Wednesday, 3 December 2008

The three 'want to be's'

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Our day was full; have not forgotten to share my tidbitz thoughts from the Vision Cnannel (you can refer to yesterday's post if you wish). However, tonight, am going to post our bittidz views on our Canadian politics. Alan has the wonderful gift of expressing words with such an elegant eloquence; so I asked him to help me convey our strong sentiments.

"We are completely dismayed at the goings on in Ottawa at the present time! The Conservative Party of Canada has been elected twice in the last 3 years; wherein, seven weeks ago, they were returned with a stronger mandate of elected MPs from ALL regions of Canada, representing 143 MPs, versus 77 for the Liberals, 37 for the NDP, and the remainder with the Separtist Bloc Quebecois.

In their tenure, it has been expressed by the G7, the G20, the IMP and the World Bank that the Canadian economy and the strength thereof, is the strongest in the WORLD! Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his MPs in the last 3 years, have taken tremendous strides to securing this exalted position in the world. For the other parties to suggest they could do better is absurd! Dion on Election night, almost announced his resignation, as well as all of his party wishing him a speedy departure! Dion, has dropped his Green Plan! Jack Layton is a socialist, with unacceptable remedies for our present circumstances. We have always wondered WHO the normal average Canadian families he is always talking about? Also, in this Coalition, he has dropped his demand in re: Corporate Income Tax. This is a complete 'about face' from what they fought the last election on! They are hypocrites and opportunists and sleeping with Duceppe of La Belle Province.

The reality is, that the world's dilema presently, was caused outside of Canada; and Stephen Harper and the Conservatives have taken numerous prudent steps to not only tax less and make Canada a more desirable investment location for manufacturers / industry, as well as paying down debt and not running a Federal deficit. So that we are presently in the strongest economic / financial situation, so that we do have more varied and flexible options to mitigate the slow-down in the world economy. In regards to job losses in the manufacturing sector / forestry, this has nothing to do with Federal policy; but with the realities of jobs migrating to a lower costing jurisdiction, as well as the slow-down in the U.S. housing market. Lest we forget, Canada has created approximately 300,000 more jobs this year! The U.S. has lost 2 million?? Also, the productivity of Canadian workers is less then in the United States. Which affects our standard of living. The CAW has suggested that the labour component in the car manufacturing sector has nothing to do with the plight of these companies. Duh!!!!!

For these three 'want to be's' to suggest they have their 'fingers on the pulse', is equally absurd and they should be embarassed! The Conservative Federal Government has been actively involved, meeting with all key world leaders for months, on all fronts to collaborate and to respond in a coordinated fashion; and are well known to these people and to the nuances of the game. Pray tell, how can a 'lame duck', Dion, who is to step down regardless, May/09 to be replaced by whom??? All the while, the Bloc sits and smiles as they (Dion and Layton)make sure he stays on side.

The NDP and the Liberals should keep their word throughout their election campaign and afterward, to work WITH the party that was deemed to be the winner; ie the Conservatives! They have abrogated. Listening to both of them this evening, is an embarassment! Dion should call it a day! For him to suggest he is worthy of the Prime Ministership of Canada is a disgrace!

They should all get in a room and forge a unified economic strategy to maintain our status in the world, as well as treating ALL regions of Canada fairly and equitably.

We do not feel this is possible under the proposed coup d'etat. None of the participants have outlined any of their remedies, save for a $31 Billion dollar stimulus package, that will put us into a deficit."

Will be back tomorrow with other bittids. However, wanted to share some 'political' tidbits with you. Love the above photo image!

Good Night and God Bless.

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