. ie One may want to 'change'; but 'may not wish to do what it takes'. For those of you who wish to know more bittids, please visit her website; as she as well, provides excellent resources. Also, the Biblical passage of John 5: 1-8 is a message for us to 'get up on the inside'. In tid words, do not ever give up!
Will share another tidbitz - Yesterday, we received Joyce and Dave's newsletter in the mail; and the message is 'The power to OVERCOME is yours'; basically, 'you just have to dive in and follow God, even if it means doing it with fear'. Fear (work of Satan and his minions) holds many people back from achieving their dreams; however, 'the bigger the fear, the bigger the breakthrough!'. That comes with TRUSTING Him; hence FAITH, which helps you eliminate your fears; even if you 'have to do it afraid'. Methinks this is a very applicable message, given what is going on around the world today. The media does a valuable service of providing world news / coverage; however, as Joyce shares, they do have the bittidz tendency of'overworking' the global 'doom and gloom'; which only sparks more fear.
On 'Living Truth' with Charles, methinks it is best for you to visit his website for his invigorating and impactful message on the 'Living Christ'. He and his wife, Hilary are currently in the Holy Land for five weeks; and it was so breathtaking to hear him speak last Sunday on beatiful Mt. Nebo in Jordan. It was as if I was there with the group; and that the majestic history was literally coming to life! I am really looking forward to hearing his second teaching tomorrow! Along with my favourite mug! Alan and I would love to visit the Holy Land; just a matter of resources and timing. However, if Charles and Hilary go again with another group, we may seriously take a look at that spiritually rich adventure! Wow! The thought gives me 'goose bumps'; not fearful but joyfully 'zestful' goose bumps! I like that word 'zestful!' Methinks these past few days of 'restful' moments, have equipped me with more 'zestful' 'inner tools' to 'keep on trekking!'
A bittid of info! In yesterday's post, 'Polish up your thoughts!' the movie I refered to, was / is called 'Fugitive Pieces'. Do not know if it was an actual true bit story; however to me, it sounded plausible.
Tidbit - 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.
Bittid - 'Praise Him In All Things'.
Although my Tidbit / Bittid messages are 'repetitive'; I feel compelled to reinforce and re emphasize these two critical points in one's 'Walk in Christ'.
Hope you are having a good weekend!
God Bless.
Friday, 27 March 2009
Polish up your thoughts!
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you in your part of the world!
First of all, my apologies for not writing a post yesterday. We had a full tidbitz day; and I was just plain 'out of gas'.
As per the post of March 25th, I am grateful and thankful for sharing with you bits and tids of our lives; including the 'ups and downs'. It is just as important, if not more, to offer genuiness and compassion that hopefully gives you also, an upbeat uplift for each day! Methinks, when one reflects and looks back upon past daily challenges / obstacles / difficulties, whatever, one becomes more appreciative for having endured the 'battles' for that day(s). One gains more insight, more courage / confidence, more Faith, and 'grows stronger' on the inside' by enlightening experiences. Do you not find that usually to be the tid case?
Had mentioned that we are in a bit of a 'waiting' mode; however, we keep on trekking 'like the energizer bunny'. It is just a simple matter of 'timing' (given the world economy); and as I said, 'may as well do your best to enjoy the journey' while you 'wait' for His Help. Sometimes, that can be hard to do; however, you just have to simply keep on being positive, and perpetually reinforcing yourself with Hope, Faith, and Trust in Him to Provide eventual Solution. These past few days, I have been 'spring cleaning' - ie polishing up our silver, rearranging cupboards, display cabinets; and believe it or not, it all takes time; which I have enjoyed immensely! The 'time' has zoomed by me; however, I was able to tackle tasks that I have 'put off'. It is a good feeling isn't it, when you create less 'clutter' and elegant simplicity in your home! Plus, it helps put things into a calm perspective, renewed focus, and recharging of batteries.
The photo is of a beautiful silver embedded / embossed plate / dish / bowl; and it was given to me as a wedding gift for my first marriage. Eventhough, I do not know its origin; (there is NO hallmark); I was told many years ago, by an antique dealer, that the plate is most likely Russian. I love this plate; and am happy to share a polished picture! LOL! I wonder whose table it may have graced in the 1800's!
As you may know, I have collected wonderful Lady Head Vases since 1991. (Please refer to previous posts, if you wish a bittidz background). Well, methinks I may be selling some of them; however, by appointment only; and at prices that are fair and reasonable to 'both sides of the coin'; to 'coin a phrase', if you will. I will savour as a 'keepsake' a few 'favourites' (some that are the cheapest, as it happens) for our cabinet! As mentioned before, you can be reassured that you are a 'collector', when you have 'one or more' of the same genre!
Last night, we watched a 'muriad of movies'; and do you think I can remember the name of them? I asked Alan; he does not recall either; save that the movies were 'disjointed' / 'disfunctional' in certain regards. There was one movie about a young boy; whose family was brutally killed by the Nazis; and how he escaped from the family home, uninjured; yet his spirit was crushed (almost mutilated comes to my mind). He was found in the woods and taken in by a kindly Greek man, who brought him up as his adopted son. The trauma 'Jacob' had to go through was horrendous; and he wrote a book about his recollections of the tragic events. It was only when he was in midlife, he was able to 'let go' (well to an extent) the 'depression' and the 'darkness'; and thus was able to finally give LOVE back. Small wonder the movie was 'disjointed'. Eventhough, the script appeared to be a bittid puzzling and confusing, it was also quite 'clear' to me and made sense. I have an even greater empathy for what he and so many others had to endure throughout those horrific years.
Tidbit - There is always someone who has been or is in a worse situation than yourself; so take heart. act with Grace, and rise above all things. Continue to 'Praise Him In ALL Things'; and never give up!
Bittid - 'Out of bad circumstances, comes good'. I believe that totally! Rely on Him to be your Guide and to carry your 'burdens'. As a tidbit, you become more optimistic and 'stalwart' each and every day. I like that word, 'stalwart'; you can refer to my March 5th post, if you wish a further bittid of detail.
Am going to go for now; however, will be back in a bit. Would like to share some tid thoughts re: the insightful teachings of the International Bible Teachers, that I have made reference to, in my earlier posts. Also, Friday again! Am happy it is Friday; and that the weekend is here! At the moment, it does not feel like the season Spring; as it is hugely overcast with dark grey / black clouds, with the spitting start of rain.
Thank you for reading my posts. Here is wishing you all the inspirational and joyful zest for today; and for each and every day! Living one day at a time, works best.
Peace and God Bless.
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
A thank you!
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
It is a gorgeous morning; blue skies, vivid sunshine, and a bit of a feisty wind! Remnants of the night's heavy rainfall is still present; however, everything looks 'spring' clean fresh outdoors! A wonderful time of year, methinks!
Want to thank all those of you who read my posts; hopefully you enjoy and receive also a tid of beneficial encouragement. Basically, I write the blog as a journal, which includes our 'ups and downs' of our daily lives; along with tidbits of good cheer and bittids of HOPE, FAITH, and TRUST in Him (Jesus Christ). There have been times when 'He is silent'; however, we just have to 'Let it all go' and 'Rely totally upon Him' to Lead us through to Fruition; whatever His Purpose IS. May as well enjoy the journey; challenges and all, while one 'waits' expectantly for Him to Provide Solution!
Also, will give you the websites again for your hearty digestion! - 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -; 'Living Truth' (Charles Price - and, 'In Touch Ministries' with Dr. Charles Stanley. I am happy to share a few tidbitz & 'epifanies' here and there; however, it is still best for you to check out their insightful teachings for your own clarity, knowledge, enlightenment, and inspiration. I feel too, that I have been 'Guided' by Him, to write a daily bittidz blog; and He simply provides me with the subject matter.
While we 'wait' (with cheerful patience and a calm confidence), am going to continue with house 'spring cleaning'; while Alan is focusing on our business progress.
Tidbit - A 'team' combination works well. It is 'a two way street'; and a genuine 'give and take', is what is needed more than ever, during these tough times.
Bittid - Appreciate your spouse, partner, whomever; and when you disagree, agree to disagree agreeably; and never go to sleep angry. 'Settle it before sundown'; as we are taught. Also, everyone is unique; thus exquisitely different human beings. More important than ever, is to genuinely respect and positively appreciate one another, each and every day!
Love the above photo image of the cheerful daffodil; such a bright touch to Spring! Invite Him graciously into your hearts; it is amazing what transpires! ('Seek and Ye Shall Find'). Also, 'Praise Him In ALL Things', regardless of circumstances. 'Keep Things Simple' on a daily basis, helps as well.
Peace and God Bless.
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Making the best of it!
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
The above photo image says it all! LOL! We have had a full day; and we are grateful to call it a night.
A bit of progress was made today as we received a few tid calls to the affirmative for our project. Eventhough, there is a 'waiting process', the 'wheels are set in motion'. We just have to continue being 'patient', focused, and 'Relying on Him for His Solution'.
Since, this is a 'waiting period', we will put the time to its best use. ie getting caught up with other tidbitz tasks and bittidz matters. Today, I polished our silver - some pieces were heavily tarnished; and it is like the difference between night and day! I enjoyed the refreshing hours spent, as well as taking that time to thankfully reflect upon our Blessings. Alan had some reports to read; so in between the tidbit phone calls, going out for a bittid, it was a good day!
Tidbit - There are times to just 'go with the flow'; and make the positive best of everything.
Bittid - Enjoy the 'quiet moments' when they happen; and by reflecting and giving him genuine Thanks, your spirits are uplifted. Also, you feel a Joyful Peace and a Confident Calm, that He IS working everything out to the GOOD for you. I keep appreciatively hearing Robert Schuller (Jr) wise words: "When you are down to nothing, you know He is up to something" (to the good for you). However, we know that He has a Purpose; and that we are to endure; and have HOPE, FAITH, and TRUST that He will Provide our (yours / ours) needs. Be of good cheer!
Good Night and God Bless.
Monday, 23 March 2009
Solid encouragement
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Monday! It has been a very 'passive' day; no sounds of ringing phones etc. It is as if there is a 'quiet hush' throughout our whole complex. It is raining and darkly overcast; a good day for a cosy tidbit fire.
We have made several calls last week; including attending a number of appointments; and now, it is just a bittid matter of 'waiting' for feedback / responses. The tid fact that it is a Monday, 'speaks for itself'. My guess is that this afternoon, and remaining week, things will be moving along quite quickly. Will keep you posted, when we have more to share.
In the bit meantime, here is the wonderful Biblical passage, 'Armor of God'; which I hope will uplift, empower, and encourage you, as it does us, through these times.
Armor of God:
"Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins
with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be
able to extinguish all the flaming missiles of the evil one. And take the
helmut of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God".
(Ephesians 6: 14-17)
God Bless.
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Abundance of Blessings!
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Before I tidbitz a bit from the Vision Channel, I want to share a tid of bittidz from yesterday's wake. Those who attended, were mainly 'family'; and as it happens, my Mum's Mum and 'Marc's' Mum were somewhat 'related', the family tree being traced back to generations ago. We are thankful we were there; and there were tales that many of us appreciatively shared; including my tidbit story of Marc. Please refer to post of March 7th: 'Appreciating special moments!' if you wish a bittid of humourous background. There was food and drink; and that always helps 'lighten' the atmosphere; plus it was a beautiful sunny afternoon!
Whilst there, I was 'Guided' to give a hug to a person who had caused much grief to family members / friends? for many years. The hug 'softened' her; and I saw a 'gentler' side to her; and we shared some joyful dialogue. She was also the last person I gave a hug to, when we left the wake. She was surprised; so was I, in a wee bit of a way; however, I was 'Directed' by Him - OooooKAY. She immediately 'accosted' me by saying 'she was just fine'. I calmly replied, 'Fine....,however, He has sent me to give you a hug; and a second hug at that!' Her face then took on a bewildered 'lit up wonderment'; and she remained speechless; uttered not a word. I quickly added softly, 'God Bless You' and we left.
Found myself rejoicing, 'That was perfect and Thank You!' Who knows what happened after that - ie her and how perhaps she thus treated the others? The 'directly related' family were staying on, and then gathering later for dinner in another location. We were honoured to have been included in the afternoon wake. Also, the thought of me giving this elderly woman a hug (well 2 hugs), methinks may have been visible by those who still carried a major 'gritch' against her; however, I also thought, it is not about me - it is about HIM and what His Will IS. Personally, I am glad I gave her the TWO hugs! She has a Biblical name, and is quite an attractive looking woman. Yet to most people, she was / is still refered to as 'the b- - - h'.
Methinks a 'spirit of forgiveness' and compassion is what is sorely needed here! In my case, I had 'forgiven' her years ago; eventhough, she chose to be 'whatever' (somewhat 'mean spirited') to our family as well. Although, that being said, I am sure I caused her a bit of grief as a mischevious tid youngster, as a neighbour. Sadly, one of the family members who was also invited, did not attend the wake, because 'this woman' was going to be there. My immediate thought was / IS - "It is not about you or her; it is in memory FOR the lovely gentleman who just passed away!" Anyway, I experienced a few 'epifanies' yesterday; and it appears, more often than not, that alas, it is a 'death' that tends to shake things up. A touch of reality, methinks!
I genuinely hope and Pray that there will be a 'Forgiving Spirit' amongst all those who still 'bear and carry a grudge / cross against her'. Also, may she be given 'understanding, a forgiving spirit, and radiate a peace'. Perhaps the evening was a special epifany to them all!
This morning, I was 'like a sponge' soaking up the Vision Channel. In particular, I am elated by Charles and Hilary Price's visit to the Holy Land! Wow! Imagine that! Such rich history! They will be sharing their Ministry teachings ( for those of you, who wish to tune into the Holy Land right now!) for the next five weeks! Today, they were on Mt. Nebo, Jordan! Breathtaking! One day, Alan and I would like to be a part of their 'Tour to the Holy Land'; what a moving and touching experience; one's life would never be the same again!
Also, Alan prepared breakfast / brunch of 'crisp' bacon, ' eggs sunny side up', and toast (wholewheat)! It may not sound grand; however, to me, wonderfully delicious and hit the spot! Plus, tasty homemade marmalade jam, that our neighbour recently gave us! I end up putting the jam and bittid bacon on the toast; and it makes for a very scrumptious sandwich! LOL!
Will be back either later today or tomorrow and will joyfully share some of my tidbit thoughts. Again, to do yourselves 'due diligence', here are the websites; and you can directly check into them for inspiration, encouragement, and knowledge etc.;; and I enjoyed all three programs today!
The Spring fresh air is beckoning! We are about to go out for a walk with our 'puppie'. Today, has been a refreshing day, full of little 'epifanies' and Blessings! 'Praise Him In ALL Things!' He Created the Universe in six days! Also, I love flowers, as perhaps, the gifted photographer who provided this wonderful photo image of such glorious flowers. Flowers, being one of His many special and uplifting little 'miracles!'.
Peace and God Bless.
Happy Spring Weekend!
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
The sun is shining; and I always enjoy seeing its rays on our stairs, reflected through our spacious front hall skylight! There is a bittid sunny patch on the 'landing' at the top of the stairs; and our Blue loves to bask away in that warm tidbit spot. Also, am able to catch a glimpse of our mountains; and eventhough it is Spring, their peaks are capped in snow. Am sure 'spring skiing' today, would be awesome; along with a packed delicious picnic lunch! Food always has played such an important part to me; particularly with skiing. Brings back many wonderful memories, when I used to ski a lot; and then an appreciative cold beer at the end of the day's skiing. Am sure some of you can relate! LOL!
My daughter is back to playing baseball; baseball usually being the start to the Spring / Summer season. Today is their first practice; as it has been too cold prior. Their games start in May; and we look forward to watching her and her team play.
Mentioned in yesterday's post, that my son returns home today from his holiday in New Zealand; will be great to see him and pictures of his trip! Apparently, he did a 'reverse bungee jump?'; perhaps just as well that I, as his Mum, did not receive that particular photo!
In a few hours, we will be at the 'wake' of our friend. If you wish a tid of background, please refer to yesterday's post, 'Blessings abound!' and also to March 7th post, 'Appreciating special moments!' As mentioned, it will be comforting to share stories with close friends in his memory.
Tidbit - Be appreciative for a ray of morning sunshine, wherever you are! It is an invigorating Blessing!
Bittid - If you have something endearing or a genuinely heartfelt concern to share with someone, best to tell them; rather than not. You never know if you will have that same timing or moment again. We just did that with someone; as we wanted to 'be on record', should they ever be needful of support / and or encouragement.
Also, 'being on record', re: March 19th post, 'Blessings abound!', I did gently say to the 'person' of the institution (affiliated with one of the problematic banks in the U.S.), that it is 'nothing personal'; save that what has happened in the 'higher ups', has caused all this financial mess, throughout the world. We find out also that the supoeaned AIG, gave $218 Million dollars away in bonuses. In the overall scheme, the figure is not that big; however, it IS the INTEGRITY and GREED issue; and hopefully, most of the 'bonuses' will be honourably put back into stimulating the U.S. economy!
May be back a bit later. Tomorrow, am going to joyfully absorb the Vision Channel ('Hour of Power', 'Enjoying Everyday Life', and 'Living Truth'); as the various teachings are very insightful. More often than not, there is an 'epifany'; which often relates to tidbitz events / moments that have recently taken place. No bittidz coincidences here, folks!
Am also going to appreciate the gorgeous photo from yesterday's post for my 'main' picture! Love the colourful flowers, with all their magnificently vivid foliage! In our complex, we have purple, yellow, and white crocuses everywhere; as well as budding tulips and daffodils galore! A beautiful time of year; when new life is bursting forth! 'Being alive and thriving' comes to my mind!
Hope you enjoy a nice Saturday and a 'Happy Spring Weekend!' 'Smile and the world laughs with you. Weep and you cry alone' or words to that effect; my Dad always used to say that expression; and it is very true! Love the photo image of the daffodils and the message!
God Bless.
Friday, 20 March 2009
Happy First Day of Spring!
Good Evening. or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world.
Friday again! Has been another full day; and we are now home for the night! The weather today, has been a strange mix; black clouds, 'raining cats and dogs', hail, then sunshine - tid back and forth! It is as if the 'April Showers' are launching sooner! Right now, the sun is magnificent; blue skies to the west; dark and foreboding skies to the east; along with a very gusty wind. And, Alan has just poured me a glass of South African Red wine! Skal!
We have been on a 'real learning curve' yesterday and today; and now all we can do, is to simply 'wait' for return calls. We know He has a Purpose, a Solution; and all to the GOOD! Thus, we are going to enjoy the weekend and be of good cheer!
We are going tomorrow afternoon to the 'wake' of our good friend, Marcus; you can refer to my March 7th post, 'Appreciating special moments!'; if you wish a bit of background. Marcus and his family are old family friends; I grew up with his niece and nephews; inasmuch as they lived right across the street from us. So, it will be an extra special 'memorial'; and I am sure there will be lots of humourous stories, that we will all be sharing amongst us.
My son returns also tomorrow afternoon from his 3 week vacation to New Zealand. He fell in love with the country; loved the sheer and breathtaking beauty; and inasmuch, as the 'Lord of the Rings' was filmed there as well. He stayed with his close friends, who recently moved there; and I can hardly wait to see all the wondrous pictures he took! He also spent a few bittid days in Australia; however, not near where our other dear friends live.
Also had my hair 'done'; and it does boost one's spirits so! - ie the 'before and after look! 'LOL! It was long overdue; and my kind friend, 'Barb' telephoned me and pretty much said, "Do not worry about paying for it right now; just come in and get your hair done; plus you will feel so much better". I am glad I heeded her upbeat words; so this afternoon, I appreciated having a bit of 'colour help' and a tid of 'tidying up!' LOL! Plus, she had saved for me, a couple of cooking magazines, offering tasty and 'easy to prepare' recipes; as well as serving me a tidbit glass of red vino! It was a happy way of ending the afternoon! Now that is tidbitz service! I will do something nice in return for her kindness (apart from paying her, when I can). She has emphatically told me: 'Do not worry; just come in'; and, she booked me another appointment for next month. We are anticipating that our bittidz business will be refinanced sooner rather than later; and that being said, we will be that much closer to achieving our longterm vision.
Tidbit: Random acts of kindness go a long way. As the expression goes: 'What goes around, comes around'; and for those of you who have been recipients of someone's genuine kindness, do something 'special' for them, to show your thankful appreciation.
Bittid: If you 'keep things simple', you will enjoy each day better; as there will be less confusion and stress. It is now the 'weekend'; a time to reflect and be joyfully grateful for your Blessings and for the first day of Spring!
Love the gorgeous photo image; bright and cheerful; a wonderful welcome what Spring should be! We are going to watch a couple of movies tonight; and once again, TGIF! (Thank Goodness It's Friday!)
Good Night and God Bless.
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Blessings abound!
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
It has been a GREAT day thus far; eventhough it is raining fiercely and dismally overcast.
Want to share something with you. I said an Intercessary Prayer to Him just before I woke up this morning. It was primarily for a good friend; and inasmuch as we have not walked in his shoes; we must have compassion and empathy for him, for whatever bittid situation he is in.
We have not heard back from him for a few months; and he was one of the major tidbit keys to our business plan. We thought it strange that he had not returned our calls; and eventhough we were disappointed, we thought there has to be a reason! Anyway, two minutes after my Prayer, there was his email on the computer! Unfortunately, he has been in a severe depression for about three to four months; and he was not able to handle anything; and, I mean anything! However, he really is thankful that we (albeit persistent) have been patient; and that we have helped him more than we will ever know. Those words are heartwarming; and also he is coming 'out of the darkness'. However, he 'came through' with his evaluation; which means we can take this tid to the banks.
Well, not to the banks at the moment; because they are still hoarding their received monies to improve their 'bottom line'; rather than helping clients, that the original funds were designated for! ie Freezing credit, and not lending to anyone. We have since gone with another source; who thinks 'outside the box'; MACRO thinking; not MICRO thinking. Like what would happen if no one ever took a risk and never thought 'outside the box?'. Well, most of us know deep down the answer to that one; NOTHING would ever happen!!!
Also, one of the banks in the U.S. (will not mention their name); suffice to say they are linked with a company here. They contacted us; and I pretty much expressed to the institution that they have their nerve trying to 'collect money' (which we are honouring as best as possible); when THEY (and others) have caused this financial domino effect to begin with! That we have been caught as 'innocent bystanders'; as have others; and that I wanted my comments on record; and that their company, plus the one affiliated here, should know what 'the left and the right hand are doing'. By the time I had 'finished' with him, he meekly asked if he cculd go; I said, yes fine...but I would like my comments on record! Like, please 'catch the penny'. Which now makes me think, that there should be NO BONUSES given during these tough financial times. If there are 'spare' bonuses, then put them back to stimulate the economy!
Tidbit - Do not be afraid to 'think outside the box'. Stick with your dreams; and do not let anyone or any institutions talk you out of it! Prayer really helps! Provided that you are genuinely Asking Him for His Guidance, Words of Wisdom, and Understanding!
Bittid - Take a stand for what is right; do not be compromised and settle for less than the TRUTH. If you do not, you will be enabling others to 'control, manipulate, and deceive' you.
We also won $70.00; and eventhough it may be considered a 'small bittidz', we appreciate the tidbitz. We have not received all our accounts receivable either; and unfortunately, those poor people have also been 'innocent bystanders'.
Am going to give you again the following websites: 'Hour of Power' with Dr. Robert Schuller (, 'Enjoying Everyday Life' with Joyce Meyer (, and 'Living Truth' with Charles Price ( Personally it is best if you check into their wonderful insights and teachings; in the event you would like to know more. They offer such encouragement and empowering knowledge. I could not help but think of 'Nick' (a guest on Hour of Power) with his 'verve'; when I 'verved' to the institution in question, that they have their 'nerve'. Verve is a very good and appropriate word, methinks!
We have a full afternoon coming up, well into this evening; as well as for tomorrow (Friday again!). On Saturday, we are going to a Memorial Service / Wake for our friend that I made mention of in my March 7th post -'Appreciating Special Moments'. Also my 2 bit posts of March 8th - 'Spring Forward!' and 'Being on Cloud Nine is good!' may also offer you some tidbits.
Had a solid sound sleep last night; methinks any remaining bittids of a flu bug, are gone!
'Praise Him In ALL Things!' Love the photo image; and its uplifting message!
Peace and God Bless.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Glad that it is evening!
Good Evening,
We have just come in the door! Managed to do a lot! As mentioned in this morning's post: "so today we are making preparations to oppose unfair, unethical, and greedy practices". The process is now set in motion; and when all is said and done, I will share a bittidz with you. A tidbitz: there are tid times when one needs good legal counsel; particularly when one is dealing with a 'predator'; who takes advantage of 'laymen'.
We attended to some other bittid matters, and tomorrow will take care of itself. That gives us a tidbit of calm and reassurance, that He has a Purpose, all to the GOOD for us. We do not understand what His Purpose is; save that we have FAITH and TRUST that He WILL PROVIDE SOLUTION!
Tidbit - Once one has made a decision, one feels better; particularly when it is the right course of action. Also, leave it to Him to Guide you; it becomes easier to make better choices.
Bittid - Live one day at a time. ie 'GIVE HIM TODAY'; no need to 'fret' about tomorrow. Focus on today; and appreciate a thorough good night's rest; so that you are fully refreshed to 'Give Him' your best each day. Life becomes less stressful and a whole lot simpler!
Am looking forward to Alan's wonderful home-made tuna fish sandwiches for dinner; which is a good recovery sign! Have not had much of an appetite for the last couple of days; methinks due to a bit of a flu bug.
Hope this is a tid of uplifting encouragement to you. Love the bit photo image; that is Alan and I tonight! LOL!
Good Night and God Bless.
Fresh focus!
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Was up early this am; and eventhough thus far, it is a miserable dark and rainy morning, I can hear the cheery strong 'sing songs' of the birds! ie Robins in particular! Love their poignant interactions with each other! The daffodils and tulips are sprouting forth everywhere in healthy green abundance; won't be long til there are tidbit blooms! Love the photo image! The yellow, white, and purple crocuses provide a majestic show of colour throughout our complex; and are another welcoming 'sign of spring!'
Have my wonderful elixir of coffee; it is hitting the spot; and I am enjoying the peaceful hush and calm throughout our house! I have been 'fighting' a bittid bug methinks (you can refer to yesterday's post, if you wish a bittidz of background); however, am going to 'lay low' for today to 'nip this in the bud'. Tomorrow and Friday (again!) we have a number of appointments; so today will be a relatively 'quiet one' indoors. We have various tidbitz calls to make mid morning to late afternoon; and we hope to accomplish a fair tid.
We watched the heartwarming movie, 'Rudy' last night; and what an inspiration! 'Lo and behold!' Based on a true story! Rudy never gave up; and the gist is 'Never give up on your dreams, no matter how many obstacles are in your way'. I suggest you see this refreshingly courageous movie; if you have not already! Also, in the movie, there are the bittidical 'AHs' (not a nice word; am sure you know what it stands for); and interestingly enough, we have been dealing with a few of 'those' as well. They 'say one thing and simply do another'. We had such a tidbitical situation late yesterday; so today we are making preparations to oppose unfair, unethical, and greedy practices.
Tidbit - No matter how many challenges you face, there is always the dawn! Take comfort in that thought; and perhaps the 'rain' may also add a bit of comfort!
Bittid - 'Praise Him In ALL Things' - regardless! Ask Him to 'carry your burdens'; and keep on trekking (like the 'energizer bunny!'), placing your TRUST in Him to Provide Solution. If you are able to make a 'quiet' time each day, 'Thank Him' for all your Blessings; and just be focused on the confident knowledge that He WILL Provide - however, in Accordance with His Will, and in His time; as He always has a PURPOSE for you. Patience and sometimes 'doing nothing' works best; leave it all to Him to Direct your Path. As Robert Schuller (Jr) says: 'When you are down to nothing, you know He is up to something!' (meaning that He is up to something to the GOOD for you!). I believe that totally! Also, as Dr. Charles Stanley ('Spring Forward!', March 8th post) shares: 'When God is Silent', He is not forsaking you; He wants to get your genuine attention, so that He can Provide you with Blessings.
Have to go for now; may have some tidbits to share later in the day. If not, then more bittids tomorrow.
May you have a good day!
God Bless.
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! Am in full green regalia! Perhaps you are as well! When we were out for a bit today, it was wonderful to see so many people 'in green!' LOL! It was uplifting; and a refreshing change of scene; inasmuch as we have been 'busy in the swamps', putting out 'brush fires'.
We have made more progress in our business projects; and we are looking forward to a major appointment this coming Thursday; which will assist us further in our long term vision and worthy quest. Will keep you posted, when I have more tid to share.
Also, AIG - wow - not! Alan just told me that last Friday, cheques for One Million Dollars, were shipped as 'retention' bonuses to 73 executives; a number of these 'execs' are no longer employed by AIG! Attorney General Cumo, of New York, the White House, and Congress are scutinizing ways and means of how to retrieve those 'pot of gold' bonuses. ie A 'special tax' for these recipients of the approx $165 Million. Also, there were 'some execs' that received more than the million dollars! GREED comes to my mind! Given these tough times, these bonuses should NEVER have been issued! PERIOD!
Have had a tidbit touch of the 'flu' methinks; as I have not been feeling my best; will spare you those details! LOL! Hence, this post is going to be a brief bittid today.
Tidbit - "Nipping things in the bud" works best, if you are not feeling 'up to par!'
Bittid - Be grateful for 'small steps' taken towards 'fruition' of your goals. Appreciate the 'little' things; and 'Keep Things SIMPLE.'
God Bless.
Monday, 16 March 2009
Knowing when to simply 'rest'
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
This morning, it is almost 'black' outside. Dark dark clouds; quite weird; with a bit of a 'brightness' in the sky at the same time. However, it is cosy being indoors, appreciating our home and our freshly bathed dog. LOL! You can refer to yesterday's post of 'Appreciating R & R' if you wish a tid of background. Eventhough, we have no appointments for today, we will be making a number of telephone calls to 'set' things up in tidbit motion.
Today is Alan's birthday; he is a handsome man for his age, if I say so myself! LOL! We are going to my daughter's tonight for a 'Birthday dinner'; and it will be fun to see her, her hubby, our grand twins, and their 'pup Pedro'. Pedro is a 3.5 year old Pug / British Bulldog; and a real 'character!' He is built like a tidbitz 'tank', and you can see the strong and fearless Bulldog 'take charge' in him. He is dearly lovable, and the name 'Winston', methinks, would wonderfully suit him!
As mentioned in yesterday's post, we had a very nice R & R weekend. Last night, there was a documentary on CBC on 'How the meltdown happened'. I probably should have watched that with Alan; however, I chose to watch 'Sleeping Beauty' instead; and I am glad I did; and with a glass of red vino as well! You might say, I was really appreciating the 'rest'; and it was as if I were a child all over again, watching a Disney classic before bedtime! LOL! The animation is so clever; and it is refreshing to see that dreams, hopes, and 'chivalry is not dead!'
Tidbit - When you take a 'rest', put aside all other bittidz matters; so that you can truly enjoy a beneficial 'rest'. I was tempted yesterday to tackle some 'gnawing' files / paperwork; however, I 'shut the door' on those particular projects, and joyfully 'rested' instead! There is a 'time and a place'; and the 'documentary' I will absorb another time.
Bittid - Pray and confidently 'expect GOOD things to happen' each day! Remembering always to 'Praise Him In ALL Things'; regardless of circumstances. Being genuinely thankful for one's Blessings is Pleasing to Him; and by having a positive attitude, things 'change' for the better!
Love the above 'restful' picture of my favourite coffee mug, which I am enjoying right now! A 'Good Morning' Cheer! (Refer to March 5th photos if you wish).
Have to go for now; will be back either a bittid later or tomorrow.
God Bless.
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Appreciating R & R
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Winter is still here! Was snowing a blizzard, mid day! The forecast is suggesting this is the tail end of the snow; and that Spring is just 'around the corner', or so we would believe the weatherman's tale. LOL!
A quick bit of an update! I slept in this am; so I missed the first half of 'Hour of Power' with Dr. Robert Schuller. I will share some tidbitz within the next few days; however, I recommend you tune into the Nick, the guest speaker, is one of the most uplifting witnesses in His Service, that I have ever heard! Nick was born without arms and legs; and if anyone ever feels downtrodden, angry, whatever fits, this is a story, that will humbly and deeply touch your hearts! Brought tears both to Alan's and my tid eyes. What a courageous and special human being; and what a wonderful impact he is making upon the world!
Also on 'Enjoying Everyday Life', I really enjoyed and appreciated the insightful messages from Joyce, and Ginger, the Executive T.V. producer of the program. Will share more bittidz another day; however, here is the website: Also for those interested in learning more of her International Ministries, the website is:
On 'Living Truth', with Charles Price, he was 'wrapping up' his 8th message on 'The Dynamics of an Effective Church'; he was excellent; and here is his website: Will mention a bit more at a later time; however, to obtain the best knowledge and understanding, it is best for one to tune into his teachings, which are first hand. Also, he will be doing a 5 part series from the Holy Land, from March 22nd to April 18; that will be awesome, methinks!
We did not do the 'admininistrative' bittids yesterday; we chilled out instead; and the same with today. We have quite the week coming up; so tidbits of R & R are good. However, we gave our Blue a bath! He did not like it at first; then when he realized that we were not going to hurt him, he relaxed a bittidz; so the bathing went well. There was remaining water in the tub from my bath, so Alan just lifted him gently into the tub. Fortunately, there is a slide-proof mat; and then with cups of water, and nicely smelling 'doggie shampoo', we washed our 'pup'; and then used the shower nozzle to rinse him off. We had two big beach towels; and he loved being dried off. Once out of the tub, it was as if Blue had a new tidbitz lease on life. He shook, repeatedly rolled on the carpets, ran around the house, full of excitement! Apart from 'treats', Alan 'brushed' his shiny coat; and Blue has 'a prance in his step!' LOL! Here are 5 pictures that I took (before he had his coat brushed; as it was still a bittidz wet); one of the photos shows my fingers (oops); however Blue exhuberantly and spontaneously, with his tail wagging, approached the camera and caught me off guard a tidbitz! LOL! As a beginner, I am enjoying experimenting with our digital camera; however, I will learn to fully digest the 'camera jargon', and shoot better pictures.
Am going to go and do a tid 'walkathon' on our Tony Gazelle Machine; doing a bit each day; and working gradually into it. You do feel so much better and less lethargic when you do some healthy exercise; and now that 'Spring' is on the horizon, we look forward to many outdoor walks with our Blue. Right now however, the skies are dark and overcast, along with a gusty gusty wind; appears to be a major storm brewing. Today, we have experienced sunshine, blue skies, all sorts of 'strange' weather tidbit patterns; a good day to be indoors methinks. You can see the snow on the rooftops from the pictures! It is the perfect day for a warm and cosy fire; and we may light a bittid fire a little later.
Tidbit - Appreciate treating yourselves to a bit of a rest; 'recharging the batteries' is all to the good.
Bittid - Pets are also delightful companions; as they bring so much to one's life! For those of you who have these 'family members', you can relate; particularly when you treat them well! It is tid said, that 'a well behaved animal is indicative of the type of person the owner is'.
Must go for the 'walkathon'; will enjoy the T.V. at the same time! LOL!
God Bless.
Saturday, 14 March 2009
Remembering good friends
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
This am, slept in a wee bittidz (well til, 8:30 am); and am appreciating my daily morning 'elixir' of coffee! It tastes extra good today! Perhaps, because it is a miserable rainy day; and / or the events of the past week or two, have simply 'caught up with me'. Looking back, we put out some 'brush fires', accomplished much; and yet there is so much more to do!
We did have snow last week; so the gentle rain now, is a Blessed tidbitz relief, methinks. Our 'puppy' Blue, is curled up and wrapped around the legs of my chair; how he can be 'comfortable' is beyond me! However, he is extremely content; eventhough he has not been out for his walk yet! He is an exceedingly good animal; and a wonderful family member; makes us laugh so! As mentioned in previous posts, Blue is a Blue Heeler; he is highly intelligent, readily alert, and athletically agile. This is the weekend 'we' (the 'Royal we' LOL!) are going to give him his tid bath. LOL! Most likely it will be Alan who will be lifting him into our tub; and fortunately there is a nozzle that will serve as a showering device. Blue's coat will be wonderfully soft and shiny again!
One year ago, today, is the day my dear friend, 'John' ('the Almond Roca Man') passed away from an inoperable tumour and cancer. In tribute to him, I would like to give you some posts to read (if you wish; also for background for an amusing tale) in his memory. There may be some nice tidbits / bittids too, for your spirits!
Starting with the order shown; they are all linked as part of the 'story'.
'Good Night and Good Morning!' - March 14/08
'Happy Friday' - March 14/08
'A Time to reflect' - March 15/08
'Almond Roca Man' - March 15/08
"Here is to 'John'" - March 15/08.
Tomorrow is the 'Ides of March', the next day is Alan's Birthday, and the 17th is St. Patrick's Day; memorable days! That takes us to Tuesday of next week already!
Tidbit - Enjoy and live one day at a time! In other words, give Him today! Do not worry about tomorrow, even if there are 'worries'. Trust Him to Provide! 'Throw' it upon Him to carry ALL your burdens; you will feel as if a huge weight has been taken off your shoulders. Even your heart will be lighter; and perhaps you will have more of a skip in your step, as we 'leap into spring!' A sense of humour is GOOD too!
Bittid - Appreciate genuine friendships and family; and let them know they are 'special' people both to you and to others. Late 'laments' happen all too often; when there are 'unspoken words'.
Yesterday, I telephoned a close friend (she is old enough to be my Mum; however, she is 'young at heart'; actually the mother of my ex-boyfriend of many years; and she and I still enjoy a flourishing friendship). Turns out she had been thinking about me as well; so once again, there are NO Coincidences! A dear friend of hers, had recently passed away; so the call was of good cheer to her spirits. You never know whom you might 'uplift' by making a telephone call and / or a visit.
Alan is taking the anti inflammatory pills ('A bounce in your step!'; and 'You reap what you sow!'; March 12/09 posts); and they appear to 'knock one out a bit'. He has since been up(after 10:00 am; however, it is Saturday!) and our Blue and he have just returned from an invigorating walk together.
Today and possibly tomorrow, we will be organizing bittidical files / paperwork for our accountant; whom we will be seeing this coming week. Methinks the 'rain' will be less distracting and will encourage us to tackle most of this tidbitical task, this afternoon.
Here is wishing you a nice tidbit weekend! I will say an 'Absent Friends Skal' to 'Almond Roca Man' / 'John' tonight. May also be tempted to eat an almond roca bar in his honour! LOL! Methinks too, that I will call his Mum in a bittid.
I love the above photo image (have written a tid post or two!) of the 'Oyster Man' on a plate, joyfully devouring his oysters! LOVE oysters! We have that wonderful plate; and everytime (everyday!) I pass by it, I always have to laugh! Plus, the chap reminds me of 'John', with his bit antics and facial expressions; particularly re: the 'Almond Roca Man' tale! LOL!
Peace and God Bless.
Friday, 13 March 2009
Good Evening,
Returned home a short while ago; one of the appointments has been postponed until Monday / Tuesday.
Inasmuch as were driving through busy busy streets, as well as construction sites, hence detour routes; searching for bittid parking spots, plus being downtown in 'snail's pace' traffic on a Friday afternoon, we are relieved to now be back home!
I tuned into 'Hour of Power' with Dr. Robert Schuller (; and I am so thankful I did! ie. Dr. Schuller was sharing about 'how positive thinkers manage change'. Also, Dr. Schuller's daughter, Gretchen (Penner) introduced Immaculee (a beautiful name!) Ilibagizi from Rwanda. What a poignant story she tells!!! She has written a book, 'Led by Faith'; and the ordeals she went through were unreal! Makes you think it is nothing to drive through busy downtown streets, hectic traffic etc. WOW! Is all I can tidbit say!
Immaculee tells of how she and seven other women hid in a 3 ft bathroom for 3 months; and how she repeatedly said the 'Lord's Prayer' several times throughout those days. When the 300 'killers' turned up, where she was 'in hiding', she basically prayed 'that if the Lord Is Who He says He Is, then please 'blind' the 'killers', so that they would not be discovered'. In a tid nutshell, they were not found! What a miracle! Immaculee kept thinking about the Biblical story of 'Daniel in the Lions' Den'. She also went from approx 110 pounds to 65 bit pounds approx; and she pointed out that she could see her own distorted frame / formation of 'bare bones'. ie. In her school, there was a picture chart of the human body, showing all the connecting bones. Quite a graphic sight to behold, I am sure.
Alas save for one brother, her entire family was executed; and she shared, that in a 3 month time period, approx one million people were killed. Unfathomable comes to my mind.
Immaculee grew up in a family of 'educators'; and she was taught to LOVE everyone; regardless of the tension between the two warring tribes. She went to the jail, to see the actual person who killed her family; and because she had 'FORGIVEN' him, and also when she saw his horridly altered physical appearance, she had an even more 'forgiving spirit' towards him.
There were some people who, at first, did not understand or appreciate her 'forgiving spirit' towards this man. Yet, with her 'forgiving heart', and with her 'embracing' the 'Lord's Prayer', she is changing many peoples' lives. Her story is very impactful; and if you are feeling in need of an 'uplift', her experiences will encourage you to 'KEEP THE FAITH'. If you read her book, good then to pass it on to someone else; as in 'spreading and sowing the seeds of forgiveness'.
Tidbit - Be GRATEFUL for your daily Blessings! Have a THANKFUL heart; as if each day is like a 'Thanksgiving Celebration!'
Bittid - Uplift those around you; a warm smile, a gentle word or compliment, and / or a random act of kindness. Not only do you uplift others; but you are uplifted as well. If you are not in the habit of doing that too often, try it more often; you will be amazed by the 'changes' that take place!
Am now going to go and enjoy a tidbitz glass of South African red wine. Skal to Immaculee! You can refer to my March 11th post, 'Refreshing Appreciation!', to see the bittidz photo of this winsome wine! Also, the smell of Alan's homemade soup is intoxicating; methinks the dinner hour is fast approaching! We are going to watch the hockey game tonight, take in a movie or two; and just appreciate our Blessings and the weekend! Also, today is Friday, the 13th; and it has been a GOOD day!
Good Night, Peace, and God Bless.
"Open Hearts - Open Minds - Open Hands"
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
This is just a quick bittidz for now; hope to be back later today; if not, tomorrow. We are in the midst of appointments, which are booked right through to this evening.
To repeat, we are glad it is Friday and the weekend again! We are grateful for each and every day; however, Friday and the weekend always seem to have that extra tidbitz 'sparkle' to it, for whatever bittid reason!
When we were out this morning (about a 45 min drive there and back to our first appointment), I noticed a banner over a lovely old Church's doorway. The words, "Open Hearts - Open Minds - Open Hands" hit a tidbit chord within me.
'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you'. 'Love thy neighbour, as thyself'. If we could continously honour these awesome teachings; just think how much better the whole tid world would be! Simple, now that I ponder upon it a bit!
Love the photo image and its empowering message to us all!
Peace and God Bless.
Thursday, 12 March 2009
'You reap what you sow!'
Good Evening,
We went to Alan's appointment; then picked up a few groceries for our larder, and once home, completed some tidbit calls.
Basically, there is the 'Sports Medicine procedure', whereby, the doctor 'culls' the severity of the injury. Only those who require surgery are selected; hence the 'culling' method, to 'weed out' those who do not qualify for such an operation. We were led to believe that today's appointment was with the actual surgeon; so it is a bit of a 'letdown' for both Alan and I. However, the doctor has put Alan on a 'priority' list for surgery with the highly specialized surgeon, sooner rather than later. It could be anywhere from two to six months; and the doctor is hopeful, that Alan may have already had surgery before he sees him next, which is in approx six weeks. Meanwhile Alan has been given 'north / south' exercises to do; and must also take an anti inflammatory once a day. He can do those bittidz exercises with no pain; however, it will help build up his general knee stamina. Alan is not able to do any lateral movements (side to side) as it is too painful. Apart from going through various 'hoops', ie.'the process' it takes to get there, the surgery is well worth the wait!
On a more sobering note; yet, it is good news! Justice is happening; and no doubt, "others" in due course, will be 'located', exposed, charged criminally, and appropriately, as per their 'actions, words, and deeds'. Madoff today entered a 'guilty' plea on eleven counts, including perjury, fraud, money laundering etc. He will be in jail until his June court date; and it appears that he will incur a jail sentence up to 150 years. Very hard to even comprehend that Madoff (he took approx $65 billion!!!) and "others" (greedy 'so and so's'; am being diplomatic here) can knowingly conduct themselves and bring about the drastic domino / downfall / ruin of so many innocent bystanders (in excess of 5000 investors, including charities!), throughout the world.
Even some banks / financial institutions /mortgage / insurance companies / whatever; should 'reimburse' the money ( given as huge bonuses /payout packages) to their various CEOs' and top executives . Perhaps 'this money' should be 'reinvested' back from 'their pockets', to FUND and ASSIST with the current 'credit freeze'. Definitely should 'give back' as much money as possible, to help stabilze and stimulate the U.S. struggling economy. By instilling and restoring confidence to the public.
On a lighter, more palatable and digestive note, as in a tidbit 'food for thought', while I was waiting for Alan, re: his appointment, I very happily found in a magazine, two bittid recipes, that looked delicious, economical, and easy to prepare!
CREAMY CRAB & RED PEPPER SPREAD: Great for the ease and breeze of entertaining!
2 green onions (thinly sliced and divided)
1 cup (250 g)Philadelphia light cream cheese spread
1 can (120 g) chunk crabmeat, drained
1/2 cup shredded cracker barrel (old cheddar cheese light. made with 2/% milk)
1/2 cup finely chopped red pepper
1 TBSP Dijon Mustard
(Ritz - baked with whole grain crackers)
Reserve 2 TBSPS onions, mix remaining onions with all remaining ingredients, except crackers, cover.
Refrigerate for at least an hour.
Sprinkle with reserved onions. Serve with crackers.
CAKEBALLS (the new cupcakes!): Perfect as a fun adventure for all ages! I ultimately will enjoy making this with my grandchildren when they are a little older! LOL! Brings to mind, we are all 'kids' at heart!
Take one box of cake mix, one can of frosting, and create truffle-like bundles of tasty innovations!
A FAVOURITE is: Bake a chocolate fudge cake (according to directions on box). Let cool. Then break up into tiny pieces (use food processor for this).
In a large bowl, mix in one can of chocolate frosting, with the cake crumbs. Use a one-inch ice cream scoop to form balls of cake.
Freeze on sheet pan, until hard. Melt one bag of coating chocolate over a double broiler.
Do cakeballs in chocolate and let excess drip off.
Decorate with sprinkles or different coloured chocolate.
Methinks if you choose a white cake / white frosting, you can use 'food colour dye' in the frosting to have different colours of cakeballs! Enjoy!
Alan is making his homemade batch of 'AL'S SOUP'; a tidbitz tasty way of 'stretching meals'. (If you wish, you can refer to February 23rd post, 'Recipes for positive food for thought!' for Alan's soup); and also here is the recipe again!
"Al's Soup
2 chunky soups (meat & vegetable - already prepared)
1 can of water
1 small can of corn
4 medium sized potatoes cut into small pieces (cook separately)
1/2 cup fresh carrots chopped
1 TBSP lea & Perrins Worchestershire Sauce
1 TBSP Maggi
1 tsp dry 'Colonel Mustard'
1 TBSP 'Bisto' (mix in hot water)
1/2 tsp Tabasco
Oregano, Rosemary, Marjoram, Sweet Basil, some seasoning, salt & pepper.
My tidbit on 'Al's Soup' (delicious!) The potatoes should be cooked separately only to soften them a bittidz, so when added to the pot, they are somewhat cooked! That helps! Also, 'Colonel Mustard' knows what he is doing; provides excellent flavouring. LOL! The herbs are from our garden; which made 'Al's Soup', 'extra special!' Nothing like appreciating and enjoying your own home grown produce!"
Also another bittidz soup (turkey) creation from Alan, can be found in my October 16/08 post: 'A Perfect night for soup!'
"Last, but not least", - as per my post of January 24th, 'Food for Thought!', there is a mouthwatering recipe for 'Crab Croustini with Baby Shrimp'. I have yet to embark upon that recipe; however, rereading it, makes me 'rethink the situation again!' LOL!
Have 'rearranged' that cupboard (shown in January 24th post)recently; and apart from housing the majority of our cookbooks, our family albums are now residing there as well. The albums had been 'dumped' in a bittid box in our garage; and methinks photos are like tidbitz 'treasures'; and why not have them close at hand. Talk about bringing 'memories to you!'
Tidbit - It is expressed that 'one can not hide the TRUTH from Him; and the TRUTH, always catches up with one'.
Bittid - Ask Him each day, for His 'Guidance','Gift of Grace', and 'Understanding'. That helps each and every one of us to make simpler and good choices / better decisions in our lives: ie HONOUR, TRUTH, & INTEGRITY etc.
It is still a beautiful evening; and we have much to be thankful for! 'Praise Him In ALL Things!' I LOVE the photo image, of the 'Armour of God'; you can refer to my September 25/08 post, if you wish a bittid of background.
'Maureen', our neighbour has just 'arrived' home. Do not think she is ready to absorb even a tiny bit meal; however, we will set aside some soup in a freezer proof container for her (and her caregiver), when she is 'up to it'. Just nice for her, to be out of the hospital and resting in the peaceful and warm comfort of her home!
Speaking of soup, away I go; I am now starving - particularly having made mention of all these recipes! Mmmmm. LOL! Am looking forward to enjoying a glass of the South African red wine with our repas! Skal!
Good Night, Peace, and God Bless.
'A bounce in your step!'
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
It is a glorious morning, blue skies and brilliant sunshine! Eventhough it is a chilly 38 degrees, 'Spring is just around the corner'. The healthy greenery of our tulips and daffodils are bursting up through the earth; as well as the 'springing up' of colourful crocus' everywhere!
It has been a quiet and productive morning thus far; and as we have a full day ahead of us, am writing this now. Plus, Alan is finally going for the long awaited appointment (18 months in the waiting) to see the surgeon; who then will take the next operative step, by scheduling surgery for Alan's knee. (Deck injury approx August 27/07; and finally an MRI in September / 08, which revealed a complex tear of the miniscus, on the inside). If you wish, you can refer to those earlier posts for a bit of background.
Was just rereading my bittidz 'notes' re: 'Living Truth' by Charles Price, from this past Sunday on the T.V. Vision Channel. For those interested, better if you check into his website (, to receive the best understanding and knowledge for yourselves. Charles is discussing about the dynamics of an effective Church; and inasmuch as it is a very important key subject matter, methinks 'do your due diligence' for clarity and accuracy.
Am hopeful too, to tune into 'Hour of Power' ( with Dr. Robert Schuller; and hear and share a tid of the program's inspirational messages, before this Sunday rolls around again!
In my March 9th post, 'Having Hope', I am sharing my tidbitz thoughts re: 'Enjoying Everyday Life' with Joyce Meyer (; and that is paramount - to have HOPE and EXPECTATION always!
Once again, it feels good to have a less cluttered house! It simplifies much.
Tidbit - Appreciate a beautiful morning or think of something 'special'; you feel an automatic uplift! In a Prayer of Thanks, anticipate Him also, to Provide you with Blessings; you will have more of 'a bounce in your step!'
Bittid - 'Keeping things simple', and having a positive focus on HIM, works best; particularly during challenging moments.
Love the above photo image and its wonderful message of encouragement! Also, my Dad always used to say, 'Smile and the world laughs with you. Weep, and you cry alone'. There may be different ways of expressing that bittid of tidbit; but the message holds true!
God Bless.