Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Spring has sprung!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We were invited out last night, and this morning, Alan and I are still 'basking in the glow' of a fun evening. There were many laughs; and methinks there should be more tids of laughter per day. It is amazing what happens when you give someone a genuine compliment, or make a funny joke, or uplift those around you, with a random gentle act of kindness. As a person, you feel good; and that 'spirit of joy', generally 'boomerangs' to all those you meet. Plus, you smile more readily; and after awhile, smiles and laughter become second nature!

Tidbit - 'Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone'. My Dad would say that expression often; and it is so very true.

Bittid - Make the best of each and every situation; and always be optimistic and full of HOPE, that becomes 'contagious' to others, as well. Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart; and KNOW that He has your best interests at heart; as He LOVES us all unconditionally. He has a GOOD PLAN for us all.

I repeat again a tidbit of comfort, from Robert Schuller Junior. ie. 'When you are down to nothing, you know that He is up to something. Something to the good for you.' Also another bittid of reassuring wisdom, from Dr. Charles Stanley. ie. 'That when God is silent, He has not abandoned you; He is working on your behalf.' (or insights to that effect).

On 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -, Joyce shares that 'we should do what we can do, and to let God do what we can not do.' Alan and I believe that as well! One does their part, their best; however, leaving the rest to Him. ie. As in 'casting all your cares upon Him.' To appreciate a further clarity, I recommend you tune into her encouraging and enlightening website. Joyce also imparts, that one 'should do what is the most valuable, to bear the most fruit.'

Today, Alan and I have been given some more bits of avenues to explore. We are keeping all our options open. Speaking of 'open', we have a showing today and on Friday. Eventhough, we love our home; we are 'going with HIS Flow.' We know that 'when He Closes one door, He OPENS another door.' We do not know what His Plan is, save that it is for the best!

It is another flourishing beautiful spring day! 'Spring has sprung!' Revival of all living and growing things! (He created the whole universe in six days! WOW!). We have much to be thankful for! 'Praise Him In ALL Things.' Love the photo image and its wonderful message!

Have to go and attend to some bittidz; however, will keep you posted of any new tidbitz.

Peace and God Bless.

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