Friday, 25 April 2008

Good Night and God Bless

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world.

Tonight's post is going to be a tid brief one; more bit tomorrow.

It was a full day; and also enjoyed lunch with 2 good friends. I suggested that at another time, I would like to invite them over for a tidbitz 'oyster lunch', (oyster stew, oysters Florentine / Rockerfeller), along with a butter lettuce green salad, delectable buns, and Pavlova meringue, with tids of assorted fresh fruit. Plus a nice bottle of white vino, and we are set for a roaring bittidz time! We three, and our hubbies, are all getting together for dinner in the next little bit at "M's" house; we are looking forward to that wonderful occasion.

Lots of other bits were attended to today; and now am glad it is nightfall and Friday night. Just came in from taking our Blue out for his evening walk; and we are about to watch a movie, 'Chaos'. Hmmmmmmm.

Tidbit - Appreciate good friends and the renewing of old friendships. In my case, "M"'s husband has been my friend since childhood; so it was lovely to connect with her. 'Good friends are few and far between'; so cherish the moments spent with good friends. That goes for 'new' friendships as well!

Bittid - Be thankful for the night and the peace it can bring, at the end of a day. Love the above photo image; that speaks volumes.

Good Night and God Bless.

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