Wednesday, 30 April 2008

My Dad loved Roses

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

So far, the day has been most 'eventful'. To tid a bit, our Blue woke me up, his paws set on our bed, to go 'outdoors' for a bit of a tid. Fine; and that was the 6:15 am start to my day!

Much has been accomplished today! Phone calls, emails, conferences, the works!

To tidbitz a bit, we watched a movie, 'The Karate Kid' last night; and there were interesting lessons learned by the young student and the 'old' next door neightbour, who was a 'master of the arts'. Then there was the Part 2 of 'The Karate Kid'; and inasmuch as that was going to end at 3:00 am (our time); I did not watch that sequel. However, I look forward to enjoying the Part 2, at another time! Perhaps, you have seen the movie(s)? It basically had to do with CONFIDENCE; and the fact that the young man was taking a 'stand' against 'bullies'. And the 'karate teacher' of the 'bullies', was a 'nasty piece of work'; and wanted to instill in his students, the 'anger' he felt towards others. Real life lessons to be observed. There may also be a few members / relatives of Alan's 'family clan', closeby and abroad, whose ears may be reached by my posts. Let us Pray that their hearts are touched as well by Him; if they have not been already!

Tidbit - The above is a spiritual comparison to the 'bullying' self serving tactics the 'siblings' have undertaken thus far, against Alan. Will share the TRUTH, when it is illuminated it its FULL GLARE!!! The TRUTH, always surfaces; as, He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.

We also watched the classic movie, "Zulu!" That was extremely well portrayed; and the movie production, was dated from 1964! (an oldie, but goodie!) It was Michael Caine's first appearance in an acting role, The story and how magnificently it ended, touched my heart; as well as the breathtaking African countryside!

Bittid - Once again, 'take a stand' and defend what is 'right'. FAITH, also played / plays a large part of the success on the 'battlefield'. Perhaps, you can read between the lines; and KNOW, He is our Advocate! AND, He has already WON the battle! We take a joyful and calm comfort in that message.

In closing, my Dad died 10 years ago; hard to believe that the time has gone by as quickly! I did a Tribute to Him in my blog, of April 30/07, if you care to read it. We miss him; but at the same time, we know he is in a happy place, called Heaven. The above photo image, is of the 'Queen Elizabeth Rose'; my Dad loved that particular rose; and, I do as well! "Skal, Dad! Here is to Absent Friends". 'Absent Friends', is a Norwegian custom, hence toast; that remembers those that are not with us; either by their passing, or just not being present at the time.

God Bless.

Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Love these refreshing Spring Flowers!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world.

Woke up to a brilliantly sunny morning! Love the above tid photo image! There are 'golden yellow' flowers 'everywhere'; the rainbows seen through the sunlight / prisms are fantastic in our crystal vases! Also, these glorious flowers are in radiant abundance throughout our entire complex! (and springing up everywhere else, for that tidbitz matter!) Beautiful bittidz time of year!

Love all the seasons; and appreciate each one, for their unique gifts. Perhaps Winter is my least favourite; although a cosy fire, being warm indoors, and watching the snowflakes falling, can be quite majestic. Better yet, if you do not have to drive anywhere in the snow! We are still waiting for Spring temperatures; think we are between Winter and Spring.

The 'sibling saga' is ongoing; and there will be more bittid, when the tidbit timing is appropriate.

Tidbit - Rejoice in the TRUTH. The TRUTH always sets you free! He KNOWS ALL; and He is our strongest Advocate.

Bittid - Praise Him in ALL things; each and every day; regardless of your circumstances. Even if you do not feel like it, you feel so much better when you do! Also, it is just as important, if not more, to genuinely Praise Him, when you are experiencing good things in your life.

Am going to go and listen to the few wonderful songs that I had posted on recent earlier blogs, while I play 'catch up' on my email correspondence. These songs, are such an upbeat uplift; and really help your day to start off in a positive gracious way! For quick reference, here are some dates: March 28th, April 2nd & 5th (same song?), and April 21st.

Will be back.

God Bless.

Monday, 28 April 2008

Glad to be indoors, for the night!

Good Evening, or whatever is the applicable greeting to you, in your part of the world.

Well, the 3 of us enjoyed a genuine visit AND lunch. The food is delectably delicious; we will return there again and again; and the prices are wonderfully reasonable. 'J' is doing her best to 'hang in there'. Her husband ('Never Better') passed away in early Jan/08. 'J' has been working around the clock at her job, as well as taking on the care of 'Molly', a 'pup' her husband had brought in to their home, shortly before his death. The puppy and 'Mum' have now bonded; which is a nice plus.

Tidbit - Be of good cheer and extend an extra hand of 'friendship' to those in need. ie 'J'. It was so great to see her again; and this is the start of many fun times.

Bittid - So many people when faced with grief,(such as a loss of a spouse), tend to 'isolate' and 'lock themselves away' from life. I have empathy and appreciate 'doing that' for awhile; but NOT for every day and night, for the rest of one's life. 'J' eluded to that fact today; she is not going to hide behind walls and 'dodge out' on the future; whatever it may hold. And yet, it is also crucial to take 'time out', and / or take a day or two here and there; and to simply be a bittid of a hermit, appreciating one's own company!

Last night, we watched a movie, 'The Lonely Guys' (methinks that is the title?)with Steve Martin and Charles Brolin; very depressing plot; but that type of tidbit 'stuff' goes on in real life! Fortunately, the show had a 'happy ending!' 'J' will not turn into one of 'those', who resign themselves to a sad and lonely / empty life.

Glad to be home; black skies; but indoors now for the night.

Here is wishing you a nice evening.

Good Night and God Bless.

Enjoy & God Bless!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world.

Enjoyed a sound sleep last night; where did the hours go? It would have been so easy to have stayed in our tid bed this am; however, 'things to do, people to see, places to go' beckons us onwards today.

Eventhough, we are being showered with 'April Showers', am appreciative for this good bit of downpour re: watering all plants, filling the reservoirs, etc. In other parts of the map, there is drought; so I am thankful for the rain; unless it goes the other way - ie massive and destructive flooding.

Tidbit - Appreciate the tidbitz things! ie daffodils and other spring flowers!(or whatever). We have some beautiful double bloom daffodils; and they display such vivid cheerfulness, both indoors and outdoors. Also, the blue flowers pictured in the photo image, are in a tid vase on our kitchen table, along with a few double bloomed yellow flowers, of which several, are scattered throughout our home. Here is some bit description / picture of these wonderful heralds of Spring!

Narcissus Double Narcissus 'Pencrebar'
Daffodils Double-Flowering
Double Narcissus have one or more flowers per stem with doubling of the cup, the outer petals, or sometimes both! Crisp and clean colors brighten the garden, and some varieties are fragrant

Bittid - Wake up with a genuiness joyfulness; and any / all events of the day, are easier to work through. In a bittidz, be of 'happy' mind, have positive thoughts, and of good cheer! If you are tired, upset, whatever, perhaps listening to some music, helps uplift / empower your spirits. Have made mention of some songs in recent posts, if you wish to refer to them!

Am about to go out for a long planned lunch with 2 friends ('A' from last Friday)l and it will be a nice visit. 'J', was the one whose husband passed away early in the new year; and he was the one who always would reply "Never Better", when asked how he was. I wrote about "Never Better" in January 7th & 8th, if you wish to have a bit of tid background. 'It never rains, but it pours!' LOL! Do not go out for many lunches; however, 2 in a few days, is extra special!

Will write in a tid, with perhaps more of a bit update.

Enjoy; and God Bless!

Sunday, 27 April 2008

A relaxing and peaceful day

Good Evening, or whatever is the appropriate greeting to you, in your part of the world.

Today has gone by in a tid, as in a flicker of an eyelash! Was up early for a Sunday; however, it felt good! Made the coffee, the tea for Alan, lit a cosy fire, rearranged the various vases of gorgeous golden daffodils, and was ready to just enjoy the rainy day! Alan and Blue, what more could I want!

Started to reorganize our cabinet; and believe it or not, it took a bit of time; Because it led into more 'Spring cleaning'; and now things look a whole lot tidbitz better! Also had our T.V. on in the am; and listened to the 'Hour of Power' (the Schullers), Enjoying Everyday life' (Joyce Meyer), and 'The Living Truth'(Charles Price). I have referred to them a number of times in my posts; I really enjoy their excellent messages, on the Vision Channel on Sundays. Perhaps, you are familiar with them?

Dr. Robert Schuller Jr was talking about 'Faith', and to 'Fear Not'. Also, he had his huge congregation stand up, as in a 'wave' formation, and shout out: 'We are MORE than Conquerors'; his 'pep talk' was most inspiring! Also, he shared 3 interesting statements, as opposed to questions. 'If God is for us, who is against us?''God graciously gives us all our needs' (not greed). ie He feeds the birds of the air, and tends to the lillies of the field, would He do any less for us? ie take care of us. And,'who can separate us from the LOVE of Christ?'

Also, very touching were the beautiful voices of the 'Children of the World Choir'. The song, 'A Global Hallelujya' was so moving; as well as the accompaning drums. I could have listened to their music all day! I may see if I can tune into the "Hour of Power'; and hear the song online!

Joyce was talkng about 'FORGIVENESS'; and just to let the past go; simply let it go!

Pray for those that 'persecute' you; so that 'they' can be set free. And you know when you have a cut, and then in the healing process, a scab is formed? Well, if you keep picking off the scab, you will end up with a scar. Joyce gave that example; and, in other words, let the healing take place.

And Charles was invigorating as well! Basically saying that the Stories in the Bible are still as relevant today, as they were a few thousand years ago.

Then I started thinking about some people that have done Alan and / or myself 'wrong'. The main ones, are Alan's siblings; and I believe in my heart, that 'they' know that they have done Alan an injustice etc. As Joyce was saying do not 'curse' people, instead ask Him for His help; ie 'they must have a good heart'; and then He steps in and Forgiveness starts. I felt an even greater calm, when I thought of it, that way. She said too, to Pray for your enenies and Bless them. Well, once again, a peace overtook me. Interesting.

Yesterday, we went out to our favourite Produce Farm; and it is such a treat to have fresh vegetables, salad makings, and fruit. We have some tid herbs now sprouting up in our tidbit garden; and they were delicious in our meat, veggies, and salad last night. Also, made up a large batch of peanut butter cookies; from a fabulous cookbook, that has Mennonite recipes! The wonderful smells of fresh herbs, cookies etc have permeated our home throughout the day. I read a bit of history about the Mennonites; and I was amazed that nothing, and I mean, nothing is ever wasted! 'Waste not, want not', is a given bittidz. They are very resourceful; and the food is superbe.

We have an old red apple cookie jar; and it is full of freshly baked cookies! Am a 'young grandma'; and, when the little ones are a bittid older, I look forward to enjoying many fun times with them; some of which will include 'cooking adventures with Grandma'. LOL! Love the above photo image! That looks so savoury; can almost taste it!

We have a full week coming up; so am going to say Good Night. Hope the above tidbits / bittids are of encouragement to you.

God Bless.

Saturday, 26 April 2008

Generosity of Spirit

Good Morning, or whatever is the appropriate greeting to you, in your part of the world.

Had a sound sleep; that is after we watched the movie 'Chaos'; about a mastermind criminal / bank robber. You would have to see the movie for yourself, to draw your own bittidical conclusions. The movie was entertaining enough; definitely was 'chaotic' and, perhaps a tidbitical sequel is in the making?

Wrote a tidbitz reply yesterday to an article in the newspaper, whereby, the Church Parishioners, after 12 years, were 'ordered to cease and desist' from making homemade food (ie sandwiches)from their own kitchens for the 'homeless'. The 'Authorities' (a health organization) have 'their' rules / 'requirements' to follow; and there even is a chef that has his own 'gleaning' kitchen! Like hello? Also, one of the 'homeless people', has been going there for years; and he has not died, or had food poisoning? Basically I shared my thoughts of disbelief and disappointment; and stood up for those who have shown 'generosity of spirit' (ie the Parishioners who gave / give of their time etc) towards those less fortunate. Like where is this world coming to? I also inquired what would be on 'their tombstones' at the end of the day? Are we not taught to give, rather than receive?

Speaking of 'chaos', these newly formed 'rules / requirements', are a hindrance, rather than a help. Nonetheless, I thanked the reporter for his story; inasmuch as he wrote it. I also encouraged him; ie that hopefully, all bittidz replies received, do not 'fall upon deaf ears'.

Our friend is coming over this morning, to help me with our computer; as I have some bittid questions. I am better at bit 'hands on' then being 'walked through' via the tid telephone. Plus, he is in the computer business; and this is also a 'computer check up'. Have been largely 'self taught'; however, I know when assistance is a tidbit must!

Tidbit - Take a deep breath and be joyful! Regardless, of all the 'chaos' around you. 'Praise Him in ALL things'.

Bittid - Appreciate, appreciate, appreciate, and Give Him Thanks, each and every day. And keep 'things' simple! There is so much joy in the simpler life!

Will write later. Have to go and get 'ready' for the day! And, it is glorious sunshine!

God Bless.

Friday, 25 April 2008

Good Night and God Bless

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world.

Tonight's post is going to be a tid brief one; more bit tomorrow.

It was a full day; and also enjoyed lunch with 2 good friends. I suggested that at another time, I would like to invite them over for a tidbitz 'oyster lunch', (oyster stew, oysters Florentine / Rockerfeller), along with a butter lettuce green salad, delectable buns, and Pavlova meringue, with tids of assorted fresh fruit. Plus a nice bottle of white vino, and we are set for a roaring bittidz time! We three, and our hubbies, are all getting together for dinner in the next little bit at "M's" house; we are looking forward to that wonderful occasion.

Lots of other bits were attended to today; and now am glad it is nightfall and Friday night. Just came in from taking our Blue out for his evening walk; and we are about to watch a movie, 'Chaos'. Hmmmmmmm.

Tidbit - Appreciate good friends and the renewing of old friendships. In my case, "M"'s husband has been my friend since childhood; so it was lovely to connect with her. 'Good friends are few and far between'; so cherish the moments spent with good friends. That goes for 'new' friendships as well!

Bittid - Be thankful for the night and the peace it can bring, at the end of a day. Love the above photo image; that speaks volumes.

Good Night and God Bless.

Thursday, 24 April 2008


Good Evening! And, it is evening here; although it seems much later than it really is! I think because I was up for a couple of hours, in the tid wee hours of the morning. I know I will sleep well tonight!

Am enjoying a fresh shrimp sandwich on wonderful Costco rye bread! Fabulous! Alan makes the best sandwiches; and, in this case, he added just a bit of mayonnaise, lettuce, seasonings, plus a tidbitz of lemon juice, and hand peeled shrimp! Very tasty! I think he appreciates the 'revamped' style of our bittidz kitchen too; and thus, prepared dinner! And, a glass of red wine (South African) also hits the spot. Skal! We have a bittid of Pavlova left over from last night; so we will share that tidbit of dessert! (3 tid strawberries, and a bit of meringue, divided into 2 parts! LOL!). When I do cook, I am the first person to comment on my cooking; ie if it is delicious, I say so! And, if it is not so delectable, I readily admit that as well.

Has been a rather 'unique' day. The 'sibling saga' onslaught continues; and not surprisingly; as, 'they' have turned the notch up, yet again! All I can still state, is that He KNOWS THE TRUTH; and HE is our most powerful Advocate of the TRUTH; which is unfolding mightily, before our eyes. We have both Solace and Faith, in that 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'; and He will PROVIDE. This is very definitely a 'Spiritual Battle'; and the GOOD thing is, that He has already WON! Amen!

Tidbit - You know in your heart what is right and wrong. It is that simple.

Bittid - 'Praise Him in ALL things!' And, as He said, "FEAR NOT, for I have Overcome the World".

Please feel free to refer to my post of 'Faith is Good!' of March13/07. And, I feel there are NO coincidences; because what I wrote about today and yesterday, is pretty much what was shared in that blog. Hmmmmmmm. It just hit me, that FAITH plays such a vital role in ALL things we do; be it in politics, athletics, the 'whole 9 yards'. As an aside, the movie, 'The Whole Nine Yards' was excellent; loved it!

Here is wishing you a Good Night, and God Bless.


Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
It is an early Good Morning here; as I am up. Will be heading to bed again.

Had a really nice evening with my son, who came here for dinner. Ended up going with the Lemon / butter Chicken recipe; and it was so succulent and tender! Will enjoy cooking that many a tid time! The baby red potatoes, were roasted in oil, along with various tidbit herbs, picked from our bittid garden! That was a real pleasure; nothing like home grown fresh produce! The Caesar Salad was delicious, and the asparagus was a wonderful treat. We enhaled the Pavlova for dessert, and vanilla ice cream and strawberries, hit the spot! If you have a liquer, that can be drizzled over the dish; or better still, marinate the berries, or whatever fruit in a liquer! And, of course we appreciated the South African Red Wine. We had dinner in our tidbitz kitchen nook, and bittidz touches of flowers and candles, created a cosy ambience.

We watched an interestingly provocative movie, 'GI Jane'; it is very well done; makes you think! Sometime later, as I was still awake, I got up, with a second wind of energy. There is something peaceful about the quiet early morning hours; when family and pets are sound asleep. Finished tidying up the kitchen, and am here writing a bit post, before I go catch a tid of shut eye.

More about the 'sibling saga' at a later stage; as mentioned in a recent blog (April 21st); save that the Truth is showing up.

Tidbit - Appreciate your family, your home, your garden, your food, quiet moments, etc. Each and every day is a 'Thanksgiving' to us. Love the above photo image of the Queen Elizabeth Pink Rose! We have 2 in our garden; and the buds are appearing. If you wish, you can refer to my post of April 30/07; and there is a bit of tid history. A tribute to my Dad, and about the Queen Elizabeth Rose.

Bittid - Reflect on your Blessings; and even the little things bring such delight! 'Praise Him in ALL Things'.

Good Night and / or Good Morning! Will write later.

God Bless.

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Pets are so rewarding, if treated well!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

'Well' ("well" can be a rather "deep" subject; see post of June 13/07, if you wish), back to 'winter' like conditions again. Not snow, but very cool for Spring. Strangely overcast.

We were up a tidbitz early; Alan took Blue went out for his am 'constitutional'; and in a bittidz, our dog leads a pretty nice life! Spoiled; but he is well worth it! I. ahem, gave him with his breakfast, a few 'leftovers' from last night's dinner. Usually, it is Alan who gives him 'treats'.

Blue was the 'runt' of the litter, however, we think he is the most beautiful dog; as per the above photos. These tid pictures were taken 2 years ago (some of you have seen them from earlier posts); but he has not changed a bit; save that he is courageously coming into his own, as a 'dog' (now he is 3 yrs, 8 mos). We picked out Blue at 3.5 mos of age; and we sense he may have been abused before we brought him home. For whatever reason, he is terrified of plastic bags! My imagination ends there. It is wrong to cause unnecessary harm to a person; but to a poor defenceless animal, is even worse, methinks. Anyway, in a tidbit, we love our dog; and he us!

Am enjoying a wonderful fresh cup of coffee; and appreciating what Blessings we have been given each and every day.

Also, have just perused through a fantastic cookbook, of TASTY chicken recipes. My son is coming over tonight for dinner; and now with our new 'look' in our bittid kitchen (refer to recent posts, if you would like), I am inspired to jump into the cooking 'fray'; and cook up a storm. It is a choice between a chicken dish of 'lemon / butter' or a 'curry cream'. Both appear delicious! Along with a scrumptious Caesar salad, some tid roast potatoes with dill, and mouthwatering asparagus, bought from the wonderful produce farm! You can see post of April 18, 'The Weekend!' if you wish to have a bit of background. And, a bottle of South African Red wine. Am not sure about what to make for dessert; but it will be something good; maybe a meringue of sorts. Mmmmmm; add some flavoured whipping cream, or vanilla ice cream, and fresh fruit! Sounds healthy enough! LOL! Pavlova, anyone?

We have various projects on the go; so am tidbitzing now; before the day takes off.

Just observed with amusement, a 'fat' robin, sitting on top of a spindly branch of our tree; she is a tid top heavy; perhaps she is going to be a mother in a bit while. This is such welcoming time of year!

Tidbit - It is said, that an animal's behaviour is indicative of how the owner treats it. ie dog, cat, etc. So, love and care for your pets!

Bittid - When you feel 'overwhelmed', ask Him to carry your burdens; He will never give you more, than you can handle, at any one time. 'Praise Him in ALL things'; and just perservere with FAITH, leaving all the bittidizing to Him to Provide Solution.

Until later!

God Bless.

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Spring Cleaning of the Mind!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the appropriate greeting to you, in your part of the world.

The day thus far, has gone by too quickly. A lot of 'stuff' is being attended to, as we 'speak'.

We are still 'waiting!' You can refer to yesterday's post, 'Refreshing Moments of Spring', if you would like a bit of background. We are relying and 'waiting' on Him to Provide Solution; and it can be challenging at tid times, to just 'wait' for His Guidance and Help. However, both Alan and I have tackled some tidbitz 'Spring Cleaning'. ie organizing paperwork / files, and other admin tidbitical tasks; and it feels quite 'therapeutic' to undertake some of these bittidical built up bittidz.

And the sun is out; so that adds a bittid leap in our step, as we 'spring' into indoor tidbit action! The above photo image is of a 'camelia flower'; wonderful colour!

My posts of April 19th and 20th included a tidbitz about re arranging our bittidz kitchen! A less cluttered look, a bright new tablecloth, and a vase of freshly picked daffodils does wonders! Will be cooking a whole lot more! LOL!

The song, 'Jesus Loves Me'; (from yesterday's post), is so uplifting! Am playing it again; with the music cranked up full blast! It reminds me of 'soul music!'

Tidbit - Music is enrichment for the soul! Whenever you need a bit of a 'pick me up', play some music! I find this particular song very inspirational! While you are in a 'waiting mode', enjoy some music!

Bittid - Heartily, turn your 'weaknesses' into your 'strengths'. ie While you 'wait' for Him to 'direct traffic' at His pace; (He is not to be 'rushed'), do some 'spring cleaning' or whatever shoe fits. Also, there is a 'spring cleaning' of the mind!

God Bless.

Monday, 21 April 2008

Jesus Loves Me


Just HAD to share this tidbit / bittid with you; a wonderful 'oldie but a goodie' song, 'Jesus Loves Me'.

A dear friend of mine just emailed me the music; he is the same person who kindly sent me the other 2 songs, that I referred to, in today's earlier bit blog. A heartfelt 'THANK YOU'; and bear hugs to him!

The song is a fabulous 'pick me up'; and it does 'melt' away any sadness, despair, etc. I hope you enjoy it, for what it is. The song brought tears to my tid eyes. LOVE it!

God Bless.

Refreshing moments of Spring

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a full bittidz Monday morning; and 'strange' at the same tidbitz time! We are in the 'wait' mode for 'things' to take place; and are relying on Him to provide our needs.

The sun is attempting to shine through dark, hovering, overcast skies, along with a lingering Arctic chilly air mass; however, it is refreshing to see buds and blooms blossoming forth. ie. There is a beautiful cheery blossom tree across the way, and the 2 camelia trees beside us and out front, are coming out in gorgeous vibrant pinks! Love the 2 above photo images; they closely resemble our cherry blossom tree and the camelia bush / tree.

Listened to 2 uplifting pieces of music earlier today. Please feel free to refer to my posts of March 28, April 2nd, or April 5th, if you wish to hear them! Joyful music is such a great invigorating start to one's day!

Tidbit - Let Him fight your battles; as He is the Advocate of the TRUTH. The comfort is, that He has already WON!

Bittid - While you 'wait' for Him to Provide Solution, 'tackle' other tid tasks. It is a matter of FAITH and you may as well 'enjoy' the journey, and be 'calm' at the same time!

Hope this is a bit of encouragement to those of you, who may be ecperiencing various obstacles and challenges in your life. 'Praise Him in ALL Things'.

Will write in a bit with more bittid. Also, the 'sibling saga' is unfolding as it should. The Truth will overcome. Will share more of an illuminating tidbit, at the appropriate tid time.

God Bless.

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Praise Him in ALL Things

A hearty Good Afternoon, or whatever is the appropriate greeting to you, in your part of the world!

And, it is a beautiful sunny afternoon here! Very cool temperatures; you need a winter jacket; or I certainly do! It is a tidbit windy as well; and the 'Arctic Air Mass' is still with us for a few more tid days.

Earlier, when Alan and Blue walked around our bit neighbourhood, Alan picked a bittid bunch of fragile daffodils that were casualties of yesterday's snowfall. What a tidbitz treat! The shorter ones, I have placed in a glass frog, in a lovely blue and white Portugese bowl, and the longer stemmed ones, are in my Mum's gorgeous antique crystal vase. There are tid prism rainbows radiating throughout our home!

This morning I watched Joyce Meyers (Enjoying Everyday Life), and Charles Price (The Living Truth), on the Vision Channel; they were / are so inspirational! I have shared some bittidz about them in earlier blogs, if you wish to have a bit of background.

Tidbit - He (Jesus Christ) has already forgiven you. If you know that, by inviting Him into your heart and knowing He is there; you won't be so hard on yourself. When you 'dwell' on mistakes, you are somewhat 'stymied' and devoid of joy. Think about it! Know that He LOVES you and wants the best for you. Joyce touched on this today. She can be found at:

Bittid - He wants us to continue to have the FAITH and the TRUST in HIM; even if it is not visibly apparent at times. We need to have PATIENCE, PATIENCE, AND MORE PATIENCE; and just to continue to have the FAITH, to 'wait' for Him to Provide Solution; and in His time frame; NOT ours. In other words, RELY on Him; not on your own understandings to control the situation or outcome. ie In pushing for a 'now, now, now' solution without His Guidance, the chances are that you will be bittidz out of luck; and not make the right tidbitz decision. Charles Price illuminated this message today.

Am about to go outside (brrrrr!); have been 'out' earlier already; however, the (Arctic) air will be a bittid refreshing, methinks. Also did some more 'spring cleaning' in our tidbit kitchen! When the timing is better (mentioned in yesterday's post), we will give some TLC (tender loving care) to our kitchen! An looking forward to that wonderful project, whenver that will be.

Hope you have / are enjoying the weekend.

God Bless.

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Happy Saturday!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

In our area of the map, we have been receiving winter weather, instead of the warmer temperatures associated with Spring. We woke up to 4 " of snow this morning; and for the last couple of hours, the sun has been brilliantly shining, and melted whatever bittids are left of the white blanket. And, more tidbits of snow is forecasted for tonight! The droopy daffodils are trying to regain their composure; but they look pretty depressed from the chilly onset, from the night before. The daffodils by our front door however, were / are protected; so they still exude a vibrant upbeat stance.

Glad it is the weekend; have been puttering / puttzing about our home and doing some 'Spring Cleaning'. Our kitchen is old and really needs some tidbit renovations; and alas, not a lot can really be done with it. Ultimately, we will find a carpenter (few and far between during the building boom here!) and will have some tid shelves built under our counter, as well as in the bit open spot 'in the wall'. The bittid lighting is 'archaic'; so that will be replaced by a more efficient, brighter, and modern look. And, we may be able to salvage / grout the floor to a more polished waxed sheen. However, I enjoyed 'organizing' our kitchen to a more funky functional dimension, for the time being.

Now, I just have to cook! Alan enjoys cooking (for survival perhaps, LOL!); and for the most bittidical part, I do not interfere! LOL! However, I would like to get back into preparing some creative bittidz 'Gourmet Meals'; along with setting a 'nice table' to further enhance the special ambience. Have some wonderful tidbitical cookbooks; and now our kitchen is a tidier tidbitz to 'work in!' As I blog, I can smell our Shepherd's Pie (from wonderful Costco) heating up in our oven! We are happy to enjoy 'comfort food' tonight. Some nights are just like that.

This afternoon, we went for a wonderful drive around a large park in our city; it was just glorious. We had forgotten how awesome this park truly is! Cherry blossoms on the trees, tulips poking forth, etc. Our heads were 'cleared' a bit; and now we are happily in for the night.

Tidbit - Appreciate a scenic drive. It does wonders to refresh your head space and invigorates your senses!

Bittid - Be grateful for your home, and all your daily Blessings. We are always reflecting on how fortunate we are; and given to what is going on around us in the world, we are extremely thankful! 'Praise Him in ALL Things'.

Happy Saturday, and Skal!

Good Night and God Bless.

Friday, 18 April 2008

The Weekend!

Good Evening, or whatever the appropriate greeting is to you, in your part of the world!

Can not believe how quickly the day flew by! We were up early, attended to our business, and then we had to go out for the afternoon. We are in the tidbitical process of going through various bittidical 'stuff' re: the 'sibling saga'. As I shared yesterday, the Truth ALWAYS shows up! Life is, indeed, a 'journey'; and both Alan and I are just aghast at what is being uncovered; small tid wonder there have been 'dodges' and 'confusion'. All we can keep saying is 'Praise Him in ALL Things'.

We are glad it is Friday night and the weekend. The weekend again! Where oh where does the time go! Tonight we are going to enjoy watching a couple of movies, from our bed; and hopefully, we do not fall asleep during the shows! LOL! There is thunder and lightning as I blog; and snow is forecasted for tomorrow. Quite windy as well; so it is the perfect night for staying indoors, warm and toasty under our cosy quilt comforter.

Have to confess, that I am a bit stiff. I thought I was '20 yrs young' again; and instead of doing a few minutes on our 'gazelle' machine, I spent a good deal longer. The T.V. program was a distraction; so I lost track of the time. Did not feel anything at the time; save til yesterday and today. So, bed is really beckoning to me! LOL!

We also went to our favourite produce farm; where you can enjoy buying FRESH produce at reasonable tidbitz prices. We bought quite a bittidz of fruits and vegetables; and that was / is always a wonderful uplift! They opened just last week and will close in November. If you wish, you can refer to my tidbit post, 'Fresh Produce', of April 21/07, for a bittid of background.

Tidbit - Always be appreciative and thankful!

Bittid - When you are positive, you affect others around you, in a positive way. And when you have / create things to look forward to, that is even better!

Am looking forward to replying to kind comment(s) tomorrow; as I will have enjoyed a refreshing night's sound rest.

Good Night and God Bless.

Thursday, 17 April 2008

The Truth Always Shows Up

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

First of all, please accept my apologies for not writing a blog yesterday! We have been away for a few tid days; and we were playing quite a bit of 'catch up' and this took us well into the latter evening of last night. We also had a dear friend over, and the wonderful visit lasted a lot longer than we had anticipated; and then it was time for bed.

We have a bittidz of details to attend to; our business, the 'sibling saga', and just life in general.

As far as the 'sibling saga'; we are aghast by the tidbitz thus far. All we know is that He has already WON.

Tidbit - When one gets closer to exposing the TRUTH, that is when satan turns up the notch to the full bittidz; so as to avoid being 'found out'. One can look at the various 'out of left field' 'stuff', as uplifting encouragement, because the TRUTH always shows up! 'Praise Him in All Things'.

Bittid - 'Fear Not For I Have Overcome the World'. Rely on Him to fight your battles, and have the FAITH, as, 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'.

All that being said, it can be quite exhausting. Perhaps some of you, can appreciate of what I write, because of your own experiences. Please feel free to share.

Good Night and God Bless.

Tuesday, 15 April 2008


Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world.

Had a very solid sleep last night; and woke up to an overcast, cool, windy day. However, there is no place like home; eventhough the 2 days away, were most refreshing!

Do not know where to begin; I guess at the tid beginning helps! We enjoyed the spectacular 2 hr drive to Whistler Mtn; and the highway will be fantastic, in time for the 2010 Winter Olympics! We 'made good time'; and checked into our B & B, by the lake, before proceeding to the event. We re acquainted ourselves with a couple (whom we met last year on the ferry; plus they were longtime friends of my family); and guess what? They are the owners of this exquisite spot! It turns out that they were going to the gathering as well; and we made the arrangements to meet up with them afterwards, at their scenic dining room for dinner.

The event was from 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm. We arrived in time; and it was wonderful to visit with so many 'pioneers'; and long lost pals from the ski hills, of so many years ago. I used to ski all the time; and have not for at least 10 years. Finally ended up getting some new skis and boots; and I understand the equippment (mine is 12yrs old) is now all passe; given the new 'stuff' that is out there; which apparently makes skiing a 'breeze'.

A few of us were 'kibutzing' about using 'long skiis' versus the short skiis of today; long skiis were / are a challenge! I grew up with long skiis; and the new pair I finally bought, was a foot shorter than what I used to ski on; and apparently, those skiis are still too long, by today's standards! The long skiis were a real test of one's mettle and skill, that was for sure. Took my fair share of falls too, with the long skiis; however, they were great 'gliders', if you just wanted to cruise quickly and gracefully down the slopes. If you approached moguls properly, you were okay; if not, well? Yes, those were the good old days! Loved 'Spring Skiing'; and now tis the season! I will take up skiing again (may have to buy new equippment?); but it will not be this year. Eventhough my Dad was Norwegian, he taught me the 'Austrian' style. Long skiis were good for that type of traversing / skiing.

The event had a great turnout! There was a no host bittidz bar (beer and wine) and tidbitz appetizers! There were appreciative photos and snow tales, (both skiing and l'apres skiing stories! LOL!) and speeches followed after a major bit of crowd 'mingling'. I mentioned in yesterday's post, that I was a 'Speaker'. There was a microphone set up for those (other than the few designated Speakers), if they had a momento or a few tidbits to contribute of earlier days. I was one of those; and spoke last in that 'sentimental' group. I do not really remember what I said, save that many people came up afterwards and heartily clapped me on the back. The bittids of the matter was, the words from my heart, were short, sweet, and simple. There were media photographers circling around; so who knows? Plus you could dress up in the 'costume of the day'; ie 60's /70's look; I went very 'l'apres ski'; along with a mod hat and sunglasses. Rather incognito; which was fine by me! LOL!

We went back to the Bed & Breakfast spot; and enjoyed a wonderful meal by the lake. It is a Bed & Breakfast; and the dining room has the reputation for both romantic and fine dining by candlelight. We had the opportunity to reconnect and chat with the owners; and they also love Mexico! At their table was their friend, who also happened to be a reporter. She wanted to take our photo; so once again, who knows! We had the best sleep; think fresh mountain air does that to you! In the am, we had a great Continental Breakfast; and once again, spent quality time with the owners. There are those rare and treasured moments, that you just 'click?' with certain people, right?

It is also 'Pet Friendly' (dogs only). When we had first arrived, we were greeted by 2 large labs on the deck, by the front door; wagging their tails as a happy welcome to all! We will be bringing our 'Blue' with us, the next time!

After we exchanged telephone numbers / email addresses, we left for the Village. We spent the day just enjoying the town. Bought a gift for 'Blue'; a neat periwinkle colour bandana; to match his striking blue eyes. Had lunch at one of our favourite haunts; and then later in the day, checked into our other location and just enjoyed relaxing for the rest of our stay.

We returned home yesterday; and reflecting on many tid things, it was an invigorating 2 day sojourn!

Tidbit - Enjoy and appreciate quality friendships.

Bittid - Empower all those you meet, each and every day. A smile or a kind word does wonders to uplift others.

Now have to get back to 'reality', as we have a few 'bittididals' to do this week. One of them is attending to the 'sibling saga'; and all I can say is, 'by their words, actions, and deeds, they are convicting themselves'. The tidbiticals of the TRUTH is glaring. Praise Him in ALL Things.

LOVE the above photo image; it looks very much like the magnificent view that is seen from the lake! Also, if you wish, you can refer to my post of March 4/07; that gives you a bit of background.

May blog a bit later. In the meantime, here is wishing you all a great tid of a day!

God Bless.

Monday, 14 April 2008

Genuine Compliments & Gracious Responses

Good Evening, or whatever the appropriate greeting is to you, in your part of the world!

The 2 days went by too quickly! Will post fun tidbitz tomorrow; as we have not been in the door all that long, and we are a bittidz weary.

Tidbit - Be yourself! Show courage and heart! I was one of the 'Speakers'; and I just asked Him for His Words of Wisdom, His Help, and His Guidance throughout the entire affair. In feedback, I was complimented on my delivery.

Bittid - There is no greater reward or gift received, when there is a genuine compliment freely given. And in turn, when you graciously accept a compliment, this makes 'whomever' feel truly uplifted as well.

Will share more tids tomorrow; as we are in the bits of settling in for the night.
I think there will be a beautiful sunset tonight; and Skal!

Good Night and God Bless.

Saturday, 12 April 2008

"Life is an occasion. Rise to it!"

Good Morning or whatever the best greeting is to you, in your part of the world!

Had a really good night's sleep; and woke up to a beautiful sunny Spring am! As I was taking our Blue out for his walk, I was totally awed by all the wonderful budding and cheery signs of Spring! There are even tulips growing amongst the ground ivy! I have never seen the tid of it before. An awesome peaceful time of day! Love the above photo image!

Am now enjoying a cup of coffee, whilst I blog for a bit; before I go and 'pack'. The historical event suggests 'costume attire' of the 60's or 70's - well, I have an old 'L'apres ski' jacket from my Mum; and I will seach / put together some sort of 'a look from that era'. Men fare better, in the sense they can wear a turtleneck and a leather jacket and get away with it! No fuss, no muss. I will wear my 'l'apres ski' boots'; eventhough the temperatures are supposed to soar to approx 70 degrees this weekend. Like go figure? Strange weather! Although, I do not mind this type of forecast one single bittidz!

As mentioned in yesterday's post, we were most fortunate to have finally found accomodation; the valley is full; and I mean full! Unless, you wish to pay exhorbitant prices; and no, we don't desire to go that route. Our function starts at 4 pm til 7 pm?; and with all that is going on, we are glad that we will be spending the first night in a secluded, yet lovely spot on the lake. The dining room is gorgeous; done in the European flavour and elegant style; ie - stuffed birds (pheasants)etc. Was there for dinner a bittid ago; and fabulous food. Am looking forward to the complimentary 'Continental' breakfast; which I am sure will be superbe. The second night is in the 'village'; so that will be a tidbitz of a contrast.

A bright day makes all the tidbit difference; so the drive up will be extra spectacular!

Last night, we watched a movie (can not remember the name, sorry); however, here is an interesting uplifting tidbit / bittid of a line from it. "LIFE IS AN OCCASION, RISE TO IT!" I love that passionate message; and it is so true!

Tidbit - Make the most of your life! You are worthy; just ask Him to Lead you along the way. Amazing what it does to your self esteem and confidence, when you Rely on Him!

Bittid - 'Sitting on the fence' does not cut it either. It is good to take a stand; ie 'Rise to it!' You gain strength from your experiences; and if it was not the best decision, you learn and grow! Whether it is the 'right' choice or not, it is when you 'step up to the plate', that things 'change'. Particularly, if you let Him Guide you, your choices are simpler! Take a turn at the bat; rather than being fearful, and sitting on the sidelines, and watching your life pass you by.

Whoa! That is a lot of bittid! I just read it! This particular weekend/event is going to honour the entrepreneurs / pioneers that took risks and all that they could give, to create from 'nothing' to what there is today. This tidbit ties everything in. In other words, if you have a dream, PURSUE it; and just ask Him for His Help! One of the things my Dad did, was to build an Interdenominational Church; so that all visitors at this world class destination resort, could have a place to worship.

And now, I had best go on a 'costume search mission' and get 'ready' for this 2 day memorable occasion!

Once again, hope you have a good weekend.

God Bless.

Friday, 11 April 2008

The Weekend!

Good Evening, or whatever is the appropriate greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a full bittid of a day! Alan is still feeling rather 'groggy'; but is glad that yesterday was accomplished and over with; and it looks as if everything is fine. However, we will receive full confirmation next week.

Went to an AGM, followed by lunch. It has been a number of months, since I have been to our once a month meetings, held during the day. It was refreshing to see 'the gals' again; inasmuch as I have not been able to attend, due to business etc.

The 'sibling saga' is very interesting; 'assward backwards' comes to mind. However, He IS watching everything; and is never fooled. He knows the TRUTH, and we take comfort in Him being our Absolute Advocate!

In the meantime, Alan and I are going away for the weekend. We wish we could bring our Blue with us, but these spots do not permit dogs; so we have made alternate arrangements for our 'pup'. We have an historical event that requires our presence, and as of today, was finally able to book lodging for the 2 nights; albeit at 2 different places. One is a B & B, secluded by a gorgeous lake, and the other is right in the heart of town. There is also another major event / convention going on; so was very fortunate to 'dig up' some accomodation. We are looking forward to this tidbit break.

Tidbit - Keep the FAITH. He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.

Bittid - Be appreciative of each day, regardless of negative 'stuff'. Continue to be joyful, and 'Praise Him in All Things'.

Do not know if I will be writing a blog in the am; possibly. If not, when we return home!

Here is wishing you a nice weekend.

God Bless.

Thursday, 10 April 2008

Nighty night time!

Good Evening, or whatever the appropriate greeting is to you, in your part of the world!

It is a beautiful sunset tonight; and we are about to see our bed! Had an early start, with Alan going to the hospital for a 'check up'; and we will not know the results til next week. A couple of tid 'polyps?' perhaps, were snipped; and there were some 'biopsies' taken. Basically, Alan was going through the final bit of his medical 'check up'; which included a colonocstomy. The pre drinking of the yucky fluid mixture, I think, is worse than the actual examination. While Alan was in the care of the doctors, I went to the bittid gift shop, and purchased a tid teddy bear and card for Alan; as well as 2 cookbooks (light and healthy recipes!); which I perused through, while I waited for the few hours, in the nearby coffee shop. Also ran into 2 old friends; and we enjoyed a good tidbit visit.

Alan spent the rest of the afternoon at home, resting; while I was out on a couple of appointments.

Tidbit - Appreciate your health; and 'preventive measures' are always good.

Bittid - Be a constant uplift to others around you! Be of positive cheer! When others smile, because you have made a small genuine and kind effort towards them, your day, as well as theirs, just 'perks' up! Today's time, at the hospital was both most illuminating and humbling in that respect.

On that note, am going to sign off, as I am looking forward to seeing my pillow. Til tomorrow.

Good Night and God Bless.

God Bless.

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Appreciate family!

Hi, Just felt like sharing some tidbits / bittids, before I call it a day!

Appreciate your family! Enjoy them; because life is all too short!

Just had a nice conversation with my daughter; and it made me reminisce about earlier days. It takes me back to when I was a child; and my parents would make an effort of getting the family together for a weekly roast beef dinner on Sunday nights.

We had dinner together a lot; but I remember that the roast beef dinner was always 'special!' Roast beef, homemade yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes, pan made gravy from scratch, veggies (depending what was in season), and home baked angel food cake, with vanilla ice cream and strawberries. Frozen strawberries or any other type of freezer berries hit the spot; along with the juice of the berries, which added an extra delight. Also, what was / is 'yummy', is putting a piece of bread underneath the roast! For those of you, who have not yet had that tid food experience, the 'blood' soaked bread is to die for! Well, to live for is a much better plan! LOL!

Mentioned to my daughter, that 'if it were a perfect world, Alan and I would love to have you, your hubby, and children, and your brother over for 'roast beef' dinner on a regular basis. Once a month, I think is doable!' My parents used to set up a beautiful table with all the trimmings; ie the silver, china, and crystal; and it made the meal that much more 'extravagant!' I think everyone felt as if they were eating in luxurious grandeur! Although, what matters most, is not 'things'; but family getting together! Was able to share with my daughter some of my bit thoughts; and I know she is of similar mind. LOVE the above photo image! It looks so mouth watering!

Just wanted to pass on my thoughts. Not too long ago, we were at my daughter's for dinner (you can refer to the March 21st post, if you wish); and we enjoyed a wonderful meal and evening. You can probably guess what we had for dinner! (If roast beef if not your preferance, then whatever is 'special' to you).

As Alan has bittidz surgery tomorrow, he has been on clear liquids all day...yuk! Will keep you posted on that tidbitz.

Last night, we were not disturbed by our 'roof intruders' or 'extruders', is more like it. Our Blue would have alerted us to any nocturnal visitors, had there been a reoccurence, as per the night before. We are about to watch a show; and it won't be a 'horror' movie either! LOL!

Am going to say 'Good Night', and 'Sweet Dreams', until tomorrow.

God Bless.

The Truth and Love Conquers All

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the applicable greeting to you, in your part of the world.

It has been a bittidz of a busy day, thus far. We also had a visit with Alan's Dad, along with the designated 'chaperone' earlier today. The confirmed time, was for 11:00 am; and we were there at the appointed hour. However, there must have been a 'miscommunication', because they did not turn up until 10 minutes before noon. The chaperone shared that she had been told, the meeting was for noon???

Alan has to call his 'out of town' sibling (go figure) to make arrangements to see his Dad and then a chaperone of 'their choice' is selected to be present as well. Alan had a prior appointment this afternoon; and had already told the 'out of town' sibling of that committment; therefore 11:00 am was the designated time. The 'in town' sibling was the 'driver' today; and when we concluded, we saw her and her car in the parking lot. For all we know, she may have sat out in her car during the whole tidbitz time with the Dad. As we drove by, I extended a greeting to her; which she angrily ignored. Regardless of these challenges, we did our best to give the Dad a cheery and fun 'outing'; of which we know he was most appreciative of. He was very happy and thankful to see his son today.

I know as of late, I have not gone into much bittid about the 'sibling saga'; but there will be the appropriate day, to tidbit the TRUTH. If you need a bit of background on the tale, please feel free to check out my earlier tid posts.

Tidbit - Whatever task is placed before you, do it cheerfully and give it your best effort; and always, 'Praise Him in All Things'.

Bittid - Have extra compassion on those, who have been falsely drawn in as 'minions'; into the 'fight', without knowing the TRUTH. We are comforted to know He Will Provide Solution to the 'sibling saga'; because, 'He IS the Way, The Truth, and the Light'. Love the 2 above photo images, with their empowering messages.

Have a good one!

God Bless.

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Strange Visitors

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Have just returned home from appointments from 8:30 am til now. Been a full tidbitz of a day, thus far!

We had an unexpected visitor late last night. We had just finished watching a most entertaining movie, 'American Gangster', with Russell Crowe and Denzel Washington. The plot was based on a true story; and was well done. We watched the bit start of a horror movie, before turning our lights out. A tid too scary for me! LOL!

Some time later, with Alan snoozing away, our Blue starts to growl; and I mean GRRRRRROWL. I was not sure whether I was more frighened by a 'would be intruder', or by the protective defense posture taken by our dog! So up we sprung, wondering 'what on earth was the matter to cause such a clatter', on our rooftop! Does it make you think of St. Nick and his 8 tidbitz tiny reindeer?

It was certainly most eerie, and both my head was racing, and my heart was pounding! Alan did not appear too concerned; and having listened for 'noises', and being satisfied there was 'nothing', he crawled back under the covers. Then the unusual 'roof sounds' started up all over again; along with the same offensive guard dog tactics, and chills running up and down my spine. I forced myself to get up, and gingerly made my way downstairs to check things out; sending our Blue on ahead of me! Then my fear was replaced with an internal 'bravado'.

Now, if the noises were from inside our house, then I would have followed through with a Plan B. Goodness knows what that would have been; but some decisive, proactive action would have been taken, on my part; ie. I would have simply relied on Him to take care of things. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'.

Later in the night, same outside noises, on and off til about 5 am. This time though, I was able to detect scuffling 'scratchy' bittidz steps back and forth; but not by a human tread. My guess, is this a racoon family that may have taken up residence on our roof. And, if so, why our roof? LOL!

Mentioned the bittidicals to management; and the key 'poobah' is away on vacation; so my tidbiticals are 'on hold' til next week. I would like to hope that this was a one time only occurence; but who knows? It could also be squirrels; however, more likely racoons. Whatever family may be 'nesting', it is better to attend to things sooner, rather than later; because if there are babies, the WildLife Act comes into play; and the wee ones can not be removed until they are more 'mature'.

Strange day; raining, hailing, dark skies, then brilliant sunshine; and now more rain, black clouds, and a wind freshening up. Also just heard the howling cries of coyotes; no kidding. Blue's ears perked up; and once again, he is our 'ever ready'dog warrior.

Tidbit - When your nerves are 'on end' etc, just keep saying these wonderful words, "Fear Not, for I have Overcome the World". That message was a gentle comfort to my ears, and a courageous calm took over asap. Of course, both the 'gangster movie' and the horror show had added a bit to my rushing tid adrenalin! LOL!

Bittid - Be thankful, if you have a dog, who would valiantly protect you with their life. However, I would do my utmost, to protect my dog as well! The above photo is of our Blue.

Now the sun is back, shining in full force! Plus, we have a few more bittid things left to do, before we call it a tidbit day!

Here is wishing you a nice evening or day.

God Bless.

Monday, 7 April 2008

Here is to warm memories!

Good Morning; or whatever the applicable greeting is to you, in your part of the world!

Here, it is Monday am. April Showers galore! Am enjoying the solitude that comes with the sounds of pouring rain! It is a bit of a dark day outside; but rather neat, at the same tid time. Am appreciative and thankful, that we have 'water' in such global abundance; as there are other less fortunate areas in the world that have very little or NO water. As mentioned in yesterday's post,"April Showers bring May Flowers!"; as well as contributing all the more to our supply of water reserves.

Just listened to "Because He Lives" and to "It Is Well With My Soul"; wonderfully uplifting! If you wish, you can refer to my blog of April 5th, for further bittidz info.

Have just worked out our 'schedule' for this upcoming week of various appts and projects; primarily for tomorrow through to Friday. As you may know (as per some previous blogs), we are also involved in a major 'Spiritual Battle' with Alan's siblings; looking forward to His Divine Intervention and His Solution.

Yesterday afternoon when I was 'spring cleaning' our cabinets, shelves, and cupboards, I thought we have so much to be grateful for! Lovely old antiques (from my parents, grandparents, antique shops); and we must start to vividly use them; as you live only once! I keep thinking about the eras in which these various pieces were enjoyed, either in everyday life or on special tidbitz occasions!

Tidbit - Be appreciative! 'Praise Him in All Things'.

Bittid - Be thankful for warm memories!

The above image is of an "Oyster Man' devouring madly, an oyster from an oyster 'shooter'. LOVE the picture; and I literally laugh everytime I see it! The jovial expression on his face is priceless; full of delight and enthusiastic zest! It reminds me a bittid of my late friend,'John', the 'Almond Roca Man'. That was how we 'attacked' the Almond Roca Bars, in the wee hours of the morning(s) LOL! Do not even know if he liked oysters; I LOVE them!

The amusing tidbit tale, is posted in the March 15th post, if you would like to refer / refresh your memories, for a bit of tid background! Have purchased this wonderful plate on a 'lay a way', from a dear friend; and I am looking 'hungrily' forward to 'John's' arrival, in a tid of a bit!

God Bless.

Sunday, 6 April 2008

'April Showers Bring May Flowers'

Good Evening, or whatever is the appropriate greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Do not have much to tid about today, save that it has been a really relaxed nice day. My mind has taken a bittidz siesta. LOL! Have enjoyed a few fire logs; the 3 hour ones are the best; if you do not have real wood. Puttered about, organized and reorganized shelves / cabinets to create a refreshing spring change! Was so absorbed, that the time just flew; April Showers / hail, and all other tidbitz. Love the above photo image; even if it is taken of roses in the rain! Am looking forward to our flowers!

The ongoing 'sibling saga' resurfaced today; however, we have our FAITH in HIM to Guide us through all of this 'stuff'. Because I have appreciated such a calm and 'mellow' day, am not going to become upset. On the tidbit contrary, am rejoicing because, He is our Advocate!

Watched and listened to the Schullers, Joyce, and Charles this am; and they were 'right on' with their message. A lot that was shared by them, was pretty much what I wrote in yesterday's post!

Tidbit - There are NO coincidences!

Bittid - If you can be at peace within yourself and still be joyful, regardless of all the bittid 'fluff' around you, that is the best way to be. Not always easy; however, just ask Him for His Help and He will carry your burdens and uplift your spirits. 'Praise Him in ALL Things'.

Can smell our dinner cooking; think it is finally ready! Mmmmmmmm. Yum! It is a delicious Shepherd's Pie, from Costco. All you need to do is heat it up, from its frozen store bought state and voila! Am going to go for the evening; as we have a full week coming up. Am also going to enjoy a glass of South African Red Wine with our repas. Skal!

Good Night and God Bless.

Saturday, 5 April 2008

Confidence and Self Esteem

Good Evening!

It has been a great R & R day; a wonderful 'recharge' to our batteries! We put on a cheery fire, 'puttzed' about, appreciated being home, and that it was the weekend!

Later in the afternoon, we watched a cute movie / animated cartoon (the computer graphics were awesome!) and now, for the tid of me, I can not recall the name of the movie! A story about Barnyard Animals; and what happens when the 'cat is away', the 'mice will play'. This is true in life as well. You may have experienced this situation. Tidbitically, there are times, when you just have to be bittidically present in person and 'take charge'. In this case, the 'father bull' was the leader and protector of all the barnyard animals (from the coyotes at night, who raided the chicken / hen coop). The son, was into 'having fun' and going off to 'barnyard' parties; not wishing any leadership / responsibility role, whatsoever.

Unfortunately, the coyotes, in a pack, were finally too much for the old bull; and did him in, one fateful night. Then the son had to 'step up to the plate.' He was also worried that he could never fill his dad's shoes (hooves in this case! LOL!); so was extra hesitant when the somewhat obligatory task fell to him to be the 'new leader'. This is also happens in life; where there is confidence lacking.

At the end of the day, the son took on the pack and defeated them for once and for all. He also had the respect, love, and help from his fellow animal friends. That always helps too! Should add, that the dad, 'Ben', adopted the son, 'Otis' , and the son was being 'groomed' for the job. The son met a lovely 'cow', 'Daisy', (I never say a lovely 'cow'; because the word 'cow' is not flattering about a person); and that 'cow' influenced the son to remain; inasmuch as she was giving birth to her calf, from her previous 'marriage'. Her mate had died, but she was pregnant. The little boy calf was named 'Ben' after 'Otis' father, 'Ben'; so the story had a happy ending. You can guess who was 'next' in line, to be eventually 'groomed' for the job.

Tidbit - There are always lessons to learn; and if you appreciate learning, you always grow!

Bittid - Your self esteem, confidence, well being, attitude, behaviour, etc. just 'blossoms' forth; when you have the Confidence in yourself! Ask Him for His Guidance, Help, and Direction in your life. When you have the FAITH in Him, He changes you; and, you are never 'the same' again! When He says, "Fear Not, for I have overcome the world", that is so. He has defeated satan and, when He also says, "Seek, and Ye Shall Find"; and you 'let Him in', you have a Relationship with Him!

Am looking forward to watching the Vision Channel tomorrow am; and hearing the Schullers, on 'The Hour of Power'; Joyce Meyers, on 'The Joy of Everyday Life'; and Charles Price, on 'The Living Truth'. They are excellent and inspirational! I have referred to them in earlier tid posts!

Love the above photo image. It depicts FAITH. (Please feel free to refer to posts of March 12th & 13th for a bit of background, if you wish). In the meantime, here is wishing you a nice evening! We are about to go and watch a movie.

Good Night and God Bless.

Good Morning!

Good Morning! There is always a dawn; no matter where things are at in your life. Thus saying, 'Good Morning;' to wherever you are in the world! And if you are on a different time frame; know, it will be morning sometime for you!

Have really enjoyed this morning! It has been a bittidz of awhile, that I have joyfully been getting caught up with past email correspondence etc. And savouring cups of tidbitz coffee; and am listening to: "It Is Well With My Soul". Wonderful voices!

I have also listened to "Because He Lives"; you can click onto the March 28th post, ("Because He Lives") by Allison; who has such a beautiful voice; if you wish to hear her as well.

Am still learning the computer ropes bit by tid, and tid by bit; so eventually, I will be able to link more than one title, I hope! Am doing my bittid best; most likely is me; but it could also be our rather 'ancient' computer. Ultimately, we will be replacing it. So, my apologies to you, re: not accessing "Because He Lives" asap. However, just 'click' onto the Blog of "Because He Lives" and you may be inspired a tidbit!

Tidbit - 'Take time out' (even if for a few minutes; and / or several times like that during your day, if you can); and just appreciate the SIMPLE things. I alluded to that yesterday; ie about QUALITY moments. 'Well'(wrote a post on that 'deep' subject - June 13/07), I raise my cup of coffee and say "Praise Him in All Things!" Be grateful and thankful for whatever it is you have! As mentioned before, do not concern yourelf with what you do not have; but rather what precious, you do have!

Bittid - Appreciate a calm that comes with simply 'being' at peace! The 2 pieces of music I listened to; in fact turned up full blast, was / is so invigorating! A good start or end, for that tid matter, to the day! Whatever works best for you!

Once again, a huge 'Thank you' to my friend, who passed on these 2 songs to me! He is going to send some more in a bit! So, stay 'tuned!' LOL!

God Bless.

Friday, 4 April 2008

R & R - Appreciate and Enjoy!

Good Evening, or whatever is the applicable greeting to you, in your part of the world.

We were away on a bit of business yesterday, and did not return until later in the evening. Today, has been a 'whirlwind' tid of a day; and we are glad that it is now approaching dinner, as well as the start to the weekend!

There has been a lot of bittidz going on; and we are doing our best, to take everything in proactive stride. Nonetheless, you can become a tidbitz weary, when 'wearing many hats'. Will also share some bittids / insights about the 'sibling saga'; when the tidbits are 'ripe' enough to digest.

Tidbit - Listen to your body, when it says 'relax!' Put everything out of your mind, and just 'chill out' and appreciate / enjoy the moments as they unfold. It is a gorgeous sunset tonight; the nicest, I have seen in a long time!

Bittid - Delight in the 'QUALITY' moments and take 'time out'. I just ask Him to help carry my burdens and to uplift me; and, it works!

Skal, (with South African Red Wine).

Good Night, and God Bless.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008


Good Evening!

The day has passed by so quickly; as in an hourglass, dispersing multitudes of grains of sand! Too swiftly for my tidbitz likes!

The 'Blessings' have continued today; and when I stop to think about it, the 'Blessings' are always 'pouring in!' Each and every bittidz day! It is just a matter of being appreciative! All I can say is, there is so much to be Thankful for; and Thank you! To HIM!

Today, when we were 'out and about', we ran into various 'detours'. 'Well'(that is a profound bittid description!), we just simply 'rearranged' our travels and drove along other streets. A path, we do not generally take, presented itself; by taking us via another route. Quite 'off the beaten track'. Victorian antique houses, of at least 100 years old; and old magnificent magnolia trees, in luscious pink bloom, lined this particular tidbit block! Gorgeous! And what was going through my bit head, was the thought, how / what was life like on this interesting street, from its
inception! What a richness of history!

Tidbit - Be 'proactive', rather than 'reactive', when there are 'detours' / changes in your life.

Bittid - Enjoy your life; moment by moment!

We 'leave town' early tomorrow for our business; so am going to call it a day.

Am also thinking of 'Zihua'. Love the above photo image of Bougenvelia!

Good Night and God Bless you all.

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the World!

Wanted to share a tidbitz with you, in the form of music! Hence the title, you just need to click onto, if you wish.

Have already listened to the music a few times this morning; along with a couple of cups of coffee; and each time that I listen, the more it 'reaches' me! Like, the words are GREAT! Very uplifting! I started to sing out loud; and it is incredible, how much better you feel! Even if I am a bittidz off key! LOL! Still sounded good to me! LOL! Joyful! And, as you know the evil one does not like joy or joyful music! Let alone singing happily about 'It is Well With My Soul'.

Plus, I enjoyed the 'people' - they kind of grow on you too. ie, there is an older lady; and she has her friendly face in her hands; quite touching, I think. And the expressions on other people's faces. The singer has a fabulous voice! Very strong. I had to listen a few bit times to hear the words (not a criticism; just my tid ears, I think! LOL!).

Tidbit - Music is good for the soul!

Bittid - Even if you sing off key, who cares? Sing out loud; it is amazing how good you feel! And what a great way to start your day!

Thank you, to my wonderful friend who gave me this link! (as shown in the title link).

Also, it is another beautiful sunny day; bright blue skies. Love the above photo image; and all the Blessings that arrive with Spring!

Will be back later!

God Bless.

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Do you believe in miracles?

Good Afternoon, or whatever the best greeting is to you, in your part of the world.

Do you believe in miracles?

Well, this morning, we found ourselves being given a miracle! Totally unexpected!

Last night before I fell off to a deep sleep, I Prayed to Him to Guide us, and to Help us do what is 'Right, Fair, and Equitable', in all regards. Also, I 'left everything' up to Him; and thought He Will Provide Solutions!

Tidbit - If you have the Faith in Him, you will receive His Blessings. He wants to bestow many Blessings on us, so that we can enjoy an abundant and full life. Just invite Him genuinely into your heart.

Bittid - Rejoice in all your Good Tidings; be it big and / or small! Be Thankful! 'Praise Him in All Things!' - which is what I did a bittid, before nodding off last night.

Today, it is a beautiful sunny day; and apart from listening to Allison first tidbit thing this am, we are accomplishing a fair amount; and He IS orchestrating everything!

If any of you, would like to know what the miracle was / is, please feel free to ask. Love the above photo image!

Hope your day is a good one!

God Bless.