Thursday, 4 March 2010

'All Things ARE Possible!'

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We have been on the go; and am appreciative for these few tranquil moments, before the day jumps into vivid play. Am reflecting, as well as enjoying my second cup of freshly brewed coffee. Our 'pup' Blue is happily curled up under my chair; a nice quiet and relaxing scene.

Alan and I have been doing our due diligence; and there are some new wrinkles; however, that now means further options. Once again, we have done everything we can; and we have quite literally 'cast all our cares upon Him'. We are trusting in His GOOD Plan for us; and we take solace, knowing that He knows what is best for each and every one of us.

Tidbit - He always has our best interests at heart. If any of you feel at times, your Prayers are delayed and / or not answered, TRUST in FAITH He has something better in mind for you.

Bittid - Always have HOPE in your heart! Remember too, to 'Praise Him In ALL Things' and, to Thank Him daily for your Blessings.

Had made mention that I was going to share a few tidbits from the programs I watched on Sunday on the Vision Channel. If you wish a bit of clarity, you can refer to my two recent posts for bittids of background.

On 'Hour of Power' (, I embraced some more ephifanies!

eg. Beth Groombridge sings the inspiring song 'All Things Are Possible'. Well, I keep hearing those four tidbit words, along with the 'catchy' tune revolving non stop in my head and heart. If you tune into 'Hour of Power', you will be uplifted asap, methinks! The whole congregation (it is huge and it wonderful how it keeps bountifully growing!) were all enthusiastically joining in and clapping in joyful beat.

Another guest, on 'Hour of Power'. was Jessica Cox, who was born WITHOUT arms. My goodness, if any of you think you are having your bittid challenges, read about her awesome story! WOW! Jessica suggests (a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt) - " Identify your greatest fear and walk directly towards it". Dr. Sheila Coleman Schuller endorses that 'success is a journey in FAITH; thus face your fears head on.' She refers to Psalm 139; in that we are all special and unique for His Divine Purpose.

Dr. Robert Schuller enlightens us with his empowering 'emotional therapy session', re: 'Unsinkable Hope!' ie. He refers to Hebrews 6:19 - " This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil."

In closing, one of my favourite Hymns (379) is 'Our Hope in Ages Past'; have always loved the tune and the words, and what a wonderful way to tie in the service!

Love the photo image, as well as its positive message. The beautiful daffodils in our complex, are sprouting in abundance; methinks, such a vibrant Creation / Blessing from Him. Cheers to one's spirits; in that Spring is on the way! Hurrah!

Will be back in a bittidz with some more tidbitz re: 'Enjoying Everyday Life' ( and also, 'Living Truth' ( etc. Here are their websites again; should you check them out, before I write the next post. 'All Things ARE Possible", keeps springing from my heart!

Peace and God Bless.

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