Sunday, 6 April 2008

'April Showers Bring May Flowers'

Good Evening, or whatever is the appropriate greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Do not have much to tid about today, save that it has been a really relaxed nice day. My mind has taken a bittidz siesta. LOL! Have enjoyed a few fire logs; the 3 hour ones are the best; if you do not have real wood. Puttered about, organized and reorganized shelves / cabinets to create a refreshing spring change! Was so absorbed, that the time just flew; April Showers / hail, and all other tidbitz. Love the above photo image; even if it is taken of roses in the rain! Am looking forward to our flowers!

The ongoing 'sibling saga' resurfaced today; however, we have our FAITH in HIM to Guide us through all of this 'stuff'. Because I have appreciated such a calm and 'mellow' day, am not going to become upset. On the tidbit contrary, am rejoicing because, He is our Advocate!

Watched and listened to the Schullers, Joyce, and Charles this am; and they were 'right on' with their message. A lot that was shared by them, was pretty much what I wrote in yesterday's post!

Tidbit - There are NO coincidences!

Bittid - If you can be at peace within yourself and still be joyful, regardless of all the bittid 'fluff' around you, that is the best way to be. Not always easy; however, just ask Him for His Help and He will carry your burdens and uplift your spirits. 'Praise Him in ALL Things'.

Can smell our dinner cooking; think it is finally ready! Mmmmmmmm. Yum! It is a delicious Shepherd's Pie, from Costco. All you need to do is heat it up, from its frozen store bought state and voila! Am going to go for the evening; as we have a full week coming up. Am also going to enjoy a glass of South African Red Wine with our repas. Skal!

Good Night and God Bless.

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