Saturday, 26 April 2008

Generosity of Spirit

Good Morning, or whatever is the appropriate greeting to you, in your part of the world.

Had a sound sleep; that is after we watched the movie 'Chaos'; about a mastermind criminal / bank robber. You would have to see the movie for yourself, to draw your own bittidical conclusions. The movie was entertaining enough; definitely was 'chaotic' and, perhaps a tidbitical sequel is in the making?

Wrote a tidbitz reply yesterday to an article in the newspaper, whereby, the Church Parishioners, after 12 years, were 'ordered to cease and desist' from making homemade food (ie sandwiches)from their own kitchens for the 'homeless'. The 'Authorities' (a health organization) have 'their' rules / 'requirements' to follow; and there even is a chef that has his own 'gleaning' kitchen! Like hello? Also, one of the 'homeless people', has been going there for years; and he has not died, or had food poisoning? Basically I shared my thoughts of disbelief and disappointment; and stood up for those who have shown 'generosity of spirit' (ie the Parishioners who gave / give of their time etc) towards those less fortunate. Like where is this world coming to? I also inquired what would be on 'their tombstones' at the end of the day? Are we not taught to give, rather than receive?

Speaking of 'chaos', these newly formed 'rules / requirements', are a hindrance, rather than a help. Nonetheless, I thanked the reporter for his story; inasmuch as he wrote it. I also encouraged him; ie that hopefully, all bittidz replies received, do not 'fall upon deaf ears'.

Our friend is coming over this morning, to help me with our computer; as I have some bittid questions. I am better at bit 'hands on' then being 'walked through' via the tid telephone. Plus, he is in the computer business; and this is also a 'computer check up'. Have been largely 'self taught'; however, I know when assistance is a tidbit must!

Tidbit - Take a deep breath and be joyful! Regardless, of all the 'chaos' around you. 'Praise Him in ALL things'.

Bittid - Appreciate, appreciate, appreciate, and Give Him Thanks, each and every day. And keep 'things' simple! There is so much joy in the simpler life!

Will write later. Have to go and get 'ready' for the day! And, it is glorious sunshine!

God Bless.

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