Thursday, 25 March 2010

Refreshing Blessings!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Today it is pouring with rain; quite a different scene from the 'springlike' weather conditions of yesterday!

We were up and out early this morning for a long awaited appointment; which went well. Now glad to be home and to get on with some other tidbitz matters.

On 'Living Truth' ( - Charles Price), Charles and Hilary share their insights and teachings from the Holy Land. Hilary refers to the empowering significance of the miracle, when the water was quietly turned into wine at the wedding feast. For the best tidbit clarity and understanding, refer to John, Chapter 2 in the Bible. Charles is saying that we should 'hand it (problems etc) over, put it into His Hands for Him to Provide, and 'let go' of problems instead of wishing to control circumstances. ie 'As in weak, colourless, and powerless situations.' Methinks, Charles explains it wonderfully well. ie. Christ is a 'specialist in messes.' 'Leave it all to Him to Provide the 'changes' for the better. Christ is ALIVE; and ALL things are possible with Him. A simple bittid from Charles - 'Lay it all down before Him and watch Him work; instead of dragging our problems around with us.'

So, if Alan and I can work it out (in Accordance with His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan), we would love to travel to the Holy Land this November, with Charles and Hilary's tour! That journey would be forever etched in our hearts and souls. What an enriching experience that would be! WOW!

In our tid complex, there are multitudes of daffodils blooming everywhere! (Methinks, the photo image brings a bit of vibrant cheer to one's spirits!). Today, in the rain, the daffodils / flowers look all the more exquisite and special! Even the colourful tulips are now starting to burst forth! Such an invigorating and refreshing treat to the eyes! Another one of His glorious Creations and Blessings to be Thankful for!

Peace and God Bless.

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