Sunday, 14 December 2008

Reflections on a wintery Sunday

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

First of all, my apologies for not writing a post yesterday. We had a lot 'on our plates'; and by the time evening fell, we were only too happy to fall into our cosy bed.

Yesterday was a full tid day; and when I was having a quiet time with Him in Prayer, I was 'given the thought' to go to the drugstore and select some Christmas candies! Well, we did that; and we were like 'children' again, picking out our favourite candies! We love 'Licorice Allsorts'; and there was a Christmas Special "2 for 1"; so we joyfully invested our pennies in those treats!

Plus, we ran into our dear friends (one of them is the son of the dear old friend, who had just passed away; as mentioned in my Dec 11th post). We were thankful to 'visit' with them; and all our spirits were uplifted a bit. Plus, we saw a few other friends; who are also very special to us! I let them all know that they made our day! I noticed most others who walked by us, were beaming at us! Methinks, a genuine smile, a gentle word, a kind action, is infectious! You should try it sometime, if you have not already done so! You may be amazed by the warmth and enthusiasm both given and received; it is like a 'party!'

We woke up to snow this morning; and once again, it is a breathtaking 'winter wonderland!' Also, enjoyed watching the 3 programs on the T.V. Vision Channel; and here are a few tidbits.

'Hour of Power' with Dr. Robert Schuller. Unfortunately, I missed the first 15 minutes of the 60 minute program; however, the remaining 45 minutes, was enlightening to me! Bill Hybels, Pastor of Willow Creek in Chicago, was back again as a guest; and his message again, was awesome! (You can refer to my post of December 7th, if wish some bittids!) He shares his story re: 'the Power of a Whisper'; and also refers to: "My sheep hear My voice, and they Heed it" (John's 10). Best thing I can suggest for you (who wish to) to hear his invaluable teaching; as it may be a solace of comfort to you, during these times and for always, is to tune into: Reminds me of my 'thought' (perhaps a 'whisper'), that I experienced yesterday, when I was in quiet Prayer with Him in a quiet spot. From what I heard today, I genuinely believe it was - a 'Whisper!' Also, as per my post of Dec 11th, re giving away some clothing to those less fortunate, methinks is also a 'Whisper!'

'Enjoying Everyday Life' with Joyce Meyer. I just love her; she is great; right on the mark! Her message: 'Stop blaming others, for our problems' is a major piece of solid and insightful advice! Also, to get 'really good at Forgiveness'. ie. She illustrates her teachings with the example of the Story of the 'Prodigal Son' - Luke 15, v 11-32 (one of my favourite stories from the Bible!). Joyce also briefly touches upon the comparable story of Joseph; that also is very dear to my heart. Joyce shares 6 signs of 'Unforgiveness'. Here they are. 1) 'always keeps score'; 2)'always boasts of own record - self righteousness'; 3)'always complains'; 4)'alienates, divides, and separates'; 5)'accuses, exposes'; and 6)'angry when someone is Blessed'. In a bittid, 'FORGIVE and come into the party'.

Interestingly enough, the special experience I had (You can refer to my post of 'Amazing Grace', Dec 12th for a bittidz background), about 'being lost and then found' is a strong validation; as well as Joyce's encouraging message today. ie The Story of the Prodigal Son, who was 'lost and then found'. Once again, her website is: As well as 'Do Yourself a Favor and Forgive', plus other wonderful resources, there is also, a new book -'Knocked down, but not out'.

'Living Truth' with Charles Price. Charles shares his illuminating message re: 'Fasting and Self Denial'. As a tidbit, I heartily recommend, you check into his website -; as you will gain a first hand knowledge and a better understanding of his in depth teachings. In a tidbitz, 'Fasting' is where you 'get into that secret place with God'. Charles gives many wonderful Biblical examples; best again, if you read the stories for yourselves. Being 'genuine' and 'not for show', is best.

This week is going to be a 'provocative' one; however, we are going to be joyful and confident that He will Provide Solution. Planning to see my daughter tomorrow. Best always - is to 'Praise Him In ALL Things'; to keep a courageous calm and a genuine focus on Him; more so than ever.

Hope you are enjoying a nice R & R weekend. Love the above photo image; very similar to our winter scene! In a bit, am going to appreciate a tid fire, as well as digesting informative insights from the excellent book, 'Revelation Unveiled' by Tim LaHaye.

God Bless.

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