Friday, 18 April 2008

The Weekend!

Good Evening, or whatever the appropriate greeting is to you, in your part of the world!

Can not believe how quickly the day flew by! We were up early, attended to our business, and then we had to go out for the afternoon. We are in the tidbitical process of going through various bittidical 'stuff' re: the 'sibling saga'. As I shared yesterday, the Truth ALWAYS shows up! Life is, indeed, a 'journey'; and both Alan and I are just aghast at what is being uncovered; small tid wonder there have been 'dodges' and 'confusion'. All we can keep saying is 'Praise Him in ALL Things'.

We are glad it is Friday night and the weekend. The weekend again! Where oh where does the time go! Tonight we are going to enjoy watching a couple of movies, from our bed; and hopefully, we do not fall asleep during the shows! LOL! There is thunder and lightning as I blog; and snow is forecasted for tomorrow. Quite windy as well; so it is the perfect night for staying indoors, warm and toasty under our cosy quilt comforter.

Have to confess, that I am a bit stiff. I thought I was '20 yrs young' again; and instead of doing a few minutes on our 'gazelle' machine, I spent a good deal longer. The T.V. program was a distraction; so I lost track of the time. Did not feel anything at the time; save til yesterday and today. So, bed is really beckoning to me! LOL!

We also went to our favourite produce farm; where you can enjoy buying FRESH produce at reasonable tidbitz prices. We bought quite a bittidz of fruits and vegetables; and that was / is always a wonderful uplift! They opened just last week and will close in November. If you wish, you can refer to my tidbit post, 'Fresh Produce', of April 21/07, for a bittid of background.

Tidbit - Always be appreciative and thankful!

Bittid - When you are positive, you affect others around you, in a positive way. And when you have / create things to look forward to, that is even better!

Am looking forward to replying to kind comment(s) tomorrow; as I will have enjoyed a refreshing night's sound rest.

Good Night and God Bless.

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