Sunday, 10 January 2010

Again, 'Seek and Ye Shall Find!'

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It seems like tid ages since I last wrote; and yet, it was only two bit days ago! Both days came and went! The rest of Friday involved us in our business, as well as taking down the Christmas decorations. Bit by bit; tid by tid.

We were guests of our elderly Chinese friend / neighbour for a 'special' lunch on Saturday; and what a wonderful feast at a local restaurant! Prawns, shrimp, dumplings, soup, pork, noodles, green veggies, the works; following with an easy to digest semi frozen coconut pudding. I am not really a 'pudding fan'; but this was refreshingly tasty! We did not have room for dinner! LOL! When we returned home in the mid afternoon, I continued putting away more decorations, as well as cleaning out and reorganizing various cupboards. In the evening, we fell into bed, with grateful hearts; many bittids of Blessings to be thankful for!

This morning, I embraced again, 'Hour of Power', 'Enjoying Everyday Life', and 'Living Truth' on the Vision Channel. Alan is thankful for all three ministries; however, he appreciates an extra bittid of 'sleep in', before he and Blue go out for their morning walk. Then, with his cup of tea, we watch 'Living Truth' together. Of course, I am already enjoying my 'elixir' of coffee; being toasty warm, and curled up on our couch!

My apologies for not sharing tidbits from last Sunday; was on the go. However, methinks, it is still better for those who genuinely wish to 'Seek and Find' Christ, to tune into these resourceful programs for their enlightening teachings. Will say that, Pastor and Author, John Maxwell, was a guest on both 'Hour of Power' and 'Enjoying Everyday Life'. What a tidbit Blessing that was, to hear him twice in one morning! John gives his encouraging insights about 'Failure Moving Forward', and Wisdom; as well as reflecting on, how full is one's calendar? ie. Eventhough a calendar may not be 'full', it is a matter of WHO will fill the calendar? Are we just too 'busy busy' for God?

This morning on 'Hour of Power', I appeciated James Brown as a guest speaker - ie.
"Borrowing from the language of architecture and building, when we look at a wonderful, magnificent edifice and how it's able to stand sturdily and withstand all the wind and rain beating against it, it's very symbolic for what we go through in life. The foundation for our lives, the rock upon which it is rooted is Christ Jesus. So I decided to embrace that and apply that in everything that I was doing. We know that life will bring with it trials and tribulations as well as successes, but it's the foundation you're standing on – that's what's important." Plus, he tells his personal story in his new book, 'Role of a Lifetime'.

Dr. Sheila Schuller Coleman, and Dr. Robert Schuller Snr. are wonderfully uplifting as well! Dr. Schuller shares: "'The shoe must not tell the foot how big to grow.' That's a universal principle! You probably aren't in the leadership of a church, but that principle applies to you and to me. We set up limits that keep God from doing the bigger things He wants to do in our life. We must not limit God!"

Joyce Meyer on 'Enjoying Everyday Life' is impactful re: from last week, as well as today, with her empowering message on 'Making Right Decisions'; which essentially is Receiving Wisdom from Him. Today, Joyce shares her thoughts re: 'are we making the right decisions? ie. out of 'Wisdom' or are the decisions based on 'Emotional' issues, based on our fears, doubts etc?' I thought, interesting. Mmmmmm. NO coincidences, here folks! Alan and I have been 'fazed' with decisions; and it would appear on 'first blush'. that the many delays we have experienced, have been more of a hindrance, than a help. And, YET, we have chosen to 'step back'; and are reflecting, pondering - What is it, Christ would have us do?; as 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'.

Tomorrow and Tuesday will be 'telling days'; so, we have / are literally 'casting all our cares upon Him'. I think I will also follow Joyce's suggestion about reading a Proverb a day; she does!

In 'Living Truth', Charles Price shares how the Disciple, Andrew, brought Simon (Simon Peter) his brother, to Jesus. ie. Our role is to 'find people' to witness to about Jesus Christ; and we can build our 'Rock' foundation upon Him. Christ likens Peter to a 'Rock.' Again, methinks for those who wish to 'Seek and Ye Shall Find', check into the 'Living Truth' website - and you can learn more about the building of a solid foundation in your knowledge of Christ.

Also, now all the Christmas decorations have been packaged up, til next year. We rearranged our garage / basement and all the Christmas boxes are now 'organized' in one specific spot; and are no longer scattered about! Amen!

Tidbit - 'Organize' the Christmas decorations (or whatever) at the time; so as to be better 'streamlined' for the future.

Bittid - Appreciate a 'Day of Rest'; where you can reflect, ponder, and appreciate your Blessings.

Also, here are the other two websites! ie. 'Hour of Power' ( and 'Enjoying Everyday Life' ( Perhaps you know of someone, who needs a 'helping hand'; and by 'Paying it Forward', you can direct whomever, to these sites; to learn more about Christ.

Love the above photo image!

Peace and God Bless.

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