Friday, 5 March 2010

Friday afternoon reflections

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Has been an 'interesting' time around here. A few more tid options have surfaced. More ephifanies!

Alan and I received some dismaying news this afternoon; so we immediately went to a wonderful local park for a bit change of scene. It is a gorgeous and cloudless day here, and relatively mild temperatures. A perfect day for a walk for us and our Blue Heeler 'pup', Blue. We met a number of other 'doggie people' in the park; and I left thinking that it is refreshing to meet others with their 'family' of pets. We ran into an elderly gentleman and his eleven year old 'Brown Lab'; and we could tell that he 'thrived' on his daily walks; as that gives him a cheery uplift, when he runs into other people. Also, he lives on his own; so his dog and he are encouraging company for one another. We were glad of the good conversation; and we look forward to seeing each other again.

Tidbit - Make Him your SOLE focus; Rely upon Him ONLY; not upon others. That is about as simple as it gets. He will Guide your way, as 'HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIGHT'.

Bittid - Thank Him ALWAYS for your daily Blessings; and 'Praise Him In ALL Things'; regardless of your circumstances or disappointments. You gain an 'inner' strength. It is 'how' you handle your challenges; and hence what choices you ultimately make.

Alan and I have experienced our tidbitz share of 'ups and downs'(today included); however, we will ENDURE, with PATIENCE AND HOPE; to WAIT in FAITH for Him, to 'Step In' and work all the bittidz through. Basically, we feel that He has a much better plan for us; and, it is that simple. Thus, we are going to relax and enjoy the weekend; and also, be totally thankful for each and every day that He gives us! We ARE thankful! And, we are glad it is the weekend! Hurrah!

The photo image is of a double bloom type of narcissus? daffodil; we saw many of them today in the park. Amazing all the beauty He creates! We have much to be THANKFUL for! The days are getting longer; a refreshing sign of Spring!

Peace and God Bless.

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