Sunday, 7 March 2010

Blessings in abundance!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It was such a glorious day yesterday (Saturday). Blue skies, no clouds, brilliant sunshine, and 'springlike temperatures!' Even at 5:30 pm, as we sat outside on our bittid bedroom balcony, the rays of the sun were still exuding warmth, and the yellow forsythia and daffodils were majestically aglow! These are wonderful tidbit Blessings! The Holy Spirit has reinforced and rekindled within us, an inner peace, a joyful confidence, a steadfast calm; and encouraging us, to 'keep on trekking!' in any and all circumstances.

The other night, we watched the inspirational movie, 'Tuesdays with Morrie'; and for those of you, who have not yet seen it, I heartily recommend it. A very magnificent story of hope and courage.

Tidbit - Do not lose Hope; continue to be of positive spirit.

Bittid - He IS our Refuge and Strength. We are thankful it is Sunday today; and we are Resting and Abiding in Him.

Watched the Vision Channel this morning and embraced some more awesome messages / ephifanies! Here again, are their websites, that provide enlightening encouragement, as well as insightful teachings of the Bible and of Christ. ie. 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller and Dr. Sheila Schuller Coleman -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -; and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price - Plus there are other International Ministries who impart their messages; and to all of them, a Big Thank You! They are, indeed, a Blessing, as they genuinely share the message of the Good News.

In a bitttidz, I will tie in a few of the tidbits from last week, as well as sharing some further bittids, appreciated from today's empowering messages. Best still though, for those of you, who wish to learn more, to check into them for yourselves.

Going back to last week, on 'Enjoying Everyday Life', Joyce Meyer referred to Matthew 11: v 28 - 30. 'Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My load is light."

Those wonderful Biblical words provide me with refreshing comfort; and, perhaps some of you may experience a tidbitz of reassuring solace as well. Joyce today, also shares about those who are 'gamblers' and those who are 'investors'. Her message is 'right on', and provides a vast wealth of fruitional information. I encourage you to tune into her wonderful website!

Also, today, in closing on 'Hour of Power', was a portion of Beth Groombridge's strong song "All Things Are Possible' (March 4th post). That is such a rousing song; and methinks, those few powerful words should be repeated / 'piped in', whatever, at the end of each 'Hour of Power' session. Invigorating and uplifting thoughts! ie. "ALL Things ARE Possible, with God".

Also, well regarded Bishop Kenneth Ulmer was a guest today on 'Hour of Power'; and he shared his illuminating insights on Psalm 23; 'The Lord is my Shepherd'. Strangely enough, I had recently read Psalm 23, and I had pondered about some of its Biblical meaning. Pastor Ulmer, in his message,'A Strange Place to be Blessed', gave me a further clarity and understanding as to the simple contents of Psalm 23. Thank you, Pastor Ulmer! We all have 'our valleys' to go through; and it is in our daily walk in Christ, (IN these valleys) that we experience many 'trials and tribulations'. HOWEVER, KNOW, that He ALWAYS takes us THROUGH these valleys. Hence, we can be joyful; as 'He IS the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE'.

Also, yesterday evening, as we gratefully contemplated all our Blessings, outside on our tid patio, and enjoying the gentle glow, we 'Thanked Him for our Blessings'. Alan and I do not know what will transpire this upcoming week; but we DO know, that He will Guide us THROUGH the various 'valleys'. When I listened to Pastor Ulmer this morning, there ARE NO Coincidences; as his message took me back to yesterday evening, when Alan and I were 'Praising Him In ALL Things'. Plus, 'ALL Things ARE Possible' with Him; and He says: 'Fear Not, For I Have Overcome the World'. We are Resting in Faithful Hope and Trusting Confidence, that He Will Prevail, as per His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan for us. That goes for each and every one of us.

Briefly, on 'Living Truth' today, Charles Price shares about how Thomas the Disciple, has made such an IMPACT on others; eventhough Thomas is known more as the 'Doubting Thomas'. Where in actual fact, Charles was emphasizing that one who initially has doubts, upon conviction, invariably turns out to be amongst the strongest Advocates and messagers of Christ. Thomas ventured all the way east to India, and established a ministry there; that is still present and sharing the message of the Good News today. Suggest too, that should you wish a further appreciation and expansion of knowledge, tune into Charles' solid teachings.

The 'above' pictures are those that I 'captured' in a fleeting bit moment, from our upstairs balcony, of the glorious sunset colours of the 'Heavenly' skies on Thursday evening. Methinks, the wonderous clouds resemble angels or doves (I LOVE white doves!). Some more gracious and breathtaking Blessings to enthusiastically Thank Him for!

Peace and God Bless.

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