Saturday, 30 January 2010

Appreciating a quiet Saturday night

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Boy, we have had a full tidbitz day! Glad to not be going out this evening. It is pouring with rain; and it is a good night to remain at home. We just enjoyed a delicious homemade pizza, 'created' by Alan, and a glass of South African Red vino! Our downstairs big T.V. has experienced a bit of a 'blowout'; however, we are grateful for our bittidz T.V. in our bedroom. We will be cheering on the hockey game(s), as well as tuning into some good classic movies. (We also happen to be working on a simultaneous script / book for our eventual movie / true story. The movies we have been / are watching, have given us extra special insights).

Also, eventhough, our tid kitchen / bathroom sinks are still clogged (now been six weeks at least); we are working around all the related bittid inconveniences. (We will get this attended to, when the timing is better). At least we have plentiful water (hot and cold), and a dishwasher that cleanly washes the dishes. This is a Blessing; could be far worse!

We woke up to a few unexpected nasty 'trials and tribulations' this morning. Very clearly, the 'left hand does not know what the right hand is doing'; even after our most recent confirmation. We (Alan - lucky him!) will deal with this very irritating issue first thing on Monday morning. In the meantime, He has 'provided our daily bread'; and both Alan and I are very thankful for that Provision; even with all these latest 'trials and tribulations' of today. I feel stronger and encouraged all the tidbit more! As per His Will, in His time, His Way, His Purpose, He has an awesome Plan for Alan and I; eventhough, we do not know what His Purpose / Plan is. We have become all the more FOCUSED upon Him to Provide Solution; as, 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'.

Tidbit - Maintain a calm; and ENDURE with a positive outlook! TRUST totally in Him, to provide your needs.

Bittid - Be genuinely grateful for all your daily Blessings. If you feel discouraged, simply re evaluate and 'Seek Him Out'. He will enlighten you, so that you can appreciate Him all the more, when He Provides for you! Be expectant; and be of a good, cheerful, giving heart! Be a living Blessing to others; do not be wrapped up in your own difficulties.

Am looking forward to watching the Vision Channel tomorrow morning; maybe some of you will, as well! I know there will be many 'ephifanies' that I will learn and joyfully embrace! ie. 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller - www.; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -; and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price - There are also other wonderful programs to be appreciatively thankful for as well! ie. 'Tomorrow's World', and Rhonda Lazerte's 'Door of Hope'. These ministries too, provide such uplifting teachings and resources!

Love the photo image; that is Alan and I tonight! Our Blue ( five year young Blue Heeler 'pup') has his own bed and pillow! LOL!

Good Night, Peace, and God Bless.

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