Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Generosity of Spirit!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Well, it has been an enlightening few days! Embraced and appreciated the Vision Channel on Sunday; and eventhough I will share ultimately some tidbits with you, still best for those of you, who are curious and want to know more about Christ, to simply tune into: 'Hour Of Power' (www.hourofpower); 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (; and 'Living Truth' ( These three programs as well as other ministries, are wonderfully encouraging in their empowering teachings.

Alan and I have been facing many challenging choices. We are Relying all the more upon Him, to Guide us through everything; so that He will Help us make the 'right' decisions. We have various options; and throughout these bittids of 'trials and tribulations', we are learning pretty quickly who our friends are or are not. Our neighbours, who are also our friends, reinforced our friendship, as they graciously gave us a jar of homemade marmalade. (We just finished our raspberry jam); so this was all the more timely! We are Blessed to have neighbours who have such a 'generosity of spirit'.

Tidbit - A random act of kindness goes a long way. ie. The jar of marmalade.

Bittid - When 'distractions' occur, FOCUS all the more upon Christ. Abide in Him and Trust calmly and confidently, that He will Provide Solution.

Love the above tid photo image. Our kind neighbours gave us a LARGE jar of marmalade; and I am heartily looking forward to tomorrow's breakfast of soft boiled eggs, toast with fresh marmalade, along with my elixir of coffee. Alan is not a coffee drinker, as he prefers his morning tea. Have to admit though, there are moments / times when a good cup of tea really hits the spot! Takes me back to after I gave birth to my daughter in the wee bit hours of the morning. I was given a cup of lukewarm tea (was the best the hospital kitchen could provide at that hour), along with some arrowroot cookies. I dunked the cookies into the tea; and that has always been a fond memory for me. My newborn was sleeping; so it was a tranquil moment for us both.

Peace and God Bless.

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