Friday, 26 February 2010

Enjoying a calm!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Lots of planes being heard overhead, roaring in the skies today. It would appear that multitudes of people who attended the 2010 Winter Olympics, are now returning to their homes. I wish them all safe and enjoyable flights to their countries / homelands / destinations. Vancouver, is now forever, on the map, as per all the wonderful and gracious accolades that it has been garnished with. Our beautiful city, its mountains, ocean, is truly a breathtaking part of the world!

Wish I could say that we had some concrete news; save that there will be some more showings of our house over the weekend. We are in a 'waiting mode'; and at the same time, Alan and I have 'cast all our cares upon Him'. We have been doing our due diligence to relocate; perhaps renting for the first bittid six months, might be an idea.

We are not sure of our immediate plans; save that we will be most prudent in our exercise. We do have a realtor looking for us; and if it happens that renting is more expensive, than securing a unit with a small mortgage, that may take precedence. Hopefully, a sf space that will contain most of our 'stuff' (as opposed to paying storage expenses etc). and that we could rent out and / or sell ultimately. By then, things will have stabilized; and we will have more of an idea where we would like to live; and the prices may even be a tidbit more forgiving, methinks.

Also, when you have a pet, it is more challenging to find a place to rent, that accepts pets. Fortunately, our Blue is a very good dog. In our looking for abodes, there is a particular tidbitz complex, that states that 'four legged kids' are welcome! Now, I like that kind of marketing approach. Afterall, our pets are, indeed, 'family members!'. Love the picture of our relaxed five year young 'pup'. Wherever we go, he goes.

We are thankful it is the weekend; and when we have some bittidz news, will keep you posted. We have been enjoying the Olympics (on our TV) and I am sure the 'Closing Ceremonies' will be just as awesome as the 'Opening Ceremonies'.

Peace and God Bless.

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