Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Love these refreshing Spring Flowers!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world.

Woke up to a brilliantly sunny morning! Love the above tid photo image! There are 'golden yellow' flowers 'everywhere'; the rainbows seen through the sunlight / prisms are fantastic in our crystal vases! Also, these glorious flowers are in radiant abundance throughout our entire complex! (and springing up everywhere else, for that tidbitz matter!) Beautiful bittidz time of year!

Love all the seasons; and appreciate each one, for their unique gifts. Perhaps Winter is my least favourite; although a cosy fire, being warm indoors, and watching the snowflakes falling, can be quite majestic. Better yet, if you do not have to drive anywhere in the snow! We are still waiting for Spring temperatures; think we are between Winter and Spring.

The 'sibling saga' is ongoing; and there will be more bittid, when the tidbit timing is appropriate.

Tidbit - Rejoice in the TRUTH. The TRUTH always sets you free! He KNOWS ALL; and He is our strongest Advocate.

Bittid - Praise Him in ALL things; each and every day; regardless of your circumstances. Even if you do not feel like it, you feel so much better when you do! Also, it is just as important, if not more, to genuinely Praise Him, when you are experiencing good things in your life.

Am going to go and listen to the few wonderful songs that I had posted on recent earlier blogs, while I play 'catch up' on my email correspondence. These songs, are such an upbeat uplift; and really help your day to start off in a positive gracious way! For quick reference, here are some dates: March 28th, April 2nd & 5th (same song?), and April 21st.

Will be back.

God Bless.

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