Monday, 1 March 2010

Thank you!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

The 2010 Winter Olympics were magnificent; and all the games were well run; and were fair and square for all participants. Vancouver, Whistler Mtn etc, has endeared the world; and, we are Blessed that we live in such a beautiful and vibrant city.

Alan and I went out yesterday afternoon for a short while; and it was heartfelt to hear the beeping and honking of cars, as well as the contagious cheering of so many happy people. Of course, we joined in; and the streets were filled with empowering enthusiasm! This united and positive mood has swept right across our nation; and methinks, the Canadian spirit is here to stay! It is both great and refreshing to see so many 'young' people take such an active part and interest; and this will bode well for the future. Canada now owns the podium with 14 Gold Medals; the most in Olympic history for a host nation!

I embraced the Vision Channel yesterday morning; and will share some tidbits before too long. All I can suggest is that apart from their Biblical teachings and insights, they offer genuine encouragement; and for those of you, who feel 'strung out', check into 'Hour of Power' (; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (; and 'Living Truth' ( If some of you feel you are 'down in the dumps', tune into these programs; and your troubles / worries will be far less. No kidding. And / or, you may know of those who need to be hugely uplifted; and you would be a bit of a hero to them, by letting them know, where they can learn more about Hope, Faith, and Salvation.

We have a glorious calendar from 'Living Truth', and I would like to share a few encouraging bittids from Charles Price. The pictures are breathtaking, and Charles has provided some inspiring 'words of wisdom', as well as Biblical passages, as per each monthly photo. His insights bolster one's spirits, methinks; and what I am about to quote, validates Alan's and my experiences, in our daily walk with Christ. These 'gems' are further 'ephifanies' to me; particularly when we (most of us) have been / are in the throws of tid 'trials and tribulations.'

ie. January - "How is the presence of the Holy Spirit expressed in our lives? One way is through our attitudes to circumstances - and we will be characterized by joy, peace, and patience."

ie. February - "When Jesus is alive in us, we will see God in the circumstances we face in life. We no longer need to fear the events we did not anticipate or which seem even bigger than ourselves, for 'we see God' in His sovereignty working out purposes that are good."

ie. March - "When we go out on a limb with God, we learn things about Him we would have never learned otherwise. That's why we need to obey God in areas where we don't necessarily feel able, but where He is leading us. It's then we discover the sufficiency and the ability of Christ."

Once again, we have many daily Blessings to be thankful and appreciative for! ALWAYS, 'Praise Him In ALL Things'. A big THANK YOU to Him! The above photo image is of Whistler Mountain!

Peace and God Bless.

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