Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Spring Cleaning of the Mind!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the appropriate greeting to you, in your part of the world.

The day thus far, has gone by too quickly. A lot of 'stuff' is being attended to, as we 'speak'.

We are still 'waiting!' You can refer to yesterday's post, 'Refreshing Moments of Spring', if you would like a bit of background. We are relying and 'waiting' on Him to Provide Solution; and it can be challenging at tid times, to just 'wait' for His Guidance and Help. However, both Alan and I have tackled some tidbitz 'Spring Cleaning'. ie organizing paperwork / files, and other admin tidbitical tasks; and it feels quite 'therapeutic' to undertake some of these bittidical built up bittidz.

And the sun is out; so that adds a bittid leap in our step, as we 'spring' into indoor tidbit action! The above photo image is of a 'camelia flower'; wonderful colour!

My posts of April 19th and 20th included a tidbitz about re arranging our bittidz kitchen! A less cluttered look, a bright new tablecloth, and a vase of freshly picked daffodils does wonders! Will be cooking a whole lot more! LOL!

The song, 'Jesus Loves Me'; (from yesterday's post), is so uplifting! Am playing it again; with the music cranked up full blast! It reminds me of 'soul music!'

Tidbit - Music is enrichment for the soul! Whenever you need a bit of a 'pick me up', play some music! I find this particular song very inspirational! While you are in a 'waiting mode', enjoy some music!

Bittid - Heartily, turn your 'weaknesses' into your 'strengths'. ie While you 'wait' for Him to 'direct traffic' at His pace; (He is not to be 'rushed'), do some 'spring cleaning' or whatever shoe fits. Also, there is a 'spring cleaning' of the mind!

God Bless.

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